![]() |
Mardy, Tony J, Zorba, - check this out for stupidity |
09/10/03 21:37 |
Tony J hehe oh feck! |
09/10/03 15:05 |
Zorba* It'll be like a scene from Carrie. A hand will suddenly burst out of the ground clutching a boardpen. |
09/10/03 14:56 |
pedroso now....let's put this ugly baby to rest...lower it gently in the grave...say a few prayers for it's soul...and then throw the soil in... *Domini madri patri...i commend your soul to the deep* amen |
09/10/03 14:54 |
pedroso Zorba...you are unique...a star amonsgt the empty dark matter of cosmic space..a jewel in the dust...a cynical but wise old giffer...:-) |
09/10/03 14:52 |
Zorba* ped, I'm sure the veterans of Chechnya will allow you a nip of their moonshine in return for services rendered. |
09/10/03 14:51 |
pedroso anyway your;e right...this thread has passed its sell by date...i only kept it alive to torture it a bit more |
09/10/03 14:50 |
pedroso hehe... *closes mouth tight...refuses to bite*
09/10/03 14:49 |
Tony J But dont buy a still on your first day in Ruskyland, eh ;-) |
09/10/03 14:49 |
Tony J Evaporates at a lower temp, than your ethanol, only a complete moron could feck up. |
09/10/03 14:48 |
pedroso I think Mardy definately lowered the tone |
09/10/03 14:48 |
Tony J No mate, you make sure you get rid of it when your doing your homebrew. Its only good for Nascar fuel. |
09/10/03 14:47 |
pedroso so, is meathanol legal in Western booze, or only in the Eastern Bloc? |
09/10/03 14:47 |
Tony J Anyroad, this thread should be allowed to die. It's like Mard, TJ and Zorb the Kings of Stupidity and their first lieutenant Pedroso the Daft or summat. I got my reputation to think of. |
09/10/03 14:44 |
Tony J Its methanol that does your eyes in, not the stength of the booze. |
09/10/03 14:42 |
pedroso erm...i only mean with visual materials of course...with the audio stuff he'd be ok, but it'd still be awkward. |
09/10/03 14:40 |
pedroso Mardy, that phrase "blind drunk" is true in Eastern Europe. In Poland i met some lads in their mid-teens who were literally losing their sight because of the 95% proof vodka. They had voices like 70 year old winos. so watch it right...a blind teacher is f;eckin useless ;-) |
08/10/03 12:18 |
Mardarse blind drunk date more like. |
08/10/03 12:17 |
bronto Like I'd arrange a blind date in the Elefant! |
08/10/03 12:16 |
Mardarse but it is different, I don't know why, but it is just different. |
08/10/03 12:14 |
Mardy - so it's just like drinking at home, but with less comfortable seats. Or did you harangue the other customers? |
08/10/03 12:14 |
Mardarse I calling your bluff, that was no wine bar, that was the Elephant. |
08/10/03 12:13 |
Dougal Problem is, most Dublin pubs are full of twats that put you right off your beer... |
08/10/03 12:11 |
Mardarse drinking alone in a pub is excellent. I've spent many many afternoons just doing that. |
08/10/03 12:11 |
Dougal hehe, gotta get your priorities sorted - were you wearing a giant carnation in your lapel? |
08/10/03 12:07 |
bronto I was once stood up in a wine bar, so couldn't leave till I'd finished the bottle. |
08/10/03 12:04 |
Dougal I would if there was a match I wanted to see on, or if I had a half-hour to kill. Cant' see meself sitting in a boozer solo all night, though... |
08/10/03 12:03 |
bronto Mardy, would you drink alone in a pub? |
08/10/03 12:01 |
That's what I mean, most of that stuff had been in the flat for ages. |
08/10/03 12:01 |
Tony J *work* |
08/10/03 11:57 |
Tony J I did get a good haul mate, that was good of you, but I drunk it 2 years ago. |
08/10/03 11:56 |
Tony J I've drunk everything in the flat aside from the Cherry liquour for obvious reasons, luckily we going to make Calvados at the w/end. |
08/10/03 11:55 |
don't give a expletive, but it's true. |
08/10/03 11:55 |
Mardarse Mmmmmmmmm rum. Tuzemsky rum is expletiveing great. |
08/10/03 11:55 |
08/10/03 11:54 |
Tony J I just need to knock back 3-4 beers, couple of glasses of red, couple a sherries and a rum, to unwind after a hard day's typing. |
08/10/03 11:54 |
Mardarse There's a bottle of beer in my fridge that's been there for about 2 months. That's the only booze in the flat. |
08/10/03 11:54 |
Dougal hehehe, touche.
