Welcome! You have reached a web site produced by John S Gilbody (based in Hampshire, England) dedicated to the memory of the famous runner and orienteer Gordon Pirie. On this site you will find extensive links to all things Gordonian, together with details of the last book Gordon wrote, which I edited and have self-published (both online and as a "regular book"). Sign Guestbook View GuestbookThis site now has a permanent URL - www.gordonpirie.com (please use when linking to us). This way, you will always be able to find us wherever we may roam! **** NEWSFLASH (31/03/07): A new 'ultimate edition' of the book is now available. This includes all the photographs and other scans that were previously in the separate 'extras' file i.e. everything is now in this single file rather than two. Hopefully it will make the book more interesting to read! Please share this book as widely as you wish. Gordon's strong views on running shoe manufacturers always meant this would be a self-published venture, and my whole purpose in seeing this through was to fulfil my promise to Gordon to 'spread the word', before he died at a ridiculously early age of cancer.
If Gordon still exists somewhere in some form, you can be sure he'll be 'running wild' in the middle of nowhere, racing towards eternity. He was always a 1950s athlete with an unfashionably (for the time) modern outlook. In the Web 2.0 era, he would be in his element. ULTIMATE EDITION AVAILABLE FOR FREE HERE. This supercedes all previous versions of the book.
This link provides the book in pdf, MS Word and MP3 (yes!) formats. Site created 16 Nov 1998, last updated 23 March 2007. There is also an 'extras' file available for free HERE.
(Many thanks to RunningPast.com for the photos)
The objective of this web site is to be a long-lived and definitive resource about Gordon Pirie. If you have any reminiscences or memories about Gordon that you would like to share, please e-mail them to me and I will add them to a new Memories page. If only a hard copy is available, then post it to me and I will scan it in. If you find any significant hyperlinks that I have missed, or have anything Gordonian at all that could be posted on this site, again, let me know, and I will add it. |
Running Fast and Injury Free is now available free online! UPDATED WITH PHOTOS: You can access a pdf file of the book here - updated 4 January 2004. N.B. UPDATED BOOK (17/03/07) IS HERE. Some extras are also available online (Acrobat format), and more will be added as webspace permits. Currently available: The London Evening Standard
interview with Gordon, done shortly before he died, and the programme of the Memorial Service for Gordon that was held in Fleet Street, London,
and was attended by many athletics "luminaries".
Gordon Pirie media clippings from
the "Gilbody collection": Photographs, news clippings, telegrams etc.
These are very extensive, and have been compiled into a 12MB pdf file, comprising high quality scans of most of the collection (e.g. many original photographs from press archives which cannot be obtained anywhere else). The entire file can be downloaded for free HERE. |
British Pathe: Click this link for FREE cinema newsreels of Gordon courtesy of Pathe!! An example (quoted): "128.05 | PIRIE: ATHLETE OF THE YEAR (1:05:05:00 - 1:07:17:00) 16/11/1953 Croydon & Coulsdon. CU Gordon Pirie for super title. Back view, Gordon Pirie walking to work. SCU pan, Pirie entering bank. SV Lloyds bank. SV Mr Frayling. the bank manager, seated at his desk. Pirie enters with a ledger. CU the two men examining ledger. SCU & CU Pirie and manager. SCU some of Pirie's trophies, at his home. SV Gordon Pirie at home opening his mail. CU letter from his German coach. CU & SCU Pirie reading letter. CU Pirie's German coach, Waldemar Gerschler, watching Pirie running during his recent visit to Germany. CU pan, Pirie's legs, showing long stride as he runs, & LV. CU pan, German coach watching. SV Pirie laying on couch. SCU technicians, preparing apparatus which will measure Pirie's heart beats and pulse. CU contacts being placed on Pirie's wrists. CU Pirie on couch. LV Pirie leaving his home for his usual nightly training run. SV Pirie towards. SV Pirie walking up to mike for interview (night shots). CU Pirie (lead-in for voice). SCU Pirie saying (natural sound): "If everything were a hundred per cent, I think I could run a 4 minute mile". CU John Parsons asking: "Do you think you will have a chance soon to race against Zatopek?" Pirie replies: "...probably next August, in the European Championships, in five and ten thousand metres." John Parsons: "You think you'll beat him?". Pirie: "Zatopek's running better than he's ever run... and I've got a long way to go before equalling his performance." LV pan, Zatopek winning and beating record in the 5 km race. He speeds up even more, and passes post. SV and LV. Pan Gordon Pirie doing his nightly training run, people watching. (Orig.Neg. & Lav.) (Orig.H. & I.) (Speech Track L.) (Title scene M.)" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Impossible Hero by Dick Booth ![]() Dick Booth's autobiography of Gordon Pirie was launched for sale on 18 Nov 1999. Entitled The Impossible Hero, the book can be bought from Amazon.co.uk (£16.00) or bookshop.co.uk (£16.50) - curiously, it is not available at Amazon.com or most other online bookstores. Check out my book reviews at the stores! N.B. Feltham Press, of 111 Station Rd, New Milton, Hants BH25 6JP, UK, emailed me to let me know that they are now the sole distributors for all remaining copies of The Impossible Hero. Overall impression: Lots of b&w photos, detailed (296 pages), not negative about Gordon (I was worried about the title). If you're interested in this era of athletics, buy it and you won't be disappointed, but don't expect running tips. Extra info: The official book launch was on Monday 22 Nov 1999 in London. |
Recommended running newsgroup |
Some good Gordon Pirie hyperlinks:
1 >One of several links on this page to the excellent Australian online running magazine Running Writing, who have reviewed Gordon's book Running Fast and Injury Free, and discussed whether the training and shoe recommendations made by Gordon are any good.
