Earth Science Honors



 Ms. Ripollone

This course is designed to develop higher order thinking skills in areas such as science process, reading, and study skills for future science courses. During the year students will form knowledge of concepts about the Earth to understand our environmental issues and problems that face us today. Students will develop a strong understanding for the geological history, structure and processes that have shaped the earth. Topics will include meteorology, earth chemistry and structure, ocean structure, and space. Integration of technology will play a major role in the presentation of information and assignments


Grading Policy:
2 Quarters 1 Semester grade. (There are two semesters to the year)
Each quarter is worth 40% of the Semester grade
Semester exam- 20%
Each Quarter grade will be determined by the following:


Homework: No late homework will be accepted. If an assignment is due on the day you are absent, it must be turned in the day you return.  All homework must be typed!


Tests: I do not give retest. If you are absent on the day of a test previously  announced, the test will be taken on the day you return. If you miss the test review, and return on the day of the test, see me before class.


Labs: Lab makeup is important to the content of this course. If you miss a lab you must see the teacher for make up.


Make up work: It is your responsibility to come see me whenever you miss class. Missed work will be completed in the amount of days of your absence unless other arrangements are made. Any missing work not completed in the time allotted will become a zero.


Prearranged Absence: If you know previously that you will not be in class (i.e. athletic or club event, doctor’s appointment, etc.) it is your   responsibility to have any homework assignment, lab or project due that  day in my mailbox before you leave or it is a zero. If we are taking a test or quiz the day you will miss come see me the day before you leave so we can set a time to take the test. It is your responsibility to speak to me or another student to get the assignment to be handed in the next day of class. You are responsible for doing the homework, quiz, or test the next day.

Required Materials:           1) Textbook: Earth Science: Tarbuck and Lutgens
                                                2) Three ring binder or Notebook
                                                3) loose-leaf paper (optional)
                                                4) Pencils
                                                5) Graphing calculator
                                                6) Metric ruler
                                                7) Laboratory supplies (occasionally)

8) Lab Folder



Classroom Rules

1) Be in class in your seat by the time the bell rings. If you are not, this will count as a late!
2) Be RESPECTFUL of the teacher and others (ex. no talking out loud, no negative comments about others, no inappropriate conversations or comments in class.)
3) Be PREPARED for class (bring book, calculator, pencils, ruler, etc.)
4) Ask before doing (before getting up to sharpen a pencil, raise hand before speaking etc.)

General Procedures:    

1) Each class will begin promptly when the bell rings with prayer.

2) NO hats are to be worn in the classroom.
3) If you are late to class, bring me the note and quietly sit down and begin the assignment being worked on.
4) If you have a note to leave during class, bring the note to me before class and get the assignment to be turned in the next day. When it is time for you to leave, quietly pack up your belongings and leave.
5) If it is essential for you to leave the room, raise your hand at an appropriate time. Please return to class in a timely fashion.
6) NO gum, food, candy, or drinks are to be consumed in the classroom.

7) Any destruction of school property will not be tolerated. (i.e. lab tables, bulletin boards, etc.)   
8) I dismiss you at the end of class, THE BELL DOES NOT!

9) ALL Students must be in DRESS CODE!




Listed below are movies that may be shown in class during the year:


Star Trek Movie or Episode

Red Planet


Apollo 13

The Core

The Day After Tomorrow

Star Wars Movies


Dante’s Peak



Parents please make a note my e-mail and website below

e-mail :


Website : or

Website will have all assignments and extra credit. Students will also find helpful links for researching and homework. Please note there is a link on edline to my site; however, if edline

does not work you can access the site by entering the address in your web browser.


Extra Credit will be given during the semester.

These procedures will be kept in the student’s notebook for future reference.








Please sign and return to teacher




Student Signature _________________________                                   Date: _______________



Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________                                Date: ________________