30/6/00 14:22 |
Zenmaster Div hehehehehe |
30/6/00 14:14 |
Van de Muus hehe |
30/6/00 14:09 |
tankgirl arf arf! |
30/6/00 14:09 |
tankgirl he'd probably miss though. |
30/6/00 14:09 |
tankgirl Listen, having a mad bald dutchie will not make my love life any worse. How sad is that! |
30/6/00 14:01 |
EuroDialSquare how could she possibly resist an offer like that |
30/6/00 13:57 |
Zenmaster Div
shall I come over tankie? |
30/6/00 13:19 |
tankgirl why is this the first thing I see this morning when I enter the site! This is going to follow me to my grave! Morning all! 3 and a half hours to go and then FOUR DAYS OFF! Gawd Bless America! |
30/6/00 12:39 |
Zenmaster Div hehe |
30/6/00 12:34 |
Yossarian ah - the return of an old friend |
27/6/00 14:43 |
PWX bless him; he can come and proof read my bibliography if he wants to have a really good time |
27/6/00 14:43 |
Clovis *def have to get some* |
27/6/00 14:29 |
Yossarian according to the reoprt I saw Xena, it was male as well as female patients (they reported one bloke who admitted to yawning as often as poss, even though he had to wear protection all day to cope tiwh it. Yuk.) |
27/6/00 14:19 |
PWX too busy filling out crem forms, mate |
27/6/00 14:14 |
Clovis Dr K9 could write a few scripts for it |
27/6/00 14:11 |
PWX then you can go a nd watch lestuh play and dehydrate |
27/6/00 14:09 |
Clovis Clotilda is a pharmacist. I must ask her about that one and try to get a few bottles. |
27/6/00 13:52 |
PWX oh, sorry unn; same thing i guess |
27/6/00 13:52 |
PWX my doctor chum tells me tht in canada, a drug to relieve indigwstion or summat ciased a nu nber of female patients to have an orgasm every time they yawned!! |
27/6/00 13:43 |
Clovis good one |
27/6/00 13:40 |
Almighty Gob Thought I'd resurrect this so bobbins could see it. |
23/6/00 13:36 |
Unn the Deepminded no, don`t apologise |
23/6/00 13:35 |
EuroDialSquare fnarrr kayak |
23/6/00 13:35 |
chica de tanque [sorry] |
23/6/00 13:35 |
Unn the Deepminded It`s back! |
23/6/00 13:34 |
EuroFnordio I do my best. |
23/6/00 13:33 |
chica de tanque HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Very funny picture, given my name. HAHAHAHAHA! |
23/6/00 01:03 |
Unn the Deepminded haha ... now that`s what I call rabid muff. |
22/6/00 23:03 |
euronoir-b hehehe |
22/6/00 23:00 |
22/6/00 23:00 |
22/6/00 22:56 |
EuroFnordio quite literally foaming at the gash? |
22/6/00 19:25 |
chica de tanque It wasn't like comedy sketches of washing machines going wrong, Fnord, but there might have been a wet patch.. c'mon, this was the 414 club in Brixton, it hardly mattered! |
22/6/00 19:23 |
EuroFnordio bet the other punters thought it was a foam party or summat |
22/6/00 19:22 |
chica de tanque it wasn't quite that bad, but the drugs did heighten the sensation! |
22/6/00 19:06 |
EuroFnordio the mental image is enough. When you say fizzing and foaming, I get the image of a sudden huge gout of foam spurting out from tankys nether regions. |
22/6/00 19:02 |
euronoir-b ...any pictures? |
22/6/00 16:49 |
Sami H Tankgirl |
22/6/00 16:48 |
beria ohmygod... |
22/6/00 16:47 |
shaun Who does this refer to.
