11/20/00 15:21:45
Name: boro | My URL: Visit Me |
What'd ya like??: pass | What sucked??: not sure... |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 4 / 10 |
I need more info on nutrition, your's is crap. NEED TO EXPAND a lot of your onfo is very obvious and seems to be just taken out of books?
01/05/00 17:48:23
Name: Johnny Bravo | My URL: Visit Me |
What'd ya like??: It Really Sucked | What sucked??: Everything!!!!! |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: From 1-10 you get a 1 |
I Cant believe you did this stupid Page!!!!
11/11/99 02:07:10
Name: shelby ^_^ | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: Nothing :) |
What sucked??: Everything:) | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 8 :) |
I'm sorry Tara it was really good. I just wanted to be a pain in the @$$.Like always!!!!:P
10/11/99 00:20:11
Name: Jeremy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: I like the phact that it's so easily accessible, I mean it's so easy to phind. It only took me 432859328 days to phind this. | What sucked??: You said, sucked... | WBS Handle if you have one..: I used to have two back when I didn't have a life, now of course since I have one there is no need for one. |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: Three out of phive WETs. |
So, don't you think it's about time to update this bad boy? I bet you haven't even looked at it since the day you made it. That's OK though, I'll let you live. Seek counceling Tara and I'll talk to you laTRE!
04/01/99 05:54:46
Name: Cheryl | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: All of it!! |
What sucked??: Non of it | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: AAAAAA |
I love your site!!!!! Keep it up!
01/30/99 05:49:25
Name: Heather Kauffman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: you |
What sucked??: finding it |
I think you need your own sports medicine practice that focuses completely on YOU!!! You get hurt way too much!!!!!!!
01/12/99 06:14:12
Name: Chris Hoots | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: the layout was pretty cool | What sucked??: the fact that it hasn't been updated. *shakes finger* | WBS Handle if you have one..: To many to list plus I haven't chatted on WBS in like years |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 10 |
Well Tara I had nothing to do so I thought I would take a look at this thing again and I am still impressed. Have you made any more lately? I haven't either. Talk to you later.
07/29/98 04:14:28
Name: John Evangelista | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: The Articles |
What sucked??: Nothing I can think of... | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 9 of 10 |
Pretty cool there, Tara. Just thought I'd stop in while I was bored. Nice page. If I get hurt playing sports, I know where to turn.
06/23/98 21:26:31
Name: J@sSy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: layout, backgrounds,everything | What sucked??: nothing | WBS Handle if you have one..: J@sSy7 |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: outta 10 i'd give it a 8 |
Hey! Great page! Lots of valuable info for athletes!!
06/19/98 01:43:42
Name: sharon shoop | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: very impressive tara |
06/16/98 19:22:50
Name: Dusty | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: Every thing |
Nice page that you have here. Come and check out my page if you ever get a chance.
06/11/98 00:36:42
Name: Jennifer Brown | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: The Sheer Irony of it all..;) | What sucked??: the vacuum cleaner | WBS Handle if you have one..: Moira Delaney/IvyAnne/and stuff |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: uhm..2 pSyChOpuppies up! |
Uhm...it's funny, Tara-Nar..you're page is about Sports Medicine...and you're the Queen of Getting Hurt.*G*
Take care, (ex-)SENIOR citizen!
05/26/98 14:06:52
Name: Jason Baker | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: The web page structure |
What sucked??: nothing | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 9 out of 10 |
This page is very proffesional.
05/21/98 19:46:42
Name: Bill |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice Job Tara. Now you are about to vebture out on a whole new life. Good Luck!!
05/13/98 22:06:25
Name: Toni Hardman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: I like your running man under your title on your first page as well as your "bone" letters. |
What sucked??: misspelled the word "exercise" on the sports medicine page. | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: excellent |
05/12/98 22:20:10
Name: julie hatch | My URL: Visit Me |
What'd ya like??: the whole set up | What sucked??: the light salmon color |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: very well done |
sorry, had trouble reading the salmon color on the back ground, but otherwise it is a very nice site. (Your Aunt Carolyn sent me here)
05/12/98 21:41:02
Name: cindy | My URL: Visit Me |
What'd ya like??: RICE | What sucked??: nothing |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 10 |
Good job, Tara!
