Date | Time | |||
May3 | 11.00 am | Victoria | vs | VIS |
2.15 pm (Game 1) | Western Australia | vs | South Australia | |
May 4 | 11.00 am | Western Australia | vs | VIS |
2.15 pm | Victoria | vs | Australian U-19 | |
May 5 | 11.00 am | Australian U-19 | vs | VIS |
2.15 pm | South Australia | vs | Victoria | |
May 6 | 11.00 am | South Australia | vs | VIS |
2.15 pm | Western Australia | vs | Australian U-19 | |
May 7 | 11.00 am | South Australia | vs | Australian U-19 |
2.15 pm | Western Australia | vs | Victoria | |
May 9 | 9.00 am | Surry Park/Knox | vs | Moreland |
11.00 am | Third Ranked Team | vs | Fouth Ranked Team | |
2.15 pm | First Ranked Team | vs | Second Ranked Team |
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