09/10/02 16:00 |
They hear the name Zico and they think of Brazil. Not us, no, no, and we never will A big daft Irishman Mick martin is his name He graced the park and made his mark Now he's comentating
09/10/02 15:59 |
Sing in the Gallowgate Bovril and a pie Mirandhina round a corner flag I’m so happy I could fly Bliss does not last Down to earth We all crash down The scousers get the goal The whistle goes Lets head for home A soggy feeling I perceive I think someone pissed down my back
09/10/02 15:57 |
Love the seamen one chris...
09/10/02 15:57 |
09/10/02 15:56 |
Azul Buho
They hear the name Zico and they think of Brazil. We know better, don't we Dougal? We knew Mel.
09/10/02 15:55 |
Life From the keeper's arms To the opponents' net. Is the journey of the ball A metaphor for the struggle of sperm In the womb? Bet Seaman thinks so, in his private moments At home in Yorkshire.
09/10/02 15:53 |
The tribe The quest The adreniline rush The shot The goal The big crowd crush
09/10/02 15:53 |
Zicoooo Zicooooo Zico Zicooooo You were never put in prison For your beliefs Like Steve Biko But you were f*cking good looking And that's just as important, perhaps.
09/10/02 15:51 |
Azul Buho
Marco Tardelli! I couldn't shake my head And my hands And the world Like you did Back when I was just a kid. I could only shout With a passionate cry. But now if I try I can hear John Motson blaring out your name And it makes me crackle just the same Just the same as that goal did.
09/10/02 15:51 |
Gabby Logan with no clothes on but just to make you sad she'll end up looking like her dad
09/10/02 15:51 |
did I tell you that's my mates cousin you're talking about
09/10/02 15:49 |
Gabby Logan With no clothes Now that's what i call The future of football
09/10/02 15:48 |
Des, Des, Des, Des, Des Shut the f*ck up And show us Gabby
09/10/02 15:47 |
Shearer Afraid to fail Always were. Simple mate You were never great Cos you went home So early To be loved.
09/10/02 15:46 |
Ade Akinbiyi Oh Ade, how do I despise you? let me count the ways 1 2 3 ... ... ... 2.4 million yes, that just about covers it.
09/10/02 15:45 |
Shearer, She-ra Davids got more medals than You’ve lost your pace Along with your hair And the plastic mancs all hate you The Gallowgate roar Wear the captains armband proud Number 9 on Goal against the Makems One arm raised You wheel away Smug grin says it all Medal, shmedals, you’re the King of the World up here
09/10/02 15:41 |
haven't you lot got any work to do!!!(I'm only jealous)
09/10/02 15:38 |
Welsh Electric Oh Sparky Hughes You loved to move Kinesis, action, combat, strife For you they were the stuff of life. It seemed to be beyond your ken, The static drama of the pen. You never deigned to get involved With anything that didn't move. Give you something thirty yards out, Ball chest high and players' studs up. It seemed not on, it seemed so wrong The yards too much, the odds too long, But your boot arrived in the appointed place - Like a wrecking ball from outer space.
09/10/02 15:22 |
My 5-a-side Dream Team Li Tie Fan Zhiyi Hidetoshi Nakata Junichi Inamoto Ono Oh yes I'd like to take all your sisters To Fiji Or up the bumcrack Or both.
09/10/02 15:21 |
I contemplate the loom 'Pon which you weave Opponents doom. hahahahaha
09/10/02 15:18 |
Azul Buho
My Dad's Sheffield and District Referees 5-a-Side Teammate Mal You looked a bit like David Johnston And you were the best player on the pitch Every time they put the reducer in You grinned Cos you were a referee in civvies And you'd send the cunts off next week
09/10/02 15:13 |
Danish Claus Your smile makes me smile Your soft accent makes me dream Can you score a free kick? Receding hairline Misleading You know you want me
09/10/02 15:11 |
My Thierry Amour Tel, Tezza, Terry, Tegs If you had been dimanche league What would you have been called, I begs? But you're not, Coz you too damn hot, You I'd like to frot, But you would not, Because you're not, The type to frot, Or cott age. Oh no, not one jot. You fast boy With defenders you do toy Bringing me much joy On a Saturdoy Or any other doy That you ploy. BOOM! You lift the gloom With your va va voom, And as I zoom Around the room I contemplate the loom 'Pon which you weave Opponents doom. You best Crazy vest.
