...Texas and Alaska...
5000 miles to stop AIDS!

Hi, I'm Crispin
In August, I’ll ride 510 miles from Fairbanks to Anchorage in the Alaska AIDS Vaccine Ride -- a 6 day event to benefit three laboratories trying to develop a vaccine for AIDS.

In October I’ll ride 325 miles from Houston to Dallas in the Texas AIDS Ride -- a 4 day ride to benefit service organizations throughout Texas that provide help to people living with AIDS and HIV.

Including my training, I expect to be riding over 5,000 miles this year. So my goal is  to raise $5,000 for each ride by August 1st. 

You can help!

Many of you have followed my progress over the last two years with the Texas AIDS Rides, and I once again thank those people who have sponsored me in the past.  You’re probably wondering by now why I keep doing this.  Well, I keep coming back for more, because two years ago, after I committed to doing this ride, someone very close to me died unexpectedly.  At a time in my life when I wanted nothing more than to lie in bed for a few years, my fellow riders said to me, “No, you need to get up and do this ride because there are people with AIDS who need your help.  And if you help them, you’ll help yourself.

They were never more right.

So I continue to be a part of the AIDS rides because in many ways, that first Texas ride saved my life.  Through the examples of other riders, I’ve learned healing, ourage, and a little something about grace. I am stronger.  I am faster.  This year I am a training ride leader and I’m doing my best to pass on some of that.

And this year I’m setting my biggest goal ever. 5,000 miles is across the country and then some.  Why? Because in the last 18 years, 13 million people have died of AIDS. Because 33 million people are infected with HIV.  Many of them live in developing nations and cannot afford the expensive drug therapies that are helping so many Americans live longer.  Because many Americans themselves can’t afford these same therapies. Because 10.4 million African children under 15 have lost parents to AIDS.  (Newsweek) Because “the spread of this disease will not be contained in Africa, and the destruction of Africa from AIDS will not be limited to the continent.”  (UN Ambassador Richard Holbrook.)

Why?  Because I can.   Because the disease is not over.

Please Sponsor Me!
Download a donation form for the Alaska AIDS Vaccine Ride (it's in Adobe Acrobat) -- you'll need to fill out my name: Crispin Reedy, Rider #1413.
Make your donation for the Alaska AIDS Vaccine Ride online!
(they assure me this is fixed)
-- OR --
Download a donation form for Texas (Rider #840).

Choose an amount that’s right for you. Think about the committment I'm making, and see if you can't make one of a similar size.  Please consider making your pledge in installments-- $25 a month really adds up, yet it's less than a dollar a day!  And, double your money -- check to see if your employer has a donor match program.

Follow My Progress:

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Rides Past:
1998 Texas AIDS Ride 1
Coming soon: 1999 Texas AIDS Ride 2


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