08/10/03 11:53 |
Mardarse *rests case* |
08/10/03 11:53 |
Dougal I dunno, I've become very fond of my solo redplonk nights in... :) |
08/10/03 11:51 |
Mardarse Drinking at home is for real pisspots only. |
08/10/03 11:50 |
Mardarse I had some quality Saturday afternoon drinking in Krym. Bastards |
08/10/03 11:49 |
Tony J To be honest, I drink at home now. |
08/10/03 11:48 |
Tony J Umelka still open. |
08/10/03 11:48 |
Tony J U hemi's a protected cultural monument |
08/10/03 11:48 |
Tony J Krym's summat else now. |
08/10/03 11:47 |
Mardarse Boozers I want to visit: U Hemi
08/10/03 11:46 |
Tony J In November? |
08/10/03 11:45 |
Mardarse I have to travel at least that far to have a chance ;-) Nah seriously, don't fret about the birds, but we'll have a good old drink up. Maybe a trip to the wine cellars with David S if you fancy it. |
08/10/03 11:43 |
Tony J 800 miles to see Jana's g/friends, what a good mate you are. ;-0 |
08/10/03 11:42 |
Mardarse ticket booked. Will pay next week. |
08/10/03 11:36 |
Mardarse Nah, expletive her. Not coming to see her, coming to see you, and maybe persaude QL to come up for the weekend. |
08/10/03 11:36 |
Tony J Affable ambitious DJ with big books seeks... |
08/10/03 11:35 |
seriously, set me up with the best that Slovak womanhood has to offer. I saw how good you were with those advertising slogans. |
08/10/03 11:35 |
Tony J *noted in diary* be sure to tell me when you cancel post ding dong,eh |
08/10/03 11:34 |
hmm, not a winner that is it. |
08/10/03 11:34 |
Tony J mmmmm rave chicks |
08/10/03 11:34 |
Tony J Ambitious, thrusting, power-crazed mop-topped shambling substance-abuser seeks..... |
08/10/03 11:33 |
Mardarse hehehe, Giggles with Ray Wilkins. There's a telly series in that. |
08/10/03 11:33 |
Mardarse Or you and me could go to Hysteria on the pull for young rave chicks. |
08/10/03 11:32 |
Tony J as Ray Wilkins had it. |
08/10/03 11:32 |
Mardarse hehehe. Less executive, more pissed and on holiday, but yeah, feel free to big me up as a young go-getter if you think it will help my chances. |
08/10/03 11:32 |
Tony J Might be able to set up low key drinks, invite a few singles along for giggles. |
08/10/03 11:31 |
Tony J F'hell. Executive Blind date, eh. |
08/10/03 11:29 |
right badger, how serious was Jana about setting me up wuit her fit mates? I've booked a flight 7-10 November. |
08/10/03 11:24 |
Mardarse yep. It's a TEFL school. Nuff said. |
08/10/03 11:23 |
Tony J Any loonies, trouble makers? |
08/10/03 11:22 |
Mardarse ah but of course. |
08/10/03 11:21 |
Tony J Ah, I see they've got the right man in place. |
08/10/03 11:20 |
and I very much doubt that. |
08/10/03 11:18 |
Tony J Power is a heady drug my man, could be the strongest intoxicant your mind has yet had to deal with. |
08/10/03 11:16 |
Mardarse that's hardly likely is it. |
08/10/03 11:16 |
Tony J Ok boss man, dont let it go to your bed, no goose stepping now. |
08/10/03 11:14 |
yeah, good. In charge this week. (farcicial) |
08/10/03 11:13 |
Tony J You say that about all the girls, Jacko. |
08/10/03 11:13 |
Mardarse Otherwise I'll have to do some work. |
08/10/03 11:13 |
Tony J Tip top, rocking, yowse? |
08/10/03 11:12 |
Mardarse oi, badger you expletiveer. Come back! |
08/10/03 11:08 |
Jack Rudd There's an Oksana who plays in the 4NCL. Oksana Kosteniuk. Very pretty girl. |
08/10/03 11:07 |
Hello mate. |
08/10/03 11:04 |
Tony J Go get'm floyd! |
08/10/03 09:10 |
hehehe...Tony, "flaky Northern rough"...cheers mate ;-) |
07/10/03 16:12 |