09/10/02 15:03 |
Azul Buho
(addendum) Come home, Mendi. Come home. We won without you And it hurt to pretend we enjoyed it.
09/10/02 15:02 |
yeah he should have come to us az...
09/10/02 15:02 |
az, is that a poem or an email to 'you're on sky sports'?
09/10/02 15:01 |
ravenelli so easy to spot on telly
09/10/02 15:00 |
Azul Buho
Mendi the Footballing Hippy You called your daughter 'Haiza'. It's Basque for 'Wind'. It's not a common name, even in Bilbao. You retreat to the mountains instead of the beach. You refused National Service. And you've condemned human rights abuses. Why then, my choirboyish genius, did you go to Lazio?
09/10/02 14:58 |
where did I go wrong? Im open to criticisum
09/10/02 14:58 |
ah shadduppa ya face
09/10/02 14:58 |
'poem' is that some sort of structuralist gag?
09/10/02 14:58 |
poem, not player
09/10/02 14:57 |
Sorry Satch. repeat in English please.
09/10/02 14:57 |
09/10/02 14:56 |
though not much that makes sense ay satch
09/10/02 14:56 |
Higuita There have been some fine contenders For proximity to insanity In that fine position Between the sticks. Schmeichel, who blamed his every mis-kick On any red-clad misfit In ranting range. Chilavert, who would have run for president And set a Chilean precedent For cross-disciplinary success But decided that politics was a mess And bought a bar instead. Barthez, who looked like an erect cock, Muscular, shiny, full of cum Linda dug his testo-moods But he took the prick resemblance Into inappropriate elements - His game. You, Higuita, you had the locks, You had the shocks, The trick you pulled at Wembley Caused meetings to be called In Wembley's hallowed halls. You even had a silly name, René. No 1 No 1 For me.
09/10/02 14:55 |
Sooz that is the most awful player about a South African footballer I have ever read and that's saying summat
09/10/02 14:55 |
nevp as ron says you do the ugly work
09/10/02 14:53 |
Fish on a dish Wine, poems, football, women You live for them all Whats with the hair? We like it Give us a wave Mark.
09/10/02 14:49 |
You let the ball do the work Por que non? hehehhehe
09/10/02 14:41 |
Valderrama You never seemed To have been young Always thirty Never moved much Outside the centre circle You let the ball do the work Por que non? And sometimes i believed Your golden mop Had aerials on top Connected to the angels Who told you divine angles To see those little passes That only experience And drugs Can bring.
09/10/02 14:38 |
hehehe like being back at skool ;o) Deep in the unfamiliar sadness of the Catalan, Far wander'd from the salty breath of the Tyne, Shrunken from the Northern Moon, and the single blue star, Sat gray-hair'd Sir Bobby, quiet as a stone, Still was the silence that lay on the Nou Camp. But the songs of the Geordies hung about his head. Distant, urgent. Like promise of rain.
King Keegan, departed, the kingdom in ruins, Two strangers, unworthy, the bloodline lay broken. No life in the people, their pride lying shattered. Tearing life from the country, the men bowed and wasted. To share life with this club a rare and painful gift. But from far Barca the trail of foot-marks wander, A trail unforgiving, far from the Spanish shore. To where the people listened yet, waiting. waiting. Once more to the trenches, once more to the front line. The people lying idle, their lifeblood denied. The calling is heard, no time to stand idle. Plans drawn up and readied, now onwards, time wasting. The old knight now returning, the city alive.
09/10/02 14:37 |
Battiston And on, and on And back And up And down On your arse You should've ducked Now you're fu.cked.