2 >Discussion of Gordon's approaches to training, including Gerschler's Interval Training, of which Gordon was a great advocate. Also see http://www.runnersworld.com/training/evolution2.html
3 >http://www.american-trackandfield.com/atf/news/1301.html
4 >http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/8499/rw_09_98.html
5 >http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/8499/rw_10_98.html
6 >Look up "Pirie" on this page.
7 >Running quotes.
8 >http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Pressbox/2204/
9 >http://www.runnersweb.com/running/pirie_book.html
10 >Gordon wrote a book called The Challenge of Orienteering. This is now out of print but you may be able to get it here.
11 >Vintage Sportscaster Card featuring a photograph of Gordon, available for sale at $2.00! Have a look around the Sportcaster site; they have an excellent selection.
12 >Look up "Pirie" here. Also see http://www.bexleyac.freeserve.co.uk/newsletter.htm
Other useful hyperlinks:
> KICK! The complete online resource for runners
> ATF Online is the online cousin of AMERICAN TRACK & FIELD
> ATF Athlete is a magazine, first tested in 1993, that goes to over three hundred thousand junior high, high school and college track & field and cross country athletes in the US and 202 IAAF member countries
> California Track & Running News is devoted exclusively to California track and field, cross country, and road racing
Other pages on this site:
Selections from web sites that mention Gordon Pirie.
Details about Gordon’s well-received last book, and how to order it. There are plenty of copies left.....
Other writings by John S Gilbody Follow the links to get the full text of the
articles (Acrobat format) Guy's - 2092. Medical science friction. Published in the March 1992 Guy's Hospital Gazette. The meaning of life? [Poem]. Published in the June 1992 Guy's Hospital Gazette. Do we see but not observe? Sherlock Holmes and the art of medical diagnosis. Published in the Nov 1992 Guy's Hospital Gazette. Medical students' clinical survival guide. The tricks of the trade revealed. Published in the March 1993 Guy's Hospital Gazette. Quackery versus rational therapeutics. The useless versus the useful. Published in the Nov 1993 Guy's Hospital Gazette. Sherlock Holmes and the world medical literature (1993). Published in the Sherlock Holmes Journal, this article discusses published medical papers about Holmes, such as the psychological profiling done in the British Journal of Psychiatry (see Parts 1 and 2)! Students at Guy's: the new intake. Downfall of Dimpley; or, the leisure principle. Published in the Feb 1995 Guy's Hospital Gazette. Taking informed consent to the limit. (A spoof consent form I found - wish I'd written this but I didn't!). Published in the Summer 1995 St. Thomas's Hospital Gazette. Modern fairy stories: The contact. Published in the Aug 1995 Guy's Hospital Gazette. Modern fairy stories: The block of flats. Published in the Sept 1995 Guy's Hospital Gazette. Vitamins: should we swallow them? (I'm particularly proud of this - my first and last article in Vogue!). Published in the Oct 1995 Vogue. The health consequences of air pollution. Published in the Oct 1995 Hampshire Magazine. Stop worrying. The answer to a 'stress-related' ulcer might simply be a course of antibiotics. Published in the Dec 1995 Woman Alive. Me and my gizmo - email. (Everything I hate about email!). Published in the Dec 1998 Pharmaceutical Physician. Steel True, Blade Straight: Hampshire's Doctor of the Millennium. An article about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (he invented Sherlock Holmes, wrote The Lost World (yep, dinosaurs), publicised the Cottingley Fairies, invented cross-country skiing etc....). Originally published in the Dec 1999 issue of Hampshire Magazine (UK), the article is also available on the Web. Cruise control for the Internet (2). Published in the Oct 2000 Guy's Hospital Gazette.
Medical literature Follow the links to get the full PubMed
citation and abstract, plus full text of the articles where available (Acrobat format)
Effects of maternal drug addiction on the fetus. Citation: Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 1991 Summer;10(2):77-88. Impact of multidrug therapy on the treatment and control of leprosy. Citation: Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis 1991 Sep;59(3):458-78. Errors of deglutition - real and imagined; or, don't forget the psyche. Citation: J Laryngol Otol 1991 Oct;105(10):807-11. Differential cardiovascular effects of propranolol, atenolol, and pindolol measured by impedance cardiography. Citation: Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1992;42(1):47-53. Dose-related effects of oestradiol on rat thymic and splenic T-lymphocyte responsiveness to mitogens. Citation: Int J Immunopharmacol 1992 Feb;14(2):167-72. The shift away from specialist psychiatric units in the management of alcoholism - a student's view. Citation: Alcohol Alcohol 1992 May;27(3):211-8. Aspects of rehabilitation in leprosy. Citation: Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis 1992 Dec;60(4):608-40. Sherlock Holmes. Citation: J R Soc Med 1993 Feb;86(2):122-3. Screening under scrutiny [health screening in the elderly]. Citation: Care Eld 1993 June; pp.220-2. Full text. What causes basal cell carcinoma to be the commonest cancer? Citation: Aust J Public Health 1994 Jun;18(2):218-21. Leprosy and the Internet. Citation: Lepr Rev 1997 Dec;68(4):367-70. Full text. Comparison of two
different formulations of mebeverine hydrochloride in irritable bowel
syndrome. Citation:
Int J Clin Pract 2000 Sep;54(7):461-4. |
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