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- Official Rules -

OVERVIEW: the League will consist of 12 owners, who by selecting 14 point-scoring offensive players, and 2 defensive teams, will accumulate points on a weekly and seasonal basis.


1. DRAFT: a draft will be held before the start of the current NFL season. At this draft, each of the 12 owners will compile a team consisting of the following current NFL players:

2 Quarterbacks

4 Running Backs

4 Wide Receivers

2 Tight Ends

2 Kickers

2 Defensive/Special Teams

The lottery will be held to determine the order of the draft. Once the first round of drafting has been completed, the second round begins in reverse order, and so on. Trading of draft picks is NOT allowed. There will be a 2 minute time limit per pick. If an owner must pass on his/her pick due to the time limit, that owner will be given 2 picks on his/her following pick. The 1999 draft will take place 9/9 after work at Reeds.

2. ROSTERS: by Noon on Friday (for Saturday, Sunday and Monday games), each owner must submit their "starting lineup" weekly, for the duration of the NFL regular season.

Use the CFFL web site to submit your line-up by clicking on the "Submit Line-Up" button that can be found on the top of every page.   The entry form is password protected.  Contact Ed S. for the password.   To submit your line-up simply fill in the online form and click on the "Send!" button.  A formatted e-mail will be sent to Commissioner Kevin C., League Director Bruce K., and Web Master Ed S.   If you make a mistake after clicking "Send!" just resubmit a new form and add a note in the Notes portion of the form to let us know that the first submission should be disregarded.

This lineup must consist of:

1 Quarterback

2 Running Backs

2 Wide Receivers

1 Tight End

1 Kicker

1 Defensive/Special Team

If an owner has a team or player(s) involved in a Thursday game, the roster for the player(s) or team is due by Noon on Thursday or by Noon on Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day.

NOTE: If an owner fails to submit their starting roster by the assigned time, his/her roster will default to the previous weeks.

3. ROSTER MOVES: an owner can sign free agents for a cost of $2 each. In order to do so, a player of the same position must be released. These transactions are to be handed into the league commissioner by noon on Friday (or as stated above in the Roster section). In the event that more than one owner claims the same free agent, the team which has the lowest current point total will be awarded the free agent. The second tie breaker will be a coin flip. If an owner fails to acquire a player because of a tie breaker, that owner has an option to pick up another free agent and adjust his/her weekly roster. Players or teams that are released are available to be signed by any owner the week following their release.

To make a transaction, use the "Transaction" box on the line-up submission form.  See ROSTERS section above for line-up submission instructions.

  1. SCORING: (pertains to active players/team only)

By offense:

6 points for each rushing or receiving TD

4 points for each passing TD

1 point for each 10 yards rushing or receiving

1 point for each 20 yards passing

3 points for each FG less than 40 yards

4 points for each FG between 40 and 49 yards

5 points for each FG between 50 and 59 yards

6 points for each FG greater than 59 yards

2 points for each player involved in scoring on a 2 point conversion

1 point for each PAT

By defense/special teams:

6 points for TD (including punt and kickoff returns)

5 points for a shutout

2 points for each safety

1 point for each sack, interception or fumble recovery


NOTE: FANTASY COMMISIONER 99 will be used as the official source for statistics



The 12 owners will be divided into 3 divisions and will compete against each other according to the posted schedule for NFL weeks 1 to 14. The 2 teams with the best records that win their division will have a bye week from head-to-head competition for week 15. The next 4 best teams (the 3rd division winner (first wild card seed) plus the next 3 best teams based upon winning %) will be the wild card teams and will compete in a single elimination playoff beginning week 15. The winners will advance to the Playoffs in week 16. The winners here will advance to the head-to-head championship in week 17.

Tie breakers:

step Total Points Winner Bye Week/Division Winner(*) Wild Card Team(*) Playoff Game
1. most TD for week <includes defense> (starts week 17, then 16, etc.) head-to-head best winning % against other teams in tie head-to-head best winning % against other teams in tie most TD <includes defense>
2. coin flip head-to-head most net points against other teams in tie head-to-head most net points against other teams in tie total passing, rushing and receiving yards
3. lowest draft postion (12 = lowest) lowest draft postion (12 = lowest) coin flip
* if 2 clubs remain tied after 3rd or other teams are elmininated during any step, tiebreaker reverts to step 1 of applicable category



The weekly fee is $5 per team. $25 of this money will be awarded to the owner that accumulates the most points (ties split the money) for each week of the NFL regular season . The rest of the weekly fee money will be held by the League Treasurer (Carla Venditti) and awarded to the first ( $250), second ($150) and third ($100) place finishers in total points for the season. The winner of the Head-to-Head competition will be awarded $95. Alll of the money collected for free agent signings will be split between the owners of the division with the best out of conference record. Awards will be handed out upon completion of the NFL regular season.

NOTE: the fantasy football season ends at the conclusion of the NFL regular season.



Any disputes must be submitted to the League Commissioner (Kevin Chern) who will render a decision within 24 hours. ALL DECISIONS ARE FINAL!


NO trades are allowed
NO player/team retention from year-to-year
Submit weekly point totals by noon on Tuesday
A master binder will be kept which will include team rosters, transactions, weekly score sheets, current standings, etc.
Each owner should pick a team nickname
Each division should pick a division name



Copyright © 1999 Claims Fantasy Football League
Last modified: September 15, 1999