09/10/02 14:35 |
Jon Jensen Extraordinaire What the f.uck was up with your hair? I see now You've changed your name To some obscure Danish beer. That's so apt Because you did Play like a pool of piss
09/10/02 14:29 |
Erik the Viking Big hands Big in Norway Shit in London
09/10/02 14:28 |
Azul Buho
Pieman If there were a handicap system With a weight / agility ratio You'd be the best keeper ever. Will 'My Favourite Keeper Ever' do?
09/10/02 14:23 |
09/10/02 14:23 |
The stumble, the kick, in the back of the net The crowd went wild In more ways than one Ned Kelly the hero and villain in one Evil little buggers are Leicester City fans
09/10/02 14:23 |
The stumble, the kick, in the back of the net The crowd went wild In more ways than one Ned Kelly the hero and villain in one Evil little buggers are Leicester City fans
09/10/02 14:22 |
They called you the crab, samways was that cos you only passed sideways or because your hair looked like pubes?
09/10/02 14:21 |
Deano Where’d your teeth go? Are they in the goal?
09/10/02 14:20 |
Jason Cundy - the next big thing chelsea said what the f.uck? Married a bond girl then scored from the half way line against ipswich That was it for your luck A cancer scare and you lost one ball now it's in the other testicle
09/10/02 14:19 |
Thought so... Scrap the keeper... we need scholes in the team too.
09/10/02 14:18 |
hehe. you steven - we'd play 3-3-1-3 and seba would be a utd legend
09/10/02 14:18 |
Who would that mate be, chris?!!
09/10/02 14:16 |
'like a madman's shit'. *appl;auds*
09/10/02 14:15 |
"golden, dwight - that's what you were in our golden year. two more down the line you'd taken a shine to brandy and babylons, big tits and avalons. but you were golden, dwight, for a time and that is something" Fantastic, chris. You are VERY good at this.
09/10/02 14:14 |
Martin O Neill Don't get any funny ideas Mon 'Bout running us club yeah. i've got a mate who looks Just like you 'Cept he's taller And i'd rather he did it you f*cker.
09/10/02 14:14 |
normal wud probably give him a pedicure, actually
09/10/02 14:13 |
09/10/02 14:12 |
i really f*cking hate mcmahon
09/10/02 14:11 |
i've been in his office. it was full of cases of Bud
09/10/02 14:10 |
McMahon Those pig-faced dogs? What are they called? What is the proper creed Of that rancid breed? Is it McMahon? If you'd ever understood The depths of my hate Towards your ruddy face You would have killed somebody - Perhaps me, hopefully yourself. Everything about your style Was drenched in bile But unfortunately for me It worked rather well In the context of that earthly hell Anfield. I hope one day you bump into Norman, Mr Whiteside, Cos he hated you too That's why i loved him. And he could really give you a kicking You little shit.
09/10/02 14:09 |
09/10/02 14:08 |
You took the best, you took the rest From a north-east backwater To the city lights You gave us money we gave you class But thankyou so much For taking Kevin Scott
09/10/02 14:08 |
I believe Chris to be a total and utter genius. Shame he's such a cnut with it and looks like Ian Beale
09/10/02 14:06 |
haha whoj. Kevin fecking scott
09/10/02 14:05 |
i can bake cakes too
09/10/02 14:05 |
Chris... you have talent.
09/10/02 14:05 |
I might be crap at this, but I'm enjoying it......as Kevin Scott once said
09/10/02 14:04 |
Sunderland 0 Liverpool 5 I once made a trip to the darkside Surrounded by the enemy Ssssh, keep quiet, don’t say a word I only went because it was a quid to get in Ritual humiliation at the hands of the best Laugh? I nearly cried, as the fifth burst the net
09/10/02 13:59 |
What's in a name? Ode to Tino Faustino Asprilla. Mephistopheles? A Roman scooter? You had some dark nights of the soul Tino You zipped and buzzed in front of goal Columbia - cocaine - we made the link Of silly things we shouldn't think But something in the way you jigged Was narcotic. We couldn't help it. Barcelona took the brunt Of stunts Never pulled Before up there, Northside, Toonside. Please stay alive As long you can Cos the world needs more like you Tino.