05/12/98 14:24:57
Name: Mom | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: Let's see...EVERYTHING |
What sucked??: So far nothing | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: Perfect 10 |
I am proud of you Tara. You did an excellent job. Now maybe your Dad and I can use the computer more often. :)
05/12/98 06:34:16
Name: Richard McMahon | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: It is very thorough, explains all the items, always gives you a chance to get back where you started without having to start over. Overall it is very well put together. |
What sucked??: The color that showed up on our screen was very hard to see, because it was so light. | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 8.5 |
I think it would be helpful to have links to other sights also, like other medicine related topics, like medical encyclopedia.
05/12/98 06:28:48
Name: Nick | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: the whole page looks fantastic, two thumbs up! | What sucked??: not a bit *G* | WBS Handle if you have one..: you know who |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 8 outta 10 |
05/12/98 06:11:14
Name: Bethie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: all of it | What sucked??: nothing *G* | WBS Handle if you have one..: Bethie *giggles* |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: A +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
I loved it, sissy...you da rockingest *huggles*
05/12/98 05:29:41
Name: The Carters | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: Your agressive style | What sucked??: That your Dad's name wasn't included. Or your wonderful Mother's, for that matter. :) | WBS Handle if you have one..: Truckbuster1 |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 11 on a scale of 10 |
Tara, you are very talented. You will go far in this world. You have created a very interesting and useful Web page. Good Job!!!!!
05/12/98 05:23:39
Name: Carolyn McMahon | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: The whole thing... |
What sucked??: nothing... | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 10 |
05/12/98 05:04:03
Name: Rahndi Chard | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: the colors they are awesome.. |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: A++++++++++++++++ |
Tara you are the greatest...im sure uncle Ben and Aunt Corinne and cuz Shelby love to have the computer back now that you are done.....He He He =O)......
05/12/98 04:39:38
Name: Liam O'rourke. | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: Everything. |
WBS Handle if you have one..: Ghurios34 | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: Five out of Five. |
Great page.
05/12/98 04:34:44
Name: Jake Sharp | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: The large amount of information. |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 10/10. |
I enjoyed such a comprehensive guide to sports medicine.
05/12/98 04:35:23
Name: Bob Carter | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: All of it | What sucked??: Nothing | WBS Handle if you have one..: None |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: A+ |
Very informative. Very well done.
05/12/98 04:26:59
Name: Mike Williams. | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: The swingin info. | What sucked??: Nutin. | WBS Handle if you have one..: Handle? I make up about 30% of the population. :-> |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: Nine Ducks out of Four Mighty Mighty Bosstones concerts. |
If I ever have a sport-related injury, you're my gal. :)
05/11/98 19:55:48
Name: Isaac Lynch | My URL: Visit Me |
What'd ya like??: Wow!!!!!!! It's Big | What sucked??: How did you make it all? |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 37 thumbs down, 397 thumbs up |
WhooHoo wasn't that a trip, if I ever sprain my ankle I'll come see you.
05/11/98 17:49:35
Name: Jeff | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: Kewl page. | What sucked??: Having to sign this book 3 times.. *glares at Geocities* | WBS Handle if you have one..: many.. |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 10 out of 10 |
*sighs* okay.. maybe this time will work.. Love the page gal.. :)
05/11/98 13:44:16
Name: Jennifer Tuel | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What'd ya like??: Everything |
What sucked??: Nothing | Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: 10 out of 10 |
I thought it had a lot of good information. It's pretty good considering it is Tara.
05/11/98 13:36:41
Name: Tara | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What'd ya like??: *shrugs* | What sucked??: *shrugs* | WBS Handle if you have one..: Too many to count |
Rating?? Use any system your heart desires: WHY WON'T THIS THING WORK?????? |
This guest book is screwy!! Show up!!! NOW! *glares at it*
05/11/98 13:30:39
Name: Patrick (Mithy if ya don't know) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email:
![]() 05/11/98 04:48:00