Site URL (Homepage):  

Site Hosted by: Yahoo! Geocities (Free Home pages)  

Site Maintained and Designed by: Tarun Rajgopalan

Type of Site: Basically General with a lot of Sports related information.                     

Keywords: Sports, Cricket, Formula 1, Michael Schumacher, General Knowledge, Current Affairs, India, Recipes, Household Hints, Paranormal, Yeti, Amazing Facts.                                      

Contact Person: Tarun Rajagopalan (Bangalore, India)                                                  

Contact E-mail:                                                                             

Purpose of Site: Non-Profit


This site has been created in order to provide quality information to all netizens in general. I will keep updating this site till its very existence and include information which I think will be useful to all netizens.

Most pictures or images included have been obtained with permission from publicly accessible sites. However, if anyone holds a copyright to any of the images or any other material, please do inform me with proof of the same and I will remove the pictures. However, it would be better if the copyright holder allows me to use the pictures etc, because it is for a non-profit cause. If the copyright holder identifies himself/herself I will be most obliged to credit the person with the source and add a link to his/her Website or email ID.

Tarun Rajgopalan

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