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Filth thread - strangest/most perverted thing that has ever aroused you - even involuntarily! |
24/3/04 18:38 |
lipshipstitspower *defeated* |
24/3/04 18:33 |
fnord@work no, it's no good trying to cover yourself now, it was a snub of massive proportions. don't try to use the fact I wasn't at home at the time as an excuse. |
24/3/04 18:32 |
lipshipstitspower i was in the car park of Sainsbury's for twenty mins, fitting a snub in would be impressive even by my standards. |
24/3/04 18:27 |
fnord@work you snubbed me in Haywards Heath once, and you had to go out of your way to do that |
24/3/04 18:26 |
jim just gently. i'll try and perfect my yerkshire drawl aswell, that last effort was rubbish. |
24/3/04 18:26 |
lipshipstitspower i'm not going to the pub!! everyone keeps accusing me of snubbing them and i've not even been out anywhere! hehe. |
24/3/04 18:25 |
lipshipstitspower have you heard of him, tree? legend, absolute legend. |
24/3/04 18:25 |
tree lips - you going to the pab? you're deliberately avoiding me :O( |
24/3/04 18:25 |
tree god i miss bongo kenco :O( |
24/3/04 18:25 |
lipshipstitspower dr mongo looks a lot like bongo kenco... ello jimble, flower. i shall expect you to slap me round the face as a greeting when we meet then, mmkay? hehe. |
24/3/04 18:23 |
tree that's my hand in the pic. that's how he likes it, uh huh yeah. |
24/3/04 18:23 |
pedroso hahahaha. it would be much easier if we showed our bums and bits more to each other in general social interccourse. then they wouldn`t be so tabboo and have such sway on us. *pulls pants down*
24/3/04 18:23 |
jim eyup lips petal. *slaps* |
24/3/04 18:23 |
tree it was good. but it was just sex. i'm having a much more satisfying relationship now with this guy dr. mongo |
24/3/04 18:22 |
lipshipstitspower that's fantastic all-in-one beard/hair |
24/3/04 18:22 |
fnord@work right, you give me her nuttyhole, and I'll try to get you someone spiritual. deal? |
24/3/04 18:21 |
tree that said, the last really satisfactory sex i had was with this chap
24/3/04 18:20 |
but this is against everything i really need ! :-O she may as well wear her knickers on the outside of her pants. |
24/3/04 18:18 |
tree that's exactly why. because deep down...far beyond our understanding and societal conditioning... we all want to shag a bottyplop |
24/3/04 18:18 |
fnord@work but hang on until I get there |
24/3/04 18:17 |
pedroso hahaha...i know ther`e aware of it, she`s leaning right forwards, god it`s a cruel world when it`s so easy to titillate a man into action. why are bums so sexy anyway :-O when theyr`e full of poo? :-O |
24/3/04 18:17 |
topic you have to get the intensity of the smack just right so it's in pain / pleasure threshold, like spicy food or a cold coke on your tongue. |
24/3/04 18:17 |
topic slap her cheekily on the bottie ped and then wink in the direction of the nearest broom cupboard. that's the kind of the response she's looking for i tell you. |
24/3/04 18:15 |
tree try and levitate her. i used to spend months and months sternly staring at people, trying to will them into the air. it's really difficult but i managed it a few times during the early 90s, most notably on maggie philbin who was in the middle of a link on tomorrows world at the time. |
24/3/04 18:14 |
pedroso ther`es a young Asian girl here in the library bending forwards with her G-string riding right up her crack and her nutty hole very nearly visible. i may ask her if i can give her a wiggle. |
24/3/04 18:09 |
tree i've had some of my best shags in the middle of very intense arguments. whats that mean? |
24/3/04 18:07 |
lipshipstitspower hehe, Ara's 15:22. Alan Smith is definitely one of the strangest thing's that's ever aroused me. See also: being accidentally slapped hard in the face, Leeds accents, and lotsofotherstuffidontthinkillmention. ;O) |
