



I.        The first sub-topic

A.     First supporting information for the sub-topic

1.      Detail of the information

2.      Detail of the information

B.     Second supporting information for the sub-topic

1.      Detail of the information

2.      Detail of the information

II.     The second sub-topic

A.     First supporting information for the sub-topic

1.      Detail of the information

2.      Detail of the information

B.     Second supporting information for the sub-topic

1.      Detail of the information

2.      Detail of the information

III.   The third sub-topic

A.     First supporting information for the sub-topic

1.      Detail of the information

2.      Detail of the information

B.     Second supporting information for the sub-topic

1.      Detail of the information

2.      Detail of the information



First paragraph. All paragraphs in the body of the report are indented and double-spaced.

Additional paragraphs.

Works Cited

First reference. The text begins at the left margin of the paper. Lines are double-spaced. When the entry is longer than one line, the second line is automatically indented.

Additional references.


1   The outline

q     The introduction states the main topic or idea of the outline, and the conclusion summarizes it.

q     Each sub-topic describes the main idea for a paragraph.

q     Supporting information and details for a sub-topic are listed under the sub-topic, with each piece of information listed separately.

q     When supporting information is listed under a sub-topic, there are at least two pieces of information listed. If there is only one piece of information to support a sub-topic, the information is included in the sub-topic.

2   The paper

q     The paper follows the organization of the outline.

q     Each paragraph in the paper matches a sub-topic in the outline, and presents the information and details listed under the sub-topic.

q     Each paragraph includes a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

q     Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

q     Every sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark.

q     All words are spelled correctly.

q     There are no missing words.

3   Works cited

q     Every source has a specific reference in the paper. Include only the sources that are mentioned in the paper.

q     Each entry follows the correct format for the type of reference.

q     Entries are listed in alphabetical order, according to the author’s last name.

Tips for Writing Your Report

1   Create a schedule

q     Identify the tasks you need to do.

q     Arrange the tasks in the order you’ll need to do them.

q     Estimate how long each task will take. Be sure to allow enough time for editing and making changes.

q     Identify the date the report is due, and then set a schedule showing what work you’ll need to do each day in order to have your report ready on time.

2   Add interest

q     Use graphs and charts to illustrate an idea.

q     Add a picture, photo, or drawing.

q     Include a map.

q     Find a quotation and use it to make your point.

3   Make every word count

q     Choose words your reader will understand. Remember that you want to communicate your ideas to the person reading your paper.

q     Avoid clichés.

q     Use a thesaurus to replace overused words and find new ways to express your ideas.