09/10/02 13:53 |
Withe or without My choice is clear The beard and the smile That old Bukta kit Withe a Shoulder to cry on And a Carr in the net Zico the captain Luton on a Wednesday night
09/10/02 13:50 |
Super Sylvain Wiltord - a riposte You're Sylvain I bet you think this poem's about you Don't you? Well it is. Your thirst, the sudden burst Of the net As you score - again To the ball and space You are first All this makes you better Than David Hirst.
09/10/02 13:48 |
mitch ward truculent crab midfield stalwart in a land where stalwart is a word for fat and sluggish
09/10/02 13:48 |
well my first one was original
09/10/02 13:48 |
Beardsley, where’s your teeth Did you leave them in the sink With the apple and bleach? You came to the St James Not what you’d call debonair But beauty we beheld When you shuffled your feet
09/10/02 13:47 |
Rufus, tall and sleek Strong but fair No hair! Quiet stare
09/10/02 13:47 |
ooooooooh; there'll be handbags!
09/10/02 13:47 |
Azul Buho
That's shit, but I can't concentrate on other ones until I've done Sylvain.
09/10/02 13:46 |
satch - this is poetry, not cover versions.
09/10/02 13:46 |
Azul Buho
Once-a-match Wiltord Once a match Comedy Sylvain You're a lucky man Once a match You get it right Apart from that you're shite Once a match Earns you fortunes And the praise of silly Goons Once a match Everything clicks Which is what makes you so comedic Once a match Is clearly enough For you to do your stuff Once a match You play well The rest of the time I think you're swell.
09/10/02 13:46 |
I'm too sexy for your car Too sexy for your car, too sexy by far And I'm too sexy for your party, Too sexy for your party, THE WAY I'M DISCO DANCING oops soory forgot - I'm not a footballer
09/10/02 13:45 |
andrew motion cud do worse than to spend a day on here
09/10/02 13:45 |
09/10/02 13:44 |
San-som Hand-some With your tache so gay Long-throw Ho-mo? So the fibres say? But-me Can't-see It in any way In-the Eight-ies Taches were okay
09/10/02 13:40 |
heheh cj; poll or stewart? ;-)
09/10/02 13:39 |
tht's just pinchign bits from a song satch, you thieveing doabetic
09/10/02 13:39 |
macho man damnit!
09/10/02 13:38 |
Roy, the two of us must look no more, Roy, when you return you'll surely score! Roy, you're such a mach man, I am your biggest fan, One day I hope you'll see, You've got a friend in me...
09/10/02 13:32 |
Graham, your buns Are like home-made pork pies Firm but meatie And so close to my eyes.
09/10/02 13:31 |
I wanna introduce mine on the terraces of old trafford. Might have to get noj to do it for me
09/10/02 13:30 |
fack off, i've just made it up
09/10/02 13:29 |
is that a club song, whoj?
09/10/02 13:29 |
Follow, follow Follow the lads Put your heart on the line Your emotions in hell From the highs to the lows From Southend to Milan McGarrys boys to King Kevs Gods You’ve never won nowt Don’t change
09/10/02 13:28 |
I sanf that through as quick as I could, it's pretty funny satch
09/10/02 13:28 |
09/10/02 13:27 |
Oh Becksy with your boots so white Don't listen to Gooner, you're not shite Dear Nisters with your horse's head Come hither you sexpot, in my bed And Scholsey with your shock of hair Can't wait till you regain your flair Oh Laurent you may lack the pace But your accent makes my weak heart race And Rio! Lo! you're lightning quick Don't listen to that Risdale prick And Fabien, mate your shiny dome Gets on my tits - f.uck off home
10/09/02 17:28 |
Azul Buho
I didn't know there were more! Oh genius thread May you often be read May you never be deleted For I doubt you'd be repeated
06/09/02 17:28 |
Ode to the Opposition's Right Wing BackWelcome to Loftus Road Our facilties are excellent First class treatment room Top notch doctor Professionals like you deserve the best. Rufus Brevett is indeed sharpening his studs with his teeth.