22/6/00 16:39 |
not EuroWoby EuroWoby *faints* |
22/6/00 16:16 |
tankgirl Alv, it's the thrush thread. Obviously. |
22/6/00 16:15 |
stevie i was sure shaun had posted that. But i was thinking, why would he stick a suppository up his arse? |
22/6/00 16:15 |
tankgirl yup, it's the gums one. |
22/6/00 16:14 |
EuroDialSquare when? recently? where? is the gum disease one? |
22/6/00 16:13 |
tankgirl [and it's not a case of no one going near it. Many have tried, but not found the key to Fortress Tank] |
22/6/00 16:13 |
Soooz taken into quarantine.!.. |
22/6/00 16:13 |
tankgirl I know a joke about that. But I've posted it on this site already. |
22/6/00 16:12 |
EuroDialSquare hehe no wonder no one's been near it for a while........they're scared they'll get bitten |
22/6/00 16:12 |
Alvin hehehe! Where the rest of the thread? |
22/6/00 18:11 |
El Greco girls DO have more fun |
22/6/00 16:11 |
tankgirl hahahaha! "rabid muff". Hahaha. Luckily I had a roomy pair of combat pants on! |
22/6/00 16:10 |
EuroTim25 hahaha If there was anyone in the building who suspected I was working, they know now. |
22/6/00 16:10 |
Soooz Tank...was it like a rabid muff?... |
22/6/00 16:09 |
EuroDialSquare so that's what happened to my bottle of pepsi..... |
22/6/00 16:09 |
tankgirl there wasn't much keeping it to myself at the time. I was E-ing my tits off and my fanny was fizzing! |
22/6/00 16:08 |
EuroDialSquare fnarrr some things should just be kept to yourself hehe |
22/6/00 16:08 |
Eurogob Trust tankie to come out with a funny vagina story. Made my afternoon has that, along with Zoe girdlestone. |
22/6/00 16:07 |
EuroDialSquare i've noticed fnord *runs away from swinging boot* |
22/6/00 16:06 |
EuroDialSquare imagine trying to stay up for hours so you're knackered and yawning like a bastard |
22/6/00 16:05 |
EuroFnordio that's odd - CWP yawns whenever I have an orgasm. |
22/6/00 16:04 |
Unn the Deepminded there was one anti-depressant around a few years back, for which they discovered a peculiar side effect in clinlical trials - a small but significant proportion of those taking it started having spontaneous orgasms whenever they yawned. (Some of them refused to stop taking it when the trial ended |
22/6/00 15:52 |
Sammy Ahhhhhh, poor baby! Kissy kissy. |
22/6/00 15:44 |
tree nope, sorry, you're right, you said it on here. layed right inito me you did, made me cry you did, speak like yoda I will. |
22/6/00 15:42 |
Sammy I never saw you the next day. I was up and away to get my train while you lot lazed in bed. |
22/6/00 15:41 |
tree I'm being filthy, I'm going. sorry |
22/6/00 15:39 |
JasonX the tent has three separate compartments. one for the couple hopefully, we'll only need two and the noise issue will be a mutual one. |
22/6/00 15:35 |
PWX er, maybe you shud just stay upall night |
22/6/00 15:34 |
JasonX *just remebered i'm sharing a tent at glasto with two mates, one of whom is on anti-d's and his fiancee who was talking about getting hold of some viagra for it* |
22/6/00 15:34 |
PWX too long to wait. get me Primula now!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 |
22/6/00 15:33 |
tree we can make cheese if we keep doing this and don't wash our naughty bits for a week or so? |
22/6/00 15:32 |
not for me ta; given them up |
22/6/00 15:32 |
JasonX *hands round kitchen towel bearing in mind tree's 15:26* |
22/6/00 15:32 |
JasonX *hands round anti depressants* |
22/6/00 15:31 |
is that not ali=ne from I'm Still Waiting?' You knew that I was shy |
22/6/00 15:31 |
