Welcome to Ron's web page
where east meets west & other stuff...
At Sandy Beach, age 19 With Baron Von Zedwitz and Melanie, age 12 ...... With Madeleine in Paris, age 4
My Factfile:
name: ronald alexander
van der linden residence:
japan Practicing for the U.S. Open East and West Did you know that more than half the planet's inhabitants
live in Asia? As the world's most heavily populated region, it is rich in
history and traditions. Economically powerful, it contains half the world's
top ten exporting countries (Japan, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea). The West continues to lead the way in science and
technology. Computers, space travel, and telecommunications are examples
of the West's recent advances. It's cultural influence has reached the far
corners of the globe via film, music, and fast food. Wanna see some pictures? Click on the links: E-mail me at ronvlinden@gmail.com (I'll let you
know what the chinese character means!)
birthplace: the hague, the netherlands
i am: chinese, dutch, indonesian
tidbits: speaks english & dutch (hoe gaat het?)
travel adventures: (europe, asia, north america,australia)
sports: tennis, hiking, jogging, basketball, kayaking(quit)