July 17,
getting closer! Right now we are smack in the middle of summer, but
before we know it its gonna be time for the annualShinkyu Shiai, or
promotional exam. So, as we have the rest of the summer plus a
couple months to practice I thought it may be a good time to start
thinkng about getting ready. Here is a copy of the Shinkyu Shiai
study guide which is provided by the AUSKF. It is in PDF format so
your .computer will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader. Good
Shinkyu Shiai study
Visitors are
ALWAYS welcome!!!
 Come by for practice or visit with us at
the dojo. Practice is every Monday night from
Mar Vista Recreation
Center 11430 Woodbine St
Los Angeles,
California 90066
If you have any
questions, please email
 "To ask may be a
moment's shame, But not to ask and remain ignorant is a
lifelong shame."