Tony J Oxana, I knew an Oxana one time, she'll be a finishing school drop out slumming it in TEFL till daddy bails her out, these types are always gagging for a bit of flaky Northern ruff, and you can c'n'p me and quote me on that. |
07/10/03 15:21 |
Mardarse yep. And I didn't want to expletive up my chances. |
07/10/03 15:20 |
pedroso hehe...conscience got the better of you did it? |
07/10/03 12:50 |
lins still not sorted that one out then? |
07/10/03 12:45 |
Zorba the Greek Nothing like a bit of a gap-fill exercise during a private lesson. |
07/10/03 12:40 |
I stuttered for a bit and m,ade something else that was really banal up. It's the same one I'm still in all sorts of dilemmas over. |
07/10/03 12:39 |
lins mardy - what did you do when you read that note? Did you say it out loud or make something else up? |
07/10/03 12:36 |
bronto *ponders real frequency of "hardly ever"* |
07/10/03 12:34 |
Mardarse hardly ever these days. |
07/10/03 12:32 |
pedroso seems like you still "dip in" from time to time, Mardy ;-)
07/10/03 12:30 |
Mardarse hehehe. God I miss it. |
07/10/03 12:29 |
bronto Big fish, small pond, zero conscience, Mard. Loved it. |
07/10/03 12:28 |
Mardarse Although I never knew you as a single man bronto, I feel sure you were something of an EFL rogue. |
07/10/03 12:27 |
pedroso hehe nice one Mardy...it`s an ego boost alright, using your position of authority like that...why else would anyone teach? ;-) |
07/10/03 12:26 |
bronto conscience is a luxury in efl |
07/10/03 12:25 |
pedroso you are obviously much less troubled by your conscience than me doesn,t stop me though... ;-) |
07/10/03 12:25 |
Mardarse hehehe. I told you the experience I had in the first year of teaching? We were doing 'I wish' as the grammar point, and the students had to write down three 'I wish' sentences on a bit of papaer, I collected them in, and then I'd read one out and the other students had to listen and guess who wrote it. All going swimmingly till I unfolded one, with the whole class looking at me expectantly, to find 'I wish i was in bed with you right now' I got very red and flustered. |
07/10/03 12:24 |
bronto You're kidding, Ped. There's little to match the smug satisfaction of surveying a classroom and knowing you've had more than linguistic input with a few of them. |
07/10/03 12:23 |
pedroso or me :-O |
07/10/03 12:22 |
pedroso or Den Watts :-) |
07/10/03 12:22 |
pedroso you are LUCIFER himself ;-) |
07/10/03 12:22 |
Nah, it's alright, a wink and a smile and you're sorted. |
07/10/03 12:21 |
pedroso Mardy, on that point. there's nowt worse than teaching when you`ve shagged several of the more vulnerable and naive in the class, and they can`t understand why you don`t spend as much time with them, no...why you BLANK them completely...all that AFTER she;s explained in very faltering English that she is married with a kid, but will leave her husband if you want her to...if ever there was a meaning to the expression "Shitting on your own doorstep" it was this. At least with a stranger one night stand, you don`t have to stand in front of them every day feeling your sense of self-esteem sink to self-loathing...creating an aching thirst for vodka in your gut :-) |
07/10/03 12:20 |
hehehehe. What was quiet lents one from Spain? 1000 number bingo. Once again, I'm in charge again today. |
07/10/03 12:19 |
bronto Good work, Mardy. Have you ever played Timetable Noughts and Crosses? |
07/10/03 12:19 |
Charlie "So that's the presentation stage. Next comes practice. I'd line up all the talent and get the rest of the class to shout out 'fit' or 'minging' as appropriate. " HA HA HA HA!! |
07/10/03 12:16 |
