Gonzo Journalism
Take a short stop here

April 3: Three new articles added.
Upcoming: There are still a few more articles kicking around, so I should have those up soon. I'm sorry that the promised pictures aren't available yet, but my scanner has been cranky and I haven't gotten it to work right yet. Stay tuned ...

An introduction - find out about this page and why I made it
Stats - yes, those all-important, ever-changing numbers that make the game what it is ....
The Huckleberry Awards Intrigued? Have a look .....
Articles concerning Alex
Photo gallery
Blue Jays fiction by other baseball fans like yourself.
Quick list of Gonzo facts
A-Gon quotes: Alex says, others say ....
Link up: baseball, the Jays, player pages
Acknowledgements : people who assisted in the creation of this page

gon'-zo: 1. Exaggerated, highly subjective, and unconventional in style. 2. Bizarre, unconventional.

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