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Mascot Home Pages

College Mascots- Division 2
Barry University-Old Buccy New Buccy
Bloomsburg University- The Husky
California University of Pa. - the Vulcan
Ferris State University- The Bulldog
Florida Institute of Technology- The Panther
Idaho State University- The Bengal
Indiana University of Pennsylvania - Champs the Bear
Mansfield University - the Mountaineer
Minnesota State University, Mankato -Stomper the Maverick
Missouri Southern State College - The Lion
New Mexico Highlands University- The Cowboy
Northeastern State University of Oklahoma- Rowdy Redman
Northwest Missouri State University- Bobby Bobcat
Saginaw Valley State University - The Cardinal
University of Alabama, Huntsville- Charger Blue
University of Alaska, Anchorage- the Seawolf
University of Alaska, Fairbanks - Nanook the Polar Bear
University of California, Riverside- the Highlander
University of North Florida- Ozzie The Osprey
University of Wisconsin, River Falls- Freddy Falcon
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point - Stevie and Stephanie the Pointers
West Chester University - Rammy the Golden Ram

College Mascots- Division 3
California Institute of Technology- the Beaver
Carnegie Mellon University- Scottie the Terrier
Chadron State College- Elmo the Eagle
Emory University- Swoop the Eagle
Grove City College- Willy Wolverine
Hardin-Simmons University - the Cowboy
Howard Payne University - the Yellow Jacket
Hutchinson Community College- The Dragon
King's College - Leo the Lion
Lake Forest College- The Forester
Lancaster Bible College- Chargerman
Rochester Institute of Technology- The Tiger
Saint Scholastica College - Storm the Saint Bernard
Salve Regina University- The Seahawk
Susquehanna University - The Caped Crusader (Tiger)
Thomas College - The Terrier
University of South Carolina, Spartanburg- The Rifleman
Webster University- The Gorlock

College Mascots- NAIA

Austin College - Katie Roo the Kangaroo
East Texas Baptist University - Toby the Tiger
Kansas Wesleyan University - The Coyote
William Penn University - Elvis the Eagle

Note to the Wise:  MascotNet is a recreational page which encourages sharing information about and between mascots.  No funds are received for this labor of love, although quite a bit of time is spent on it.  If you have a problem with anything that might show up on this site, please e-mail the webmaster.  This is family-friendly material.  MascotSpeak might get a little wordy,  parents be warned.  All logos, copyrights, and trademarks that occur are the property of the respective owners, not of MascotNet, and are used solely for informational purposes.  If there's a problem, e-mail Biff, the MascotSpeak mascot.  He'll straighten things out!

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