ChemTeam page…excellent tutorial page, with practice worksheets
and answers, along with some humorous and philosophical stuff about learning.
The favorite of a lot of chemistry teachers!
Resource List
Umea University Chemistry Resource List…you could spend days going
through the hundreds of resources from references to lesson plans.
Science is Fun in the Lab
of Shakhashiri!!
Science is Fun in the Lab of Shakhashiri! Demos, Chemical
of the Week, Science in the Media, Experiments You Can Do at Home.
Dr. Shakhashiri is famous for his chemical demonstration books.
Book Periodic Table of Elements
Comic book periodic table of elements…now this is cool! Shows
a specific comic book page where each element is mentioned. Also
provides links to other periodic tables to find additional information.
WebElements Periodic Table
Web Elements Periodic Table…a great source of information on every
element. Of all the periodic tables on the web, this is one of the
ChemDex links to most universities around the world, and also categorizes
by chemistry subtopic.
Nobel Prize Internet
Nobel Prize Internet Archive…the name says it all. Nobel
prize winner information in all categories.
of Biographies
Biographies of mathematicians that naturally crosses over in to
chemistry and physics.
School Chemistry Teaching WWW Resources
Classified by experiments, lesson plans, materials sources, organizations,
media, and other resource pages.
Mole Day Foundation
Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask
about National Mole Day!
The Mole Hole
Chemistry Teacher Resource Site
Visual Elements
Visual version of the periodic table...get posters!