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For My Family
These words are from one of the songs that I sing.
Earths Loss, Heavens Gain
Register Here the sign reads in the parlor,
Two songs were her request for me to sing,
I stopped and told the family how I Loved Her
And I was sorry that the death angel came.
All the flowers that were sent, she didn't need them,
Then the sermons was preached after I sang,
All the friends that dropped by it didn't matter,
What Earth Lost, yesterday, Heaven gained.
Look what's happening in Heaven,
A Cheer went up as she walked through the gate,
And the change in her, what a difference,
Why she's as young and beautiful as a babe,
Guess who's got His arms around her,
And He just wiped the last tear from her eyes,
He said, "Child, welcome home forever,
Come and Rest, by the River of Life.
She never had earth's treasures,
She didn't want them,
Just to provide for her Family, Nothing more,
She often talked about her home in Heaven,
She'd been so longing for,
She said when I leave this world
Don't be crying,
For to me it will be just a stepping stone,
And when I close my eyes for the last time,
I'll step out of this world, I'll be Home.
Look what's happening in Heaven,
A cheer went up as she walked through the gate,
And the change in her, what a difference,
Why she's as young and beautiful as a babe,
Guess who's got His arms around her,
And He just wiped the tears from her eyes,
He said, "Child welcome home forever,
Come and Rest by the River of Life,
He said, "Child Welcome Home Forever,
Come and Rest by the River of Life.
Memories Keep
Those We Love
Close to Us Forever
Although words seem to say so little
I hope they help in some small way
to ease the sense of loss
that you're experiencing today.
Hold fast to your memories,
to all of the cherished moments
of the past,
to the blessings and the laughter,
the joys and the celebrations,
the sorrow and the tears.
They all add up to a treasure of
fond yesterdays that you shared
and spent together, and they will
keep the one you loved close to
you in spirit and thought.
The special moments
and memories in your life
will never change.
They will always be in your
heart, today and forevermore.
poem by: Linda Knight
For the Promise of Jesus Return - Revelations 22:12-14 reads:
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me,
to give every man according as his work shall be.
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,
the first and the last.
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they
may have right to the tree of life, and may enter through the
gates into the city.
Although this was created for My Mother, My Grandfather,
My Aunt Sue, My Aunt LaVerna and the other family members
who are grieving the loss of our Aunt Viola, as well as her
extended family, I believe that it is a special page for all
of those who have lost special Loved Ones. If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior PLEASE check out the links below to join us at the gates of Heaven, to enter into Life Eternal, with God the Father, and Jesus Christ His Son.
Special Link
Don't Worry Be Happy
Warm and Gentle Hugs
I Refuse to be Discouraged
Love Letter From Jesus
....And Jesus Wept....
Kathy, ThePTA