pedroso aye, Zorba is flying today... |
07/10/03 12:15 |
pedroso you abusive, exploitative, unprincipled, leery, lecherous fecker Mardy i like you better by the minute :-) |
07/10/03 12:15 |
Charlie He he he. Zorba in brilliant form here. |
07/10/03 12:14 |
Mardarse I had an Advanced Conversation class where I'd shagged 2 of the class and was working on the 3rd. That was a fun group. |
07/10/03 12:12 |
pedroso good :O) |
07/10/03 12:11 |
Mardarse oh, it's sordid alright Pedroso. |
07/10/03 12:10 |
Mardarse I swear to god, midday today, I was there with my picture of vodka, crappy worksheet, the lot. |
07/10/03 12:10 |
pedroso "the sordid world of tefl" it gets more attractive by the second. |
07/10/03 12:09 |
Zorba the Greek Hehe Mardy! Good to know some thjings never change in the sordid world of tefl |
07/10/03 12:08 |
Zorba the Greek
present perfect simple: I have sinned |
07/10/03 12:08 |
Mardarse Zorba, no lie, this morning, beginners, 'Do you like', we had a picture of vodka, a picture of a furry hat, and then.. we did a FSW. Sometimes it's just uncanny. |
07/10/03 12:08 |
pedroso i know what Present is |
07/10/03 12:07 |
pedroso me neivo |
07/10/03 12:07 |
pedroso In fact, are you Mardy? :-o |
07/10/03 12:07 |
peally i dont even know what Present Perfect Simple is.... |
07/10/03 12:07 |
pedroso HAHAHA...Are you Mardy`s alter-ago Zorba? :-) |
07/10/03 12:06 |
Zorba the Greek
2) How would you introduce the Present Perfect Simple to a Pre-Intermediate This is easy. I'd use my favourite 'Find someone who' activity. Get the bastards into groups. Hand out a questionnaire. Instructions: Find someone who 1) has drunk vodka, 2) has worn a daft furry hat etc. Drill the question forms "Have you ever done one of these extraordinarily tedious surveys before?" etc. Sit down, read paper, eye up totty. 20 mins later, get 'em to feed back "I found five people who have been to Vladivostock" Well done Sergei, have a expletiveing medal! |
07/10/03 11:56 |
if he wasn`t a disillusioned old fart |
07/10/03 11:51 |
Admin Terry haha Zorb ...you'd be a great teahcer. |
07/10/03 11:48 |
pedroso HAHAHA Zorba, class :O) can you imagine if i did that and got the job...i think i would be slightly scared :) |
07/10/03 11:47 |
pedroso I`ll do my best with it. i feel like i owe them something actually done by myself. nice to know if i get stuck though...ta. |
07/10/03 11:47 |
Zorba the Greek
3) What would you expect to teach a class of complete Beginners (Russian Well obviously I'd pick out the fittest bird and maybe use a suitable gesture to signify approval, simultaneously drilling a simple monosyllabic lingusitic exponent such as, er, "fit". Then I'd repeat the process for some roaster (there's always one innit? Specially with all that cabbage and dumplings you eat over there) and drill "minging", maybe with a thumbs down gesture to reinforce the meaning. So that's the presentation stage. Next comes practice. I'd line up all the talent and get the rest of the class to shout out 'fit' or 'minging' as appropriate. |
07/10/03 11:44 |
well, she probably thinks you have a leson plan already written for that. |
07/10/03 11:44 |
pedroso Have you heard of this boxer Roman Karmezin Mardy. European Champion, light-middleweight, Russian. |
07/10/03 11:43 |
pedroso I like the way she says just "attatch a short 30 minute lesson" :-) Like...it's nothing... |
07/10/03 11:42 |
Mardarse ah it's alright. Not so cold yet. |
07/10/03 11:41 |
pedroso Ta Mardy, I might do :-) But i'll never make that mistake again. I bet it's getting nippier over there eh? |