24/3/04 18:05 |
tree nuttyhole sounds really dirty. like when you pull your chipolata out it's going to be smothered in a paste that looks like mashed up snickers bars. |
24/3/04 18:04 |
pedroso "turbo-ports", hehe that`s my new name for it now. though i do like nuttyhole too. |
24/3/04 18:03 |
tree when i used to live in the future, i've got to confess, i used to shag robots in their 'turbo-ports' |
24/3/04 18:02 |
tree haha |
24/3/04 18:00 |
pedroso I remember when i was 28, i was sprawled on my grandma`s couch, and realised that my cock was hanging out of my shorts but instead of putting it back in i kind of just left it hanging there, then i noticed my Nan sneaking long looks at it, and she started sucking her teeth in a kind of weird way which turned me on, then i started to get hard, and just lay there on the couch watching Stars in their Eyes with this Big fat stonker throbbing away :O) |
24/3/04 17:57 |
fnord@work a hugely fat one, yes |
24/3/04 17:55 |
tree hahaha! that took me a minute to realise it was a dream too. i honestly thought fnord was telling us he'd been born a woman |
24/3/04 17:54 |
matthewcr 16:04 tree |
24/3/04 17:54 |
Azul Buho ohmygoshi'vejustrememberedped's |
24/3/04 17:53 |
tree whats fnords? and why did jesus and his mates laugh at him? |
24/3/04 17:53 |
White Noise haven't read fnord's yet. *scrolls* |
24/3/04 17:52 |
pedroso eeeeurrrgggghhh Mockers :-O the stories appearing in this thread make me think ive led a pure blameless life. |
24/3/04 17:52 |
lipshipstitspower yours was spectacular though, fnordle. |
24/3/04 17:51 |
fnord@work jesus, and people laughed at me |
24/3/04 17:51 |
White Noise that's worse than putting your head in the lion's mouth, mockers |
24/3/04 17:50 |
matthewcr gnnnggg |
24/3/04 17:50 |
pedroso Dan, I`m not going to even rise to the bait :-) Like Bucky, i was a poor curious little child tempted by the sins of the flesh. |
24/3/04 17:49 |
mockernee's ghost When I was about 6 an "associate" (he was always too grubby to be a mate) delighted in showing how he'd taught the family collie to suck him off. There wasn't much curiousity about it, he was re-enacting the porno he'd found in his dad's kitbag, with the dog playing the female lead obviously. |
24/3/04 17:48 |
tree i'm sorry bucky. |
24/3/04 17:48 |
bucky, :-O |
24/3/04 17:46 |
milkman_dan i remember ped coming out with some corkers |
24/3/04 17:45 |
buckland OK, well, I'm sorry. I can assure you no cruelty was involved, and with that I shall take my leave and hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. |
24/3/04 17:45 |
pedroso "i nursed the rabbit gently to his pleasure" hehe. hahahahaah. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! :O)
24/3/04 17:45 |
mockernee's ghost Did you actually bring him off fully Buck? I can see Hugh Fairly-Wittering advising us all to wank rabbits off into our cassoulets. |
24/3/04 17:42 |
tree seriously though, i think that's an awful story. not comical at all |
24/3/04 17:42 |
buckland It explains why I'm an overweight father of two from Kingston? How? |
24/3/04 17:41 |
biopot Hoprah |
24/3/04 17:41 |
Goonerific How was he consenting? He was a tiny little bunny rabbit, and you were some filthy clod-hopping ten year old. Would have been better if you did eat him. I bet he went on the rabbit "Oprah" with his story. |
24/3/04 17:40 |
Azul Buho How did you pull him, buckland? Did you buy him some carrots and stroke his ears a bit? |
24/3/04 17:39 |
tree you're one step from being john wayne gacey |
24/3/04 17:39 |
tree i don't think it's true buckland. and if it is, it explains why you are the way you are. |
24/3/04 17:38 |
buckland He was consenting. I was 10. What can I tell you? I feel terrible. It's not like I ATE him or anything. |
24/3/04 17:38 |
