I've got a new story up on my stories page. I hope you all like it.
Added a new banner link to the page...its the latest thing that has sucked me in hehe..please visit it if you like playing silly things on the internet
Alright once again I have chosen music that may drive all of you nuts...I write the songs by Barry Manilow hehe go Barry!
Yes it has happened again, there is an update to the page. Thats right I have put up the picture of me and Brad in Morganton. Okay so its not the best picture of either of us but I'm okay with that.
Well I've done a bit of work, I switched the Anna Lee lyrics to a full Dream Theater Lyrics page. For now there are only four songs, but maybe soon I'll get some more. Read them and listen, they might make your head spin hehehe
I'm going to be doing a little bit of cleaning up around the site, so please be patient with me
I added a new story to my Just a Thought section, its full of sybolism and kind of hard to get at first (or at least I think so) but hey enjoy it anyway. Also I apparently won an award, hmmmm.... I knew someones been watching me
You may have noticed my new banner, I placed it around here and there. It was made for me by Mr J.
Beware Dirty Socks Have Been Known To Bite!
Woohoo I got a new story up on my writings site guys, just for you Kav...but uh everyone can read it too I guess hehe..And again as a reminder the link to that new site is Here
Who remembers Zartan? I do I do, one of my all time favorite bad guys in the cartoon world. Give me Zartan and I will be happy.