07/10/03 11:39 |
Mardarse seriously Peds, if you need some help, no problem. |
07/10/03 11:31 |
pedroso hehehe Zorba...ye cynical bugger Mardy :-) she must`ve liked me a bit eh? ;-) |
07/10/03 11:25 |
Mardarse hehe Zorbs. |
07/10/03 11:23 |
Siān 100 |
07/10/03 11:23 |
Zorba the Greek
1) How would you explain the difference between "I like tea" and "I'd like Well, I'm not really into tea, but I do like tits so I'd line up all the gorgeous pouting secretaries (this is how I also teach comparatives by the way so I can do a 2-in-1 lesson). By the way, you're not going to send me out to do an ESP course with a load of russki mafiosi, are you? I mean I have my standards. |
07/10/03 11:18 |
Mardarse noj, welcome to TEFL. Even after that you're still welcome. That tells you the calibre of most of the world's TEFLers. |
07/10/03 11:17 |
Mardarse Piece of piss peds, If I tell you the answers, do you promise not to attach tehm to your application? |
07/10/03 11:17 |
noj and/or congratulations |
07/10/03 11:16 |
noj i can't believe you've not blown your chances already |
07/10/03 11:15 |
pedroso Dear Joe, Let's try again ;o) As part of the first stage in the recruitment procedure, could you please 1) How would you explain the difference between "I like tea" and "I'd like Your answers need not be very long or detailed. We are looking for a general I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Oxana Vladimirskaya
07/10/03 11:14 |
hehe Tony, anyway, the upshot of all this plonkerness is about to reveal itself, so i`ll go and cut and paste in the rpely i got from Moscow this morning... :-) |
06/10/03 12:56 |
JasonX classic |
06/10/03 12:50 |
Zorba* ped, it's only one school out of the many thousands around the world. There are probably many others in Moscow alone. Just bung in a few applications to get this one out of your system and put this one down to experience and the source of an excellent anecdote. I'd go for the carpet-bombing approach. Something will eventually turn up. Just consider the type of people who get into the British Council, supposedly the creme de la creme of the TEFL, i.e. all manner of social inadequates, drunks, crims, pervs etc. |
06/10/03 10:47 |
Tony J hehe Ped, you prize plonker, has anyone met you on here? I'm starting to think if you didnt exist, 40% would have to invent you. |
05/10/03 15:23 |
pedroso peally, i think i have a defective gene which makes me fcuk up everthing i put my hand to. i saved the Word attatchments in the same folder - fatal - and forgot i had saved the dodgy one, so clicked the wrong one. i kind of see the funny side of it now, i mean, they know me a bit better now, warts and all, so they might take me just on the novelty value, just for an experiment, to see what this nobber is like in real life. i may be put in front of classrooms in Moscow, not to teach, just to be used as a kind of "guinea pig" or museum specimen to show them an example of the down side of Western society, what can go wrong with capitalism. I'll probably only make a few kopeks an hour, whatever they drop in a tin for me, but at least I`ll feel useful. |
05/10/03 10:13 |
peally awwww - poor ped! I hope they look past it! How did you manage to send the wrong attachment? |
05/10/03 09:57 |
Oz_blue Amazing! :D |
05/10/03 09:43 |
Sharoncom Go freeleance, more cash, but you're on your own sort of, but they'll give you plenty of work. About 12-15 dollars an hour, I beleive. |
04/10/03 21:00 |
pedroso still haven`t heard back from her, but i keep finding new bits which make me think i shouldn`t hold my breath.