Goonerific I swear to god, if your mothers were reading this......... You're all going to hell on the day of reckoning anyway. Wanking off rabbits, I don't know..mutter....youth of today...etc etc |
24/3/04 17:38 |
mockernee's ghost I woke up one hot summer morning next to the ex, thinking "hello, game on again", then saw her head next to mine on the pillow. Quietly removing the nutsweat-licking kitten from attending to my scrotum I placed her between the ex's thighs and went to make a cuppa. Was a good minute before I heard the scream. I love my life a little more every time I relate that story. |
24/3/04 17:36 |
tree so i'm not talking to you ever again. that's rape. |
24/3/04 17:35 |
buckland Yes. So? |
24/3/04 17:34 |
tree buckland. i want a straight answer without ANY funnies. |
24/3/04 17:33 |
biopot did anyone else force worms to shit when they were younger? |
24/3/04 17:33 |
Jaysus, I was only 10, and I'd just read 'Where Do I Come From?' by Claire Rayner and I wanted to try it out, and my banger wasn't going to provide much evidential material. I'm not a sicko, just species-curious. |
24/3/04 17:33 |
Azul Buho I have never wonked off a rodent of any kind. No sir. Not me. I prefer ungulates. |
24/3/04 17:32 |
mockernee's ghost I had a lezza Aussie flatmate years back, we went out clubbing together, off our faces throwing shapes when this stunning girl sidles between us and starts dancing very provocatively, backing into first one then the other, winking, "accidentally" brushing against us, very Grange Hill disco. About an hour of this, me doing nowt, flatmate doing nowt. As we walk out I ask her why the hell she didn't take home the fit lass who was moving on her? "On me? I was about to ask if you're not gay as well?". I hate my life a little bit more every time I relate that story. |
24/3/04 17:31 |
biopot rabbits, mink, weasels, stoats, they are all for his pleasure and his alone. |
24/3/04 17:31 |
tree wait there buckland. did you REALLY wank off a rabbit? or is this some sort of internet urban you're trying to construct around yourself? like a fishy moat around a chipshop |
24/3/04 17:30 |
buckland "wasn;t it buckie that fingered his rabbit though?" I profoundly resent being written off as a perv. He was a boy rabbit, and I nursed him gently to his pleasure. I didn't' 'finger' him. That's disgusting. |
24/3/04 17:28 |
biopot that's what I did. Involuntarily. |
24/3/04 17:28 |
tree um, er... *sprints off* |
24/3/04 17:27 |
biopot I was at the reading festival in about '91 or '92 when some perv tried to rub me up from behind. |
24/3/04 17:26 |
tree when i was at the reading festival in...91 or 92...i was in the tent to see...i think it was five thirty (remember them?) and i was really pushed hard at the front against someone who had a soft rounded bum...and who i was convinced from the back was a girl. i erm, started to swell a bit and couldn't move at all. hehe. that's terrible isn't it? especially when i realised they was a boy. :-O |
24/3/04 17:25 |
biopot It's never been the same since they added the non-slip strips long the corridor. |
24/3/04 17:24 |
White Noise grinding up against that 52 year old in the Fab the other month |
24/3/04 17:24 |
mockernee's ghost The Nuttyhole's still open? Used to end every night in there, I'd come out in the early hours looking like shit. |
24/3/04 17:24 |
tree i'll try and finish it now. one time when i was taking my mom up the.heheh...haha nuttyhole! hahaha i ca'nt do it. hahaaaa |
24/3/04 17:23 |
biopot 200 |
24/3/04 17:23 |
tree i'm hung like a donkey with a tiny 1 inch needle dick |
24/3/04 17:23 |
topic your mum's nuttyhole is ruined tree, you must be hung like a donkey |
24/3/04 17:22 |
biopot chocolate love token |
24/3/04 17:22 |
tree once when i was taking my mom up the nuttyhole, i hahahahaha. i just typed the word nuttyhole. hahahai can't finish this post now. hahaahehehe |
