I Love Mark Too
But who wouldn't?
Reasons I love The Pale Destroyer
- Not unlike Raven hes Hot!
- Hes as sweet as he is cute.
- Redheads are wonderful.
- You know he sure can jump for a big guy
- He can step on any normal person.
- Green eyes are beautiful.
- His tattoos are awsome.
- His favorite band is Black Sabbath.
- He kicked Hogan's butt.
- He just gets better looking everytime I see him
- He wears Calvin Klein boxers
- He has a collection of Harleys.
- Hes a native of Dallas, Texas.
- Texans rule the roost.
Looks as if Mark will finally be getting that surgery hes needed for oh so long now. I just hope that after he gets it done he'll still be able to fight.
I long for the days when Mark was invincible. He was quiet and deadly, and just as sexy.
I'd love to see Mark and Raven get together, Mark would have made a wonderful addition to the flock. I mean when hes in his street clothes he looks like he'd fit right in.
My Favorite Pictures Of Mark
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7
Pic 8
Pic 9
Pic 10
Pic 11
Pic 12
Pic 13
Pic 14
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