:-O |
04/10/03 14:22 |
AK - 69 this is even funnier second time around |
04/10/03 14:12 |
milkman_dan HAHAHAHAHAHA best. thread. ever. |
04/10/03 09:53 |
didn't see this yesterday; |
04/10/03 00:10 |
ormondroyd This is what 40% is all about. It sums up everything that is good about the site, namely... * it being a place where people can ask for help from experts |
03/10/03 21:31 |
beria and the whole Mrs Robinsonski deal
*breathes* hahahaha *breathes* hahaha! Pure class, ped. |
03/10/03 21:14 |
Loft Nuthouse fantastic stuff pedro.mighty fine. |
03/10/03 21:00 |
Albert Herring They may of course refuse to employ you on the grounds that you can't spell "exaggerate". But that would be mean of them. |
03/10/03 20:28 |
morgan oh bloody hell, this is hilarious. Best Of - now. Please, Simon? |
03/10/03 19:52 |
Brunette > 1) ESP - say yes, can be a good gig - business people earn proper salaries and are more generous than uni students in terms of taking you out for meals, showering you with presents, and making you offers you cannot refuse (although you may have to swear omerta). Plus you may get to teach a bunch of gorgeous pouting secretaries.
03/10/03 19:47 |
fnord 3) Re the suckie suckie factor. Yep, it's not pleasant and beware anyone asking for 'private lessons' cos that means frustrated housewives and the whole Mrs Robinsonski deal. hehehehehehe |
03/10/03 19:46 |
ormondroyd I'm glad it's not just me who keeps finding new disastrous bits every time I read it. |
03/10/03 19:45 |
Brunette oh poor ped |
03/10/03 19:44 |
Brunette classic! I wish I'd seen this earlier!
03/10/03 19:44 |
oh and Mardy, *cursed* |
03/10/03 19:41 |
Azul Buho Oh, it's even crap english! |
03/10/03 19:41 |
Siān hahahahahahahahahahaha, I'm crying here. Sorry ped but this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I'm sorry that you may lose out because of it but be happy that you've given us all such a laugh. Maybe apply somewhere the other side of the world. |
03/10/03 19:39 |
fnord hehehehahahaha |
03/10/03 19:36 |
"ESP - I tend to styeer clear of it, could be business, could be English for Academic purposes, whatever, but it generally involves more planning and preparation, and less fit young female students. |
03/10/03 19:26 |
fnord ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha |
03/10/03 18:29 |
Sharoncom Hahaha!! I take it that job's no go then. |
03/10/03 17:00 |
boxobollox would you mind keeping dreams like that to yourself in future spangle doll? i have a reputation a a miserable boring bast... erm. move along. nothing to see. |
03/10/03 16:59 |
SpanglyPrincess no rubber. sorry. it wasn't very exciting. |
03/10/03 16:58 |
boxobollox that sounds dull spangles. was i dressed in rubber perchance? |
03/10/03 16:56 |
lash i bet they were pissing themselves at the other end too |
03/10/03 16:56 |
SpanglyPrincess you were refusing to drive a train that I had asked you very nicely to drive. you said it was the wrong train. I had a small tantrum. |
03/10/03 16:45 |
boxobollox was i moist? |
03/10/03 16:43 |
SpanglyPrincess *still laughing* boxo, you were in my dream last night. |
03/10/03 16:43 |
boxobollox hehehehahahaha! pure class. wonderful. |
03/10/03 15:59 |
03/10/03 15:45 |
Azul Buho
Hahaha. You daft clungenut. |
03/10/03 15:44 |
lipshipstitspower ah dear, it may be exhaustion but i just can't stop relapsing into fits of hysteria every time i re-read it. *wipes away tears* |
03/10/03 15:39 |
Mardarse hehehe. Now I've stopped panicking, this is expletiveing funny. |
03/10/03 15:39 |
