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The 2003 Joe and Angie Classic
September 13, 2003, Frederic Country Club, Frederic, WI |
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Justin and Dan are at it again. We are getting set to host another golf tournament! For those of you who missed last year, sucks to be you; but you have an opportunity to redeem yourself!
The tournament will be held on Saturday, September 13th in Frederic, WI. We will start teeing off at 10 AM. BE THERE by 9! Frederic is about 1.5 hours from the Twin Cities.
Total cost for the tournament will be $50- $24 for greens fees/cart and $16 for entry fee, and $10 for a buffet dinner after the tournament. The entry fee will go towards buying prizes for the winning teams and hole-by-hole winners, as well as "collectibles" for everyone!
Your payment of $16 will confirm your entry into the Joe & Angie Classic field (you will pay the greens fees/buffet at the course on the day of the tournament). Please pay Justin or Dan as soon as you can so we can accurately plan things out!
can be used to pay online. Use junior1039@yahoo.com as the email address you'd like to send payment to.
Dan's mailing address- 225 E. Saint George Ave, Grantsburg, WI 54840
Justin's mailing address- 7417 Russell Ave. S., Richfield, MN 55423
2003 Pairings, Team Names, and Tee Times
10:00am- "Splash Splash Bang Bang"- Dan Hinrichs Jr., Nate Peitersen, Ben Peterson, Bob Rombach
10:09am- "My Neighbors"- Mike Kennedy, Johnathan Kochel, Ryan Thomas, Lance X
10:18am- "Rooster"- Andy Lozier, Steve Lozier, Joe Mundt, Casey X
10:27am- "Mich Golden Lights"- Brant Chalupsky, Steve Generaux, Nate Lane, John Peitersen
10:36am- "Eephus Duck Hook"- Tim McCoy, Bip Roberts, Kirk Walton
10:45am- "Bada Bing"- Joey Gonzalez, Chris Lenius, Tony Notermann, Jeff Rosner
10:54am- "Vat 69"- Mike Biebl, Tim Bruns, Chad Clasemann, Mike Frost
11:03am- "Blue"- Papa Bleck, Dan Hinrichs Sr., Tom Robinson
11:12am- "Windsor Bulldogs"- Levi Dickie, Matt Fury, Francis Morice, Tim Spielman
11:21am- "Angelina Jomammie"- Chris Baxter, Adam Bleck, Mike Farrington, Justin Robinson
Directions to the Frederic Country Club
From the Twin Cities:
Take I-35 north to the Highway 8 exit (just north of Forest Lake)
Head east on Highway 8 all the way to Wisconsin.
You'll go up a huge hill as you enter Wisconsin. Continue on 8 for a few more miles.
Stay in the left lane, looking for Wisconsin 35 heading NORTH.
Turn north on 35.
You'll go through a few small towns on 35...keep forging onward and eventually you will get to Frederic.
As you enter Frederic, you will pass Larsen Auto on your right. Soon after Larsen is the golf course (also on the right).
If you get to an intersection with Highway 48, turn around. You went too far.
Confirmed Field for the 2003 Joe and Angie Classic
1. Justin Robinson- Co-founder of the J & A will be making his second tournament appearance and looks to defend his beer drinking title on the new course. A member of the only team to wear matching shirts last year, Robi certainly has something up his sleeve for 2003!
2. Dan Hinrichs- Not only is Dan the co-founder of the tournament, he was part of the winning team last year AND allowed a woman to play. Hootie, eat your heart out, this guy is controversial as hell.
3. Mike Farrington- This is Mike’s second JA and maybe he can find his sack and stick around to get drink with the “real” participants. Oh yeah, the dude loves Stacy Mack.
4. Dan "Bip" Roberts- This saucy southpaw will be participating in his 2nd JA. He doesn’t have any wood, but damn his irons are long. 40 yds. to be exact. Be careful cause he may bop you on the head.
5. Mike Frost- Frost postpones a move to Germany to participate in his second JA. His funny ass hat is only off-set by his funny ass ass. One that he displays proudly any time a pigeon farts.
6. Chris Baxter- Baxter is a valuable contributor to the planning and organizing of the JA. Known for his porno prizes and sexy signs, Baxter is actually really terrible at golf. But the dude likes his beer and for that he is welcome!