tree i made a sily joke and apologised for a good half hour feeling awful. then at bios you calle dme lots of stuff and the next day said you'd forgetten what you'd said. oh well no matter |
22/6/00 15:30 |
Sammy I WAS not - you big fibber - you teased me and made me cry! |
22/6/00 15:30 |
Soooz *just wet pants from laughing*...SShh...trying to work!!! |
22/6/00 15:29 |
tree sammy - y'know, I was just thinking the same. Sammy was 'orrible to me at christmas |
22/6/00 15:29 |
PWX *trips over thread, sues jason* |
22/6/00 15:29 |
JasonX eeek! |
22/6/00 15:29 |
Sammy I'm still eeking revenge 'cos you was nasty to me at Christmas! |
22/6/00 15:29 |
JasonX *insert unravelling thread joke* |
22/6/00 15:28 |
tree (to sammy not XWP) |
22/6/00 15:28 |
tree you're always picking on me |
22/6/00 15:28 |
PWX you may be on he wrong thread, but you're on the right medication, bab |
22/6/00 15:27 |
Sammy tree - you're always on the wrong thread. |
22/6/00 15:26 |
tree anti depressants give you the best orgasms. you feel like your whole body is going to fly out of your winky. am I on the wrong thread? |
22/6/00 15:23 |
PWX we had terri winterbottom too |
22/6/00 15:23 |
Araneae TG- that is the funniest thing I've heard for a long time - HEHEHEHEHHEHEHE |
22/6/00 15:23 |
Sammy It gets worse when you go swimming - summat to do with the chlorine. Not that I'd know of course. |
22/6/00 15:22 |
tree girdlestone -waht a great name |
22/6/00 15:22 |
PWX like Typhoid mary? |
22/6/00 15:21 |
tree I think I'm a carrier, because I get it every 3 months and I've never actually had sex |
22/6/00 15:21 |
PWX i had a mate called zoe girdlestone who didn;t realsie you were meant to remove the applicator aftre you had inserted the tampon. not quite as funny as tg's but a good effort i feel |
22/6/00 15:20 |
JasonX *still laughing* |
22/6/00 15:19 |
tree it was tankgirl who gave me thrush by the way |
22/6/00 15:18 |
PWX a thrush in the bush is worth harry |
22/6/00 15:17 |
tree thats nothing! When I was 6 I came off my motorbike and twisted my bollocks. I had to have 70 stitches in my bollock bag. |
22/6/00 15:16 |
Musy blimey. that's one to put in me sitcom. |
22/6/00 15:16 |
PWX hehehehhee |
22/6/00 15:16 |
tree i thought you were a lovely chap |
22/6/00 15:16 |
bo! |
22/6/00 15:15 |
tankgirl The first time I had thrush (actually the only time), I was told to put a vaginal suppository up "there" each night for 3 nights. On the third night, I did this and went to bed, but at 2am my friends knocked on my door and dragged me out to a rave. I totally forgot that me "suppository" was about to do its work, and after I'd been in the club for about an hour, and was coming up nicely, the whole thing went off, fizzing and foaming and everything. It was effing hilarious. So there. |
22/6/00 15:14 |
JasonX errr - dunno. could have been - i hadn't slept for two days by that point and i can't honestly say clearly, it doesn't matter |
22/6/00 15:13 |
tree jason - was it you who said i was funny and i said 'yeah, i know' to at the 40percent birthday bash? If so, I'm sorry i didn't mean it but i think i walked off without saying that or something. was joking |
22/6/00 15:10 |
JasonX tree that is the funniest post i've seen for a while |
22/6/00 15:06 |
tree no, honestly, its great! Not as much fun for women though. |
22/6/00 15:06 |
EuroFnordio wish I hadn't started this |
22/6/00 15:05 |
baltique hehehe |
22/6/00 15:05 |
Musy !! |
22/6/00 15:04 |
tree I've had thrush 3 times, its f**king ace! Makes you dead itchy and lovely to wank off |
22/6/00 15:04 |
JasonX hehe |
22/6/00 15:03 |
EuroFnordio bugger to shift, that |