lins yeah, but the links wouldn't be on it mardy, so they wouldn't be able to see your email, would they? |
03/10/03 15:38 |
SpanglyPrincess Ped, you're a genius. best thing I've read in weeks. |
03/10/03 15:38 |
Bing Even if you had you'd have a defence of fair comment |
03/10/03 15:38 |
Zorba the Greek Mardy, Tony J, and Zorba Ltd - come to us for all your TEFL career advice needs. You'll be sliding down that careers ladder/greasy pole faster than you can say "Liz and Jon Soars, they is well shitty, but put that down anyway" |
03/10/03 15:37 |
Mardarse no, but the email on here was. |
03/10/03 15:37 |
pz is Mardarse your real name, then? |
03/10/03 15:36 |
Mardarse On re-reading, I reckon I'm in the clear. I mean I've not actually said anything libellous have I? |
03/10/03 15:35 |
Bing Can I tempt you with some references? :-) F uck me that's funny |
03/10/03 15:33 |
pz at least someone else has been a total front-bottom today. Pouting secretaries. hahahahahhaahahhahaha |
03/10/03 15:33 |
lins classy response, ped, seriously - have they replied? I'd employ you for having the balls to be so up front about it |
03/10/03 15:33 |
Bing hehehe, I'm all over the shop here |
03/10/03 15:33 |
SpanglyPrincess *giggling uncontrollably* |
03/10/03 15:33 |
Mardarse *respect for styling it out* |
03/10/03 15:32 |
Mardarse Best of. Now. |
03/10/03 15:30 |
lash hahahahahahaha. thats funny |
03/10/03 15:30 |
lins "liz and John Soars wrote the Headway series, which is by far the best selling set of course books in the world. And some would say the shittiest" I've just lost it at this bit. Had to have a walk away from my desk moment. Like the way you styled it out with your response too. hahaha Love Joe p.s - I think I styled that one out quite nicely |
03/10/03 15:30 |
SpanglyPrincess HAHAHAHAHA oh dear Ped. oops. bless. |
03/10/03 15:29 |
Bing Plus you may get to teach a bunch of gorgeous pouting secretaries. I'm starting to lose it here |
03/10/03 15:28 |
whojamaflip hahahahahaha classic |
03/10/03 15:27 |
pedroso Here is my reply:
How very embarrassing. I did ask some friends for some advice re: parts of the application form. I am familiar with the Headway Series and have heard of the others. I suppose I was worried about seeming to be "out of touch" with teaching as I had not taught abroad since the CELTA. Ahh well. What can I say? I am sure that if you examine the applications of any candidate you will find some exagerrations, especially if he is silly enough to attach a private correspondence to his email. Exagerration is not necessarily falsification, so it could have been worse :-) I am a good honest person. I think however, in this case, I may have exagerrated myself out of a job. Can I tempt you with some references? :-) Joe. |
03/10/03 15:27 |
Bing Liz and John Soars wrote the Headway series, which is by far the best selling set of course books in the world. And some would say the shittiest *hoots* |
03/10/03 15:27 |
Bing hahahaha fuc king magic |
03/10/03 15:26 |
jim just for a bit. you fule. |
03/10/03 15:26 |
pedroso Mardy, No, this was sent by me yesterday, it had nothing to do with you. Yours didn`t get there, i only did this yesterday. I`ll show you the reply i sent later. |
03/10/03 15:26 |
lins ped, don't go forever. |
03/10/03 15:25 |
pedroso anyway, i`ve got to go and fix some girls computyer in Leeds now. i was looking forwrad to this til about 15 minutes ago. now i know something very horrible will probably happen. i must go. please pray for me lins. Get down on your knees and pray for ped. he needs your prayers right now.