24/3/04 17:21 |
tree *pissed on matt* i have now! topic - me too :O) but with someone totally else who none of you have met so don't get picturing anything alright? |
24/3/04 17:21 |
topic hehe. yeah i have once tree, with a g/f in taipei. not drinking it or anything but pissing on each other in the bath / shower. it was sort of funny but not very erotic. acres is your man for this kind of thing. |
24/3/04 17:20 |
matthewcr *pisses on tree* your turn |
24/3/04 17:19 |
tree anyone ever had real proper piss action with a partner? you go first |
24/3/04 17:19 |
matthewcr hahaha i've had those sort of dreams in the past actually. not for a while though. I keep having smutty dreams set on the tube these days. In one the other day i follwed a girl onto the platform who was wearing nothing but a pair of kinky knickers. I grabbed her arse and it went on from there. |
24/3/04 17:17 |
24/3/04 17:16 |
lipshipstitspower lips was shockingly bad i'm keeping quiet on this, then. :o) |
24/3/04 17:14 |
tree actually, fancy getting together and sucking each other off? i'm out at wrestling practise tonight but i can meet you in the bogs after? |
24/3/04 17:13 |
tree mockernee. last night i was convinced i'd done it too. i only remembered when i saw your post. thankyou my friend. |
24/3/04 17:11 |
topic Hotel Sinless, Rio - "Where Love is Not a Crime" |
24/3/04 17:03 |
Araneae ouch, I had to take paracetamol last night for my knees, I couldn't sleep with the pain. must buy some new trainers. |
24/3/04 17:03 |
mockernee's ghost Thank you Tree, I'm not alone. I half expect to wake up sucking my thumb 'cos there's sensations in the dream as well. And it makes a welcome change from the one where my knees won't straighten and I'm in crippling agony, 'cos when I wake up from them my knees won't straighten and I'm in crippling agony. |
24/3/04 17:02 |
The Corinthian mockers-let that be a lesson to you |
24/3/04 17:01 |
tree whoa! that's crazy. i swear i had a dream about sucking my own banger last night. weird |
24/3/04 17:00 |
Araneae hmmm, I've got to go too now, bugger it. |
24/3/04 17:00 |
mockernee's ghost To be fair, my sister's pretty fit. Anyway, this was supposed to be your most perverted and involuntary arousal triggers, I fessed up.
24/3/04 17:00 |
lins hehe, as luck would have it I have to run off to work now. Sorry! |
24/3/04 16:59 |
Araneae look, this isn't on! everyone knows it all anyway! |
24/3/04 16:59 |
biopot the crayola express is bang on time! |
24/3/04 16:58 |
fnord@work lips was shockingly bad |
24/3/04 16:58 |
lins bio remembers it all :-) |
24/3/04 16:58 |
tree i spoke to fishinabox late last night. he's really gone doolally. all smiles and bible quotes and nudity |
24/3/04 16:58 |
Araneae even if I get you very drunk? fat chance of that happening anyway :o( |
24/3/04 16:58 |
lins i think so satch, wasn;t it buckie that fingered his rabbit though? haha |
24/3/04 16:57 |
lins hehe, i won't be repeating it I don't think! Surely best of isn't dead for ever? We can;t lose the cliff thorburn and fishinabox threads! |
24/3/04 16:57 |
Satch I remember that lins bing did bad things to a cat didn't he? |
24/3/04 16:57 |
tree i once, erm..i um...i cant tell you |
24/3/04 16:56 |
biopot choo!-choo! |
24/3/04 16:56 |
Araneae ...you'll have to tell me one day though, best of is dead I think. |
24/3/04 16:56 |
Araneae at least you were in good company lins |
24/3/04 16:55 |
lins ara, it was a shocker. Me, lips and bing TOTALLY disgraced ourselves. As did buckie i think. Was about to give you a link, but as luck would have it best of doesn't seem to be working! It is on there though |
24/3/04 16:55 |
Araneae yeah, but dreams don't mean anything, they're just messed up thoughts. if I really wanted to shag the people I dreamed about shagging I'd be seriously concerned. |
24/3/04 16:55 |