7. Nate Peitersen- Nate is participating in his second JA. Is one of the best damn golfers in the world…so long as your playing on the PS2 or X-Box. Never-the-less, Nate adequately manages a putter in one hand and a bottle of Jameson in the other. Did I mention he has steel cajones? Ask about the story, Nate loves it!
8. Dan Hinrichs, Sr.- "Lebeau" has been fuming for the past 10 months about not being able to come through with a victory in last year's JA. "The Joe and Angie was the most prestigious tournament I played in last year, and I golfed like $#!T," he tells anyone within earshot. Senior will be a tough competitor this year, as he plans on playing numerous practice rounds at the tournament site before the Classic.
9. Tony Notermann- Tony is in his second JA. After dodging falling trees in Richfield this summer, Tony hopes that he can maneuver his balls around the trees on the course. Tony brings a fresh breath of sobriety to the tournament and will likely have to carry his drunken teammates in the tournament.
10. Andy Lozier- Andy will be joining the party for the second year in a row. He holds some home court advantage being a Grantsburg native. This year Andy may be holding back a little. With a new baby coming round the corner, he may not be as quick to gather the glut of porn offered up at the JA. Wait, who are we kidding, Andy LOVES the Porn!
11. Kirk Walton- Kirk “Big Texas” Walton will also participate in his second JA. The Chaskan is well renowned for his club throwing ability and spastic fits on the course. Whatever team he plays with will be in for some entertainment. What he lacks in golf, he makes up for in Bocce ball. The kid can throw a bocce!
12. Joe Mundt- Joe is a JA rookie this year. He’s got a nasty slice and a competitive streak. Look for Joe to cut loose and break a dozen laws at the after tournament drunk fest. Police officers can get away with that stuff. It’s like a cult.
13. Adam Bleck- Arkansas Bleck is participating in JA #2. He helped carry his team to win absolutely nothing last year and hopes to accomplish a wee bit more this time around. The plan this year is to give him as much alcohol as possible; cause when he’s hammered, he hiccups and dammit, I can’t stop laughing at that.
14. John Peitersen- John is another rookie to this year’s tournament. John, the older brother of Nate Peitersen looks to show us which brother got the “good” genes. Since I’ve never seen John golf, I can’t comment on his ability, but the dude is studying to be doctor and aren’t all doctors good at golf? At least we’ll have some medical staff on hand when Hagel falls in the fire.
15. Casey X- Like's Beer, nothing less that a 18 pack will do. Has had a couple of run-ins with the Beverage Cart girls, he makes casual conversation with them while stealing beer from behind their back. He's a typical N.D. guy, likes his beer cold and his sheep warm. He's a par golfer, about once or twice a round. While hangin' at the Pass By Softball games he's become accustomed to watching losers, so don't be intimidated.
16. Brant Chalupsky- Brant will join us for the first time this year at the JA. Brant brings his amazing perma-grin to the tournament and looks to contend for some good porn. When he’s not contributing to the delinquency of minors, Brant enjoys bludgeoning people on the skull with a LaCrosse stick. Keep that putter away from me.
17. Matt Fury- A Grantsburg local, Fury brings his golf game to the JA for the first time. A crafty pitcher for the local amateur baseball team, he has been known to drink large quantities of Windsor while maintaining enough sense to be a good wingman for his buddies, and should be a strong contender for the porn.
18. Ben Peterson- Another Grantsburg ballplayer, Ben has been known to attract many a young female to him on road trips. A U of M frat boy, the guy can go beer a hole and still be able to see straight on that 18th hole birdie putt.
19. Chris Lenius- Chris participates in his second Joe and Angie Classic. This off-season Chris invested in golf lessons and a new baby. Which is more valuable to his JA team, I’ll let you be the judge. Look for Chris to use his mastery of physics to overanalyze each stroke of the putter.
20. Tom Robinson- The “King” makes his presence felt at the JA for the first time this year. TR should be a valuable asset to his team in both the golf and drinking. He may rival Rick White in the alcohol consumption area. Strong candidate for long drive and shortest missed put contests.