06/9/02 20:01 |
A Tribute to Mickey Quinn There he stands, a vision of Rotundity spreading mirth and Chaos in equal measure. His girth a living, heaving Answer to the oft posed question: 'Who ate all the pies?' Like all great men, he took The (offside) law into his own Hands and lived life his way. The jiggling of his collosal gut Mesmerised defenders across the land, As he punished their slumber with goals. His movement into the sport of kings Brought trouble, as he spanked his Horses as he did his goals and Consequently got himself banned. Oh Mickey, was there e'er a finer man in all of England? He's fat, he's round, he's worth 10 million pound! Mickey Quinn, Mickey Quinn!
06/9/02 14:22 |
hehe pins.
06/9/02 14:21 |
i think it may be a bit ROI, but give me 5 mins or so
06/9/02 14:20 |
Azul Buho
Nah, just sumfink to take me mind off schtuff. You're a diamond. *hugs Lins* *and Morgan*
06/9/02 14:19 |
Azul Buho
HAHAHA! I take it back. That, ma'am, that is the best poem on here!
06/9/02 14:19 |
aww, really? Yeah, course I can. Any special requests?
06/9/02 14:19 |
az, that's genius.
06/9/02 14:19 |
Azul Buho
Not really, Lins, but thanks for asking. Don't suppose you've got the time / inclination to make me a little sanctuary, have you? I did write you a poem further down. :o)
06/9/02 14:18 |
oh ted oh ted oh ted, oh ted I really would like to give you head
06/9/02 14:17 |
you alright there, azul?
06/9/02 14:16 |
Azul Buho
'Please give generously for the blind' Wednesday did. They gave about two million quid. And in return, your cowardly pretty face Was the symbol of defeat and derby disgrace And you gave away the FA Cup And from then on the game was up. We didn't go to Europe, we didn't win the league We spiralled into second rate, ennui and fatigue. But had you held that easy catch In that seminal Wembley match I might have stayed in my dull life I might have taken a boring wife Sadly numbed by football glory I might not be here to write this story So I thank you, Mr Woods You were never any fucking good But I thank you, Mr Woods.
06/9/02 14:12 |
James Brolin would have been a better buy!
06/9/02 14:12 |
Brolin, the biggest flop in LUFC history
06/9/02 14:10 |
Swede Dreams You cam from Parma but forgot to leave the ham Wilko thought you were the one to get us out of a jam But instead you just took the money And ran (slowly)
06/9/02 14:09 |
tedward is really a very bloody good poem
06/9/02 14:07 |
I'm Spink, therefore I Yam Nigel Spink You made me think Of Spunk And Spastic And the Sphinx
06/9/02 14:03 |
hehehehehehe shitting hell, the beginning and the end. Shouldn't talk on the phone whilst typing posts
06/9/02 14:03 |
Azul Buho
The beginning and the start? Wow. Thanks! ;o)
06/9/02 14:02 |
I quite like the beginning and start of your Brady one, Az
06/9/02 14:01 |
Azul Buho
Although the Kanchelskis one has the best ending.
06/9/02 14:00 |
hehehe re rix, goons
06/9/02 13:59 |
Azul Buho
Chris's Golden Dwight is the best one on here.
06/9/02 13:58 |
I like the Rix and Le Saux ones. hehehehehe
06/9/02 13:56 |
RALPH MILNE Gone? Here? Still in the years past We had fear And then you came, you brought Us Nada
06/9/02 13:56 |
it is, isn;t it? I'm going to give it to him - seriously
06/9/02 13:55 |
chris, the tedward one is genius
06/9/02 13:44 |
Azul Buho
Liam Brady You were there, that day. So was I. I saw you play. You didn't see me, But you might have heard me cry Your name when that lob left your boot And floated over the the keeper, rooted. It sailed and slowly, ever so slowly Gently, ever so gently Started to fall This captive ball set free by you For them, for us, for grace, for joy For a besotted seven year old boy. It took an age to hit the bar Then time swept on once again But the memory is never far And I wonder who else can see the rain On your face as you smiled, and played on. You were there, that day. So was I.