Dougal I had one dream like that and it was horrible - I woke up almost screaming... |
24/3/04 16:54 |
The Corinthian well i sure as hell don't dream about my sisters |
24/3/04 16:54 |
Araneae lins, spill the beans? I missed all that! |
24/3/04 16:54 |
The Corinthian no ara, no they're not. |
24/3/04 16:54 |
Araneae do you only dream about sex with people you want to shag BB? Strange. |
24/3/04 16:53 |
Araneae incest dreams/fantasies are fairly common aren't they? maybe I think so because I'm an only child. |
24/3/04 16:53 |
The Corinthian why why why would you want to give your sister one? i know your a scouser but this ain't brookside |
24/3/04 16:52 |
lins i wish mockers had been around in the days of the worst things you did as a kid thread. Might have made me, bing and lips look slightly better. Although that's tricky |
24/3/04 16:51 |
Araneae now you're pushing it *backs away slowly* |
24/3/04 16:50 |
lins hehehe |
24/3/04 16:50 |
Satch eeeeeeeeeeeew giving your sister one? |
24/3/04 16:50 |
mockernee's ghost Phew, no need to mention how Nana Moon makes me frisky then. |
24/3/04 16:50 |
The Corinthian your not fine mokkers, judging by that post your not fine at all |
24/3/04 16:49 |
matthewcr funny, i had the exactly same dream about your sister |
24/3/04 16:48 |
Araneae nah, after fnords confession you're fine mockers. |
24/3/04 16:46 |
mockernee's ghost Am I the only fella who dreams, genuinely dreams not idle fantasising, about blowing himself? And every time I think "yes! this one's definitely not a dream, result" only to wake up. I've explained it to my girlfriend and a possible resolution to my problem, but no dice. And I've given my sister a shamefully good seeing-to several times, christ do I feel grim when I wake up after that dream. I've said too much haven't I, damn. |
24/3/04 16:44 |
Dougal Pity - Gonzo and Animal would be fantastic pornstars... |
24/3/04 16:41 |
matthewcr neither. was just a crap attempt at a jokey comment to lins previous post |
24/3/04 16:35 |
Dougal Matt - as in Hunter or Henson (or both)? |
24/3/04 16:34 |
matthewcr I've seen pornos shot in those hotels. real gonzo stuff. |
24/3/04 16:34 |
lins we also thought we could see a red light on behind one of the mirrors, but that may have been paranoia |
24/3/04 16:33 |
Azul Buho She's quite nice, actually, but some of the things I've imagined doing to the redhead off That 70's Show... |
24/3/04 16:31 |
biopot they could be using all that genetic material to produce a race of super wankers, or summat. |
24/3/04 16:30 |
Araneae nice! I suppose it beats flushing them down the loo. |
24/3/04 16:29 |
lins you know those little shutes they have in super markets that the put the notes in at the till? Then the shoot off? They had those in all the rooms to for you to put your used condoms in |
24/3/04 16:28 |
biopot If I can hold it straight, I aim to please. |
24/3/04 16:28 |
Araneae sounds like a great place for a honeymoon |
24/3/04 16:27 |
Brunette hahaha bio - you're making me giggle like a nutter today |
24/3/04 16:27 |
lins it's a mental place, ara. We were driving around looking for a hotel after the argentina game and the only paces we could find were love hotels. Tony went in to check if they had rooms and came back going "right, don't laugh when you go in there but the reception desk is basically a cabinet full of vibrators" |
24/3/04 16:26 |
biopot just your hand will do... |
24/3/04 16:26 |
Araneae From my totally naive perspective, Japan is an enigma. So much social politeness and stuff, but so blatant about sex. I can't get my head around it. |
24/3/04 16:25 |
biopot Quite, they tend to burst into flames 'round the back' on Park Lane. |
24/3/04 16:25 |
lins na, just a normal hotel room sooz, except they had mirrored ceilings and walls and stuff |
24/3/04 16:24 |
