Everyone who applies will win at least this award, because I know what it feels like to apply and NEVER get the award.

Now this award is a little harder to get. It requires all of the Things listed below.
I am starting my Tara Lipinski web page award. If you think your page fits up to the standards below e-mail me your name and URL of your page at: taragonpro@hotmail.com or fil out the form below. What your page shoulld have is listed below and you can apply as many times as you want.
1)Your page should have NO broken links
2)Your page should have good up to date info. about Tara
3)Your page can NOT have any pictures or text that are not proper about ANY skaters.
4)Your page can NOT have ANY pornagraphic pics on it
5)Your page should have color not just plain black and white

NOTE: If you already have won an award and would rather have this one (I would) just fill out the form and tell me your URL, e-mail addy ,& name and I will send you the award!!!!