06/9/02 13:39 |
hehe goons, like the rix one…
06/9/02 13:36 |
hehe andy
06/9/02 13:34 |
D'Urso Colossus in shorts Black shorts Concentrate!
06/9/02 13:32 |
Freund Upon (for Lins) Supersonic Teutonic Funny nose but Strangely Erotic
06/9/02 13:31 |
i'm trying to do one of these, but i'm not very good
06/9/02 13:24 |
Muddy Shorts Le Saux You play out wide Why? It's nice inside Perhaps You do this thing 'cos you like brown wings
06/9/02 13:20 |
Azul Buho
Stick It Up Your Bollocks Roy Keane - say the words See a trumped up park player Snarling in your head.
06/9/02 13:15 |
My Terry Amour Who he With the Pate so shiney He looks very Division 3 Mancini
06/9/02 13:11 |
2 Syllable Love Affair Zizou He who Buys you Wins too.
06/9/02 13:10 |
Rix, you graced our wing with your skills so slick Then, you graced a young mouth with the fat from your dick And were lobbed in the nick. You prick.
06/9/02 13:00 |
this one, smc!
05/9/02 21:30 |
i've taken brief solace in some virtual beauty. work beckons..
05/9/02 21:30 |
it most certainly is. a superb example of the wonders that are ladybums.
05/9/02 21:28 |
i know! arse!
05/9/02 21:23 |
05/9/02 21:23 |
blimey, this is all Greek to me
05/9/02 21:20 |
f*cking clients! call at 4pm, debrief postponed till monday...start relaxing as i have an extra day...call at 6.30pm, oh it's back on, tomorrow morning, 10 o clock ok? gah! got about another hour to go. bastards.
05/9/02 16:33 |
Azul Buho
Je l'ecouterai, je suis certain. Comme la premiere part de l'ouverture de 1812 par Tchaikovsky n'est pas?
05/9/02 16:31 |
bientot ce sera la symphonie fantastique, je le sens..
05/9/02 16:31 |
Azul Buho
Oof! Le cul bloqué? Mes condolences.
05/9/02 16:27 |
tu me fais chier maintenant - malgre que j'ai mange une douzaine d'oeufs hier soir
05/9/02 16:24 |
Azul Buho
"Espece"? "Espece"? Je vais "especer" toi dans un minute, mon juene fils!
05/9/02 16:22 |
espece de gai homosexual!
05/9/02 16:21 |
Azul Buho
Je ris dans ta visage!
05/9/02 16:20 |
05/9/02 16:18 |
bisous, cheri
05/9/02 16:18 |
Azul Buho
Mon ami, mon frere, mon Chris... je t'embrasse.
05/9/02 16:18 |
et c'est de ca qu'il tout s'agit!
05/9/02 16:18 |
05/9/02 16:17 |
vous avez mis votre bonne jambe dedans, votre bonne jambe hors de....
05/9/02 16:15 |
 j'entends votre chanson, monsieur azul
05/9/02 16:12 |
Azul Buho
Platini Michel Do tell Though we never got your name right on Do you hear your song? How were you So graceful... Flamboyant... Aloof as some would say? Back in '86 the World went mad For some young stocky lad Named Ma-rad-ona But Michel Do tell If you knew that some of us loved you Indeed still do? For me You were Mexico's real star The Prince of Musketeers The semi-final Vee Brazil Was the game that Will mean your skill And I love you still Michel Do tell Though we never got your name right on Do you hear your song?
05/9/02 16:06 |
Certainly not wasted, chris
05/9/02 16:05 |
cheers boxo! sammy - the souness one was for you! ;-)
05/9/02 16:04 |
Pollock Jamie, Jamie Pollock! King of the wide front and rear
05/9/02 16:03 |
it was certainly not wasted chris - art at its most erm, arty. bloody great stuff.