Dougal hehehe, bio - I should have known better than to post on a thread like this. All I'm willing to say on the didlo/dildo front is "Don't trust the bendy ones"... |
24/3/04 16:24 |
lins the great thing about love hotels is there's no discretion involved - they all have big pink neon signs all over them that scream "LOVE HOTEL" hehe |
24/3/04 16:24 |
CJ was it like those pods that you just climbed into? |
24/3/04 16:23 |
Araneae hehehe |
24/3/04 16:23 |
biopot are they bigger? More girth? What is it about them you like Dougs, tell us, please! |
24/3/04 16:23 |
lins it didn't with the company i had sooz, much as he was trying. "so fancy a shag then?" hehe |
24/3/04 16:23 |
Dougal hehe, I like "didlos" better than "dildos"... |
24/3/04 16:22 |
PA Terry oh..well that'll have to do then. *shakes ara's hand, firmly* |
24/3/04 16:21 |
lins yeah, pay by the hour. You go in and they have outfits and didlos and stuff on display. You can just stick your credit card in and they give you a key - don't even have to speak to anyone. We stayed in a couple - they're really cheap over night, only about a tenner, cos most people use them during the day |
24/3/04 16:21 |
Araneae no terry, just a friendly pat on the back type of hug |
24/3/04 16:21 |
*proud* |
24/3/04 16:21 |
biopot tent. garden. back inside for the telly. |
24/3/04 16:21 |
PA Terry is that like, horny touchy feely hugs? |
24/3/04 16:21 |
CJ doesn't it smell of sex though Lins? |
24/3/04 16:20 |
Araneae love hotels? I like the sound of that, no nonsense. |
24/3/04 16:20 |
biopot I made that up. |
24/3/04 16:20 |
lins shame they don't have love hotels, like in Japan, they;re the best |
24/3/04 16:20 |
Araneae aw tel *hugs* |
24/3/04 16:20 |
CJ £36 an hour? Go for the deals, Premier Lodge £25 for the night. |
24/3/04 16:19 |
PA Terry Ara - just make sure before you book it that Shrew won't phone up and break your heart. |
24/3/04 16:19 |
Brunette this thread needs to go on best of. now |
24/3/04 16:19 |
Satch hehehehe "I could feel them up inside me" HAHAHAHA! |
24/3/04 16:18 |
Smudger and it doesn't matter how many 'sleep' int he room either.. |
24/3/04 16:18 |
babble oh my good god, not in all my dreams did i imagine such a post from fnord. hahaahahahaahah! it is so twisted. midget children - my f-ing god!! |
24/3/04 16:18 |
biopot travelodge on the M1 - £36/hr |
24/3/04 16:17 |
Brunette yeah ara - you should. nice hotel for a few hours. some marvellous norty action - you'll feel loads better |
24/3/04 16:16 |
Araneae hehe lins, I want to hear about him getting all soapy with his FIL again. |
24/3/04 16:15 |
Araneae Bru, not really until Shrew has written up, then we're off. Anyway, its his birthday this weekend and I've booked a babysitter. Maybe we should forget the film and meal and just book a hotel for a few hours. |
24/3/04 16:15 |
lins where's chris - I want to hear about him and his mum in her wedding dress. It's not real perversion unless he's around |
24/3/04 16:15 |
CJ have mad pash lurving while the spuds are on the boil |
24/3/04 16:15 |
Satch 100 |
24/3/04 16:14 |
biopot it's easy to get up, too. |
24/3/04 16:14 |
Araneae that is one sexy chair |
24/3/04 16:14 |
Brunette hahahaha. i'm still giggling about fnord bless ara. can you not book a norty weekend away? |
24/3/04 16:13 |
24/3/04 16:13 |
Araneae its not so bad, the evenings are ours (when Shrew gets home before 10 that is) |
24/3/04 16:13 |
milkman_dan aaarrrgh *runs away screaming with fingers in ears* |
24/3/04 16:13 |
lins get noj round to hold the baby while you have a quick expletive |
24/3/04 16:12 |
Araneae soooz, I think if I scheduled a few quick 2 minute bonks here and there I'd have less of the dreams. |
24/3/04 16:11 |
lins don't you love it when you go too far and everyone backs away? |
24/3/04 16:11 |
Araneae hehehe, poor Shrew, he'd have sex 3 times a day if he had his way. as it is he's lucky if its once a week :o( |