03/10/03 15:24 |
jim would they know you were mardarse? assuming they're not to busy laughing themselves. hope you dont though. |
03/10/03 15:23 |
lins that did cross my mind, mardy, but they won't know it's you, will they? |
03/10/03 15:23 |
Dougal Can they trace any of it to you? You prolly should be OK, mardle... |
03/10/03 15:23 |
jim hehe ped. |
03/10/03 15:23 |
pedroso I don`t know where the hell i`m going to end up. probably in deepest Siberia or Chechnya at this rate. i can`t even get a fu.cking job in the back arse beyond of post-communist Russia. I am doomed. doomed. |
03/10/03 15:23 |
Mardarse unbelievable. I'm stunned. I really hope I don't get in the shit for this. |
03/10/03 15:22 |
Zorba the Greek hehe - ped - sheer class! Hats off to you! |
03/10/03 15:22 |
Dougal Nah, Ped hasn't mentioned his mother or analingual aversion therapy yet... |
03/10/03 15:21 |
ormondroyd I know it's a bit early to be saying this, but shouldn't someone be alerting SimonT to this thread? |
03/10/03 15:21 |
Dougal Ped - now might be a good time to look at applying to Vladivostok rather than Moscow (it's only a short train journey away)... |
03/10/03 15:20 |
"Coursebooks, say you've used the Headway series, Cutting Edge, English File and Reward. They're the biggest ones at the moment. If you get an interview, go to a big bookshop and have a look at these coursebooks so you can blag it a bit." |
03/10/03 15:20 |
Dougal I'm really sorry but I giggle more and more every time I read this... |
03/10/03 15:19 |
lins don't be sad about it ped - can't you apply in another country? |
03/10/03 15:19 |
noj hahahahahahaha |
03/10/03 15:19 |
>>3) Re the suckie suckie factor. Yep, it's not pleasant and beware anyone asking for 'private lessons' cos that means frustrated housewives and the whole Mrs Robinsonski deal. hehehehehehe, poor Ped. I blame Mardy for not sending it himself before wiping your arse... ;o) |
03/10/03 15:18 |
i want to be reborn. as a squirrel, a fox, or a badger, even a dead one. i`d rather be anyone but me right at this moment. i love you all. but i want to die now.
03/10/03 15:18 |
CJ so did they let you in then? |
03/10/03 15:18 |
ormondroyd Time to get yourself down the deed poll office... |
03/10/03 15:17 |
lins haha, you've got to chuckle |
03/10/03 15:17 |
pedroso this bit below is especially good.. "Coursebooks - look up what is taught at the school and put that down, regardless of whether you've actually taught it. Failing this, make sure you write down all the major ones (Soars et al" |
03/10/03 15:17 |
ormondroyd hahahahaha |
03/10/03 15:17 |
ormondroyd hahahahaha |
03/10/03 15:16 |
AK - 69 hahaha you numpty expletive |
03/10/03 15:16 |
Mardarse hehehehe. You expletiveing muppet. |
03/10/03 15:16 |
lins oops |
03/10/03 15:15 |
pedroso We had a thread recently where you gave me loads of advice on how to fill the application form in for the Russian BKC Language School. I got an email off them this morning, asking "did i know what i had sent them"? I said, "yes, my CV"....They replied to say "No, you really don`t know what you sent as the attatchment?"..."No, I don`t"...: Below is the complete text of the attatchment i had sent, the complete contents of the thread that i cut and pasted out of here: enjoy.... "ESP - English for Special Purposes, business and that. Liz and John Soars wrote the Headway series, which is by far the best selling set of course books in the world. And some would say the shittiest. right,had a chat with some people who worked for bkc. They advised against signing a cntract, but rather just freelance for them. You get more cash that way, and apparently they're always looking for people. kill me. now. please??
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