Hihiya to all out there! You have stumbled across my webpage (as if you haven't figured that out by now). This page was created as boredom struck another victim once upon a time, and was intended on being a personal page with lots of cool stuff. Well, take a look around and see what it amounted to. There is a section that contains pictures of my friends and family for you to browse (as if I am speaking to cattle) through. If you have time to stay, I have a page full of stories and sayings that can be entertaining. There is also a link to a page full of midi's for you to download (this is where you can find your own copy of any song you hear playing while you are here). I also have a page with a list of my mp3s that are availible. This is only the beginning, and I invite you to explore more. I work hard on this page to make your stay a success and your questions, comments, complaints and deep thoughts are always welcome! In the meantime, feel free to browse all that you want, you can catch me on AOL as Rainpaw, and my ICQ # is 16278572. Or if all else fails, you can e-mail me at madmax@napanet.net. Til then, enjoy your stay, and don't forget to sign the guestbook before you leave.