24/3/04 16:10 |
biopot either that or you've left a tampon in *gets strangely aroused* |
24/3/04 16:10 |
CJ not even 2 mins for a quick shuffle Ara? |
24/3/04 16:09 |
lins i expect so ara, that or shrew isn't man enough for you. Let's get him on here and talk about your sex life. hehe. Just kidding. Probably just the frustration of not having time to do stuff you want to, including sex |
24/3/04 16:08 |
jacques were you on the pill, fnord, or were they using condoms? |
24/3/04 16:08 |
Araneae do you think its because I never have time for sex? |
24/3/04 16:08 |
fnord@work think that's the first time I've told that one and I'm very proud of the result *off to do some work* |
24/3/04 16:08 |
Araneae its horrid lins |
24/3/04 16:08 |
Araneae hhahahahahahaha! |
24/3/04 16:07 |
lins Christ ara, that sounds a nightmare. |
24/3/04 16:07 |
Brunette >>>> I could just feel their tiny little cocks as if I was a woman !!!!! |
24/3/04 16:07 |
Araneae phew, that's a no then bru! |
24/3/04 16:07 |
Araneae hehehehe, am I the only person laughing at fnord? |
24/3/04 16:07 |
biopot or rice crispies. |
24/3/04 16:07 |
Brunette oh dear god - i'm practically hyperventilating i'm laughing so much |
24/3/04 16:07 |
biopot oh, and I think you have cysts on your ovaries, fnord. |
24/3/04 16:07 |
fnord@work it wasn't like they were crawling up my gruff ort anything, I could just feel their tiny little cocks as if I was a woman - that was the really odd part about it |
24/3/04 16:06 |
jacques please stop asking fnord these questions. *leaves* |
24/3/04 16:06 |
biopot I woke up covered in a strange ooze. |
24/3/04 16:06 |
matthewcr when you say 'right up inside me' - where do you mean exactly? |
24/3/04 16:06 |
Araneae no lins, more that I can't get anyone to sort me out, and I try loads of people and none of them are up for it, so I end up trying to sort myself out but that doesn't work. I wake up really horny and frustrated but I've got other stuff to do so it just gets forgotten about. |
24/3/04 16:06 |
biopot this was last week yeah? |
24/3/04 16:06 |
jacques oops - he did. |
24/3/04 16:05 |
fnord@work seriously. I woke up and could remember every thrust. |
24/3/04 16:05 |
Brunette hahahahaha bio! |
24/3/04 16:05 |
lins hahaha patty |
24/3/04 16:05 |
fnord@work hahahaha |
24/3/04 16:05 |
matthewcr fnord - seriously? |
24/3/04 16:05 |
biopot ARGH! I had a dream where me and my twin dwarf brother were feeding grapes to a big fat woman before we had sex with her! ARGH! |
24/3/04 16:05 |
Brunette oh jesus christ *calls an exorcist* |
24/3/04 16:05 |
matthewcr i heard about a bloke who used to have a wank in his car because he couldnt get any privacy anywhere else. And then he found he couldnt get it up at all unless he was in his car. |
24/3/04 16:05 |
jacques *waits for fnord to strike* |
24/3/04 16:05 |
CJ *gag* |
24/3/04 16:04 |
fnord@work sorry, I was on the phone |
24/3/04 16:04 |
fnord@work right this was a good few years ago but it was very vivid. I was an immensely fat woman in a big velvet lined opulent bedroom, being attended to by 2 midget children, feeding me grapes and pampering me and that. then they started to have sex with me, and I could feel them right up inside me. it can only have been a past life coming back in my dreams. |
24/3/04 16:04 |
lins you're shagging and you can't reach the peak, ara? |
24/3/04 16:03 |
filth, muhuhu Ill give them fiiiiilth |
24/3/04 16:03 |
lins or the documentary about people into animals and the bloke driving along in his landrover going "Coooorrr, look at the legs on her" *camera pans to shot of horse in the field* hahaha. great viewing. sick fuckers |
24/3/04 16:03 |
Araneae hahahaha matt! |
24/3/04 16:02 |
Araneae you know those anxiety dreams where you can't make a phonecall, or you're late for a job interview and can't get there? well cross that with a horny dream and that comes close to what mine are like at the moment. |