21. Jeff Rosner- "Trash" returns to the JA for the 2nd year. Last year's #1 seeded golfer, he is looking to bring the ball the extra six inches into the fairway in order to win the long drive competition. A big Nebraska fan, comments about Huskers and jail time will be sure to get this kid riled up.
22. Tim Bruns- B-Dogg makes the trip north for the second year in a row. A former employee of Bearpath, Bruns has gone on record saying that "the Joe and Angie is much more prestigious than anything that Nicklaus course can attract." Like Rosner, he's a big Husker fan, but I think that's more for the fact he routinely beats Oklahoma 112-0 in College Football '95...or because he's a big Eric Crouch fan.
23. Mike Biebl- Make sure you tell all the kids "earmuffs" when Biebl shows up. According to legend, his first word was "F**k!" after he spilled his sipper of milk, and he hasn't quit blowin' the F-bomb since. There's no mistaking this is a guy you want on your team though...he can hit the ball and he makes sure your beer is full.
24. Bob Rombach- Bob returns for his second JA and will be attempting to defend his 2002 title. A vicious competitor, Bob has been known to awaken his newborn daughter (and his wife) in the wee hours of the morning after blasting foes into oblivion in a "friendly" game of Halo.
25. Drew Metoxen- Drew makes his initial foray into the mystique of the J & A. A Grantsburg native, Drew will have his foursome in stitches with his lightning-quick wit and would swim through a water hazard to save a can of beer.
26. Levi Dickie- Swap Meet Levi returns for a second trip to the JA. Levi will be more in his element at the new course this year...they have a booze cart in addition to a beer cart, so his trademark Colorado Bulldogs should be flowing freely!
27. Joey Gonzales- Gonzo returns for a second helping of the J & A. His golf pedigree is impressive- he's one of the few players known to have sliced it all the way over I-94 from the #2 tee box in Albany as well as fly one over two fairways. It's unknown if he still hits the 6.5 degree driver or if that was left out in South Dakota. Still, he is probably more well known for being stuffed in the trunk on the way home from the bar at last year's JA...
28. Mike Kennedy- Kennedy joins the JA crowd for the first time this season. He's a big-money player, as evidenced by his sinking of a match-clinching putt while fighting off a Vat 69-induced hangover this year in Spicer. Always an instigator, "the Don" likes to talk smack about anything and everything, but he'll pour you a drink to take some of the sting off his words.
29. Ryan Thomas- A star for Joe Senser's softball, Thomas is another JA rookie. After being the victim of Kennedy's big-money putt as mentioned in the previous bio (and a victim of the Vat as well), he's looking to make a big splash here in Wisconsin, both on the golf course and at the bar.
30. Tim Spielman- A true outdoorsman, Tim can forage through any wilderness to find an errant golf shot. He's also a savvy fantasy football player, the only GM I've ever known to make it through an entire regular season undefeated. Watch the Windsor when you're around this guy...
31. Francis Morice- Francis makes a return trip to the JA this year. A fine dart thrower, he can also throw darts with his wedges from inside 100 yards. Plus, he is one of the few people around that can pronounce Samir's last name correctly!
32. Pop Bleck- The elder and quite honestly wiser of the Bleck clan. He's the father of last years longest drive runner up Adam Bleck. He's not to bad for a "south paw" when it comes to shooting the stick. He's up for a little malted refreshment but keep him away from the bev-cart girls. (where do you think Adam gets his charm?)
33. Lance X- He's a scratch golfer, not the score, himself. He's a rookie to the J & A but he knows the routine. (I told him about Jared's loss of the keys last year) Lance bought some new clubs this year but they're not tarnished yet, some might still have the price tag on them.
34. Tim McCoy- He golfs. He drinks. He knows Bleck. Well, two out of three ain't bad...
35. Nate Lane- Corey Dillon's biggest fan, this guy can also bag a mean bag of groceries. Better yet, he can tell other people to bag a mean bag of groceries. Make sure you check his golf bag...you know there's going to be more than golf equipment hidden in there. Hopefully he can figure out a way to keep all the beer cold in it!
36. Steve Generaux- New to the northwoods, Steve brings a tough game of golf to the JA and his teammates will definitely be happy to have him on the squad. A fellow fantasy footballer, you may need to nudge him out of his deep thought about the Lions running back situation to get him to drain a seemingly impossible putt.