Who's Your Idol??

Well I thought that this would be a good idea for a page because everyone has their own different idol. So let's here who your idol is and why. Please email me and let me know who yours is.


From: Danielle

My Idol: Well I guess that I should start the page off with my own idol right? I have quite a few idols. My mother has been a great inspiration to me. I've been her best friend for some time. When I was little I always knew that I could talk to her about anything that was on my mind. I'd have to say my other idol is Dominiue Dawse, you know "Awsome Dawsome." She has been one of the best gymnasts in the world for so long and she deserves so much more credit for her abilities than people give her.

From: *Jen-ay*

My Idol: I really only have one. And that's my mom. She's a great listener, she'll answer any questions for me. And we have good communication which is hard to come by. She's the best mom, greatest wife and more. I love her. Other than her, I really look up to my granded and Dominique Moceanu.

From: Emily

My Idol: My idol is Shania Twain because she's beautiful, talented, successful and she doesn't flaunt it. She doesn't credit her fame for her body rather than her voice.

From: Ann

I can easily say that my idol has been my former youth director, Cheryl. She was there for me through thick and thin my junior and senior years of high school. It was not easy when I faught with my mom all the time (not anymore though). She was there to keep me sain and keep me in close contact with God. I couldn't have made it to college without her. She is only 6 yrs older than me which helped tremendously. She was a good friend to me and one of my closest friends now, even though we don't live in the same city anymore! I will always remember her!