24/3/04 16:02 |
Milburn he will be...rocking back and forth and speaking in tongues with scented candle burning, the curtains shut and wham playing backwards on a black hifi with 667 - the neighbour of the beast scratched on it in red ink, all the while mashing the keyboard with his fists. |
24/3/04 16:02 |
jim hehe milburn! |
24/3/04 16:02 |
Brunette hahahahaha brilliant thread |
24/3/04 16:01 |
lins hehehe, you've set me off too, milbs |
24/3/04 16:01 |
Milburn "cork" ers, you see? |
24/3/04 16:01 |
matthewcr i've got this awful feeling fnord is typing a huge essay now |
24/3/04 16:01 |
Milburn no but lins' cross posst has given me the giggles. |
24/3/04 16:01 |
jim i've had some ones about corking recently |
24/3/04 16:01 |
lins hehe, did you ever see that documentary about that, z? The woman that stole the herse? "don't come a knockin' when the herse is a rockin'" |
24/3/04 16:01 |
matthewcr and that turned you on milbs? |
24/3/04 16:01 |
Milburn hehehehe |
24/3/04 16:00 |
lins i've had some corkers recently |
24/3/04 16:00 |
Milburn I read an article about a necrophili@c once, and she used to break into crypts, find recently deceased bodies then hump them, or as best she could. Evidently her best organisms occurred when she could get enough of a motion going to cause them to wheeze a bit and blood to come out of their mouths. *claims prize.leaves thread* |
24/3/04 16:00 |
matthewcr I always wake up just as the dreams get interesting. |
24/3/04 15:58 |
Araneae I could never share my naughty dreams, they are far too strange. |
24/3/04 15:58 |
lins still dead? |
24/3/04 15:57 |
matthewcr *holds gun to head* go on then - but if it gets too weird i'll end it all |
24/3/04 15:56 |
fnord@work you sure? it's a corker |
24/3/04 15:56 |
Satch NO |
24/3/04 15:55 |
fnord@work I had a really strange erotic dream once, anyone want to hear it? |
24/3/04 15:55 |
The Corinthian your wasted here tel, you should have your own comic strip |
24/3/04 15:53 |
Satch hehehe finally |
24/3/04 15:51 |
Araneae satch! what's strange about that? |
24/3/04 15:46 |
jim haha maka!
24/3/04 15:46 |
PA Terry I once dated a Geordie Goth called Lynnette...i think we split up cos i made her brush her teeth after giving me head (i'm a bad man!) |
24/3/04 15:45 |
Whoj I once fancied a mackem, sorry, i know, that is going too far |
24/3/04 15:43 |
matthewcr I once dreamt about a girl with great tits but hairy nipples. |
24/3/04 15:42 |
PA Terry I'm not liking this thread and where it is going |
24/3/04 15:41 |
maka The death of Bertie Mee. |
24/3/04 15:41 |
jim michelle deatrice and lorraine kelly. I've come over all funny. |
24/3/04 15:40 |
Goonerific I've been known to hanker after less-than-foxy girls, purely because of the fmb factor. |
24/3/04 15:36 |
fnord@work freak |
24/3/04 15:32 |
Brunette what ara said |
24/3/04 15:31 |
jim me too az, but she's getting better all the time |
24/3/04 15:28 |
Azul Buho
I liked Lorraine Kelly many moons ago. Anne Diamond does nothing for me, though. |
24/3/04 15:26 |
Satch Ara |
24/3/04 15:26 |
matthewcr lorraine kelly has a lovely accent |
24/3/04 15:26 |
Goonerific LORRAINE KELLY!!! |
24/3/04 15:24 |
sue |
24/3/04 15:24 |
jim Lorraine Kelly. |
24/3/04 15:24 |
jim (michele deatrice, not sue lawley) |
24/3/04 15:24 |
The Corinthian this will all end in tears |
24/3/04 15:23 |
The Corinthian you've a thing for gavin strang babble? |
24/3/04 15:23 |
jim deny, thank god its not only me. |
24/3/04 15:23 |
sue |
24/3/04 15:22 |
Araneae alan smith |
24/3/04 15:21 |
fnord@work bugger! I thought this was a Terry thread |
24/3/04 15:21 |
michelle |
24/3/04 15:20 |
rat use of the word strang |
24/3/04 15:20 |
babble come on be honest now you strang lot. |
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