05/9/02 16:02 |
f*cking hell i've just wasted an hour and a half...aargh.
05/9/02 16:01 |
Sounness Dionysus would have had you for master of ceremonies so long as it didn't interfere with your day job. no perms for you. you could have got a girl pregnant with that hair you manly man so glad to know after all this time that you prefer united to them.
05/9/02 15:59 |
05/9/02 15:58 |
there's definitely some sort of erotic connection between me and musy too - the look of love
05/9/02 15:54 |
hehe, i like the fact that Beria and Tree are snogging
05/9/02 15:53 |
hehehehe These are great!
05/9/02 15:53 |
Chris! How long have you been blind!
05/9/02 15:52 |
i love that photo of jason - looks like a total studmuffin who's about to take tankie and her mate home for some cocktails and a damn good rooting in his riverview apartment
05/9/02 15:51 |
 no he doesn't! give it another five years mind...
05/9/02 15:50 |
he does!
05/9/02 15:49 |
hehe. sod off.
05/9/02 15:49 |
looks a bit like you
05/9/02 15:47 |
i would have liked to have been baudelaire - wine, hash, opium, three mistresses and boat trips to the far east. he looks a bit like my dad actually.
05/9/02 15:46 |
you could have been indeed
05/9/02 15:45 |
shame it's not the 19th century, i could have been a poet
05/9/02 15:45 |
mais oui!
05/9/02 15:43 |
are you making all this up yourself, chris?
05/9/02 15:41 |
Amor juan veron sebastian veron juan sebastian veron brilliance as fragile as the shell of an egg but you scramble my brains seba like nothing since georgina compton blew me away with my back to the window. fresh!
05/9/02 15:34 |
hehe, pretty fly for a magpie, nice title.
05/9/02 15:34 |
Nicole Kidman
I've had songs published on amiright concerning Solano ("Pretty Fly For A Magpie" and Morientes and Raul.
05/9/02 15:33 |
Straight from the Steppes - a Ukrainian Love Affair no sense of occasion. that was your tragic flaw and your strength. through on goal, you simply upped a gear went wide and blasted back. crosses were for volleying, you never used your head in any sense, really, but you made sparky look indecisive. the gambling debts the mafia stories five pound haircuts at fred's in sale. so distant so strange and yet one of us. rosy flushed cheeks - rude health, never fatigue giggs gazed upon your velocity and considered alternative careers. oh andrei! milenkii moi krasny geroi hope you're well son, cos you were f*cking great.
05/9/02 15:28 |
Powered the ball down with his what?! I think he's already concerened about my sanity...
05/9/02 15:25 |
hehe. tell him, when we were one nil down at home to juve, he won the ball in midfield, set someone up - and popped up 30 seconds later, leaping over ciro ferrara and some other gimp, powering the ball down with his, it gathered speed off the bounce - goalie no chance. Tedward! (though i might be getting my games mixed up)
05/9/02 15:22 |
That Tedward one is genius. I might print it out and go and give it to him!
05/9/02 15:20 |
Tedward you seemed so stupid in some ways, teddy - permatan, essex flash you probably wore kouros. it took me a year to understand that you would still smell good. you could pass with your head, teddy. how did you do that? every fan of every club you played for loved you - from a distance. of course you had a yard in your head, or in your pocket, or somewhere secreted where noone else could see. we all know that, saint and greavsie told us a thousand times. but you had bottle, tedward, too - you stuck it up juve like they were a bunch of girls. you'd walk through a wall and still smell good you f*cking horny bastard Tedward.
05/9/02 15:14 |
Azul Buho
He Played For Us, Lins, He Played For Us A smile in South Yorkshire Is worth a thousand kingdoms When you played Little children laughed in their seats
05/9/02 15:12 |
you're a genius, christopher
05/9/02 15:10 |
i'm almost crying here
05/9/02 15:08 |
Yorkie's Knob you swaggered into europe 18 chest like a shield carnival feet comedy teeth birmingham gasped. up the M6 we weren't too excited at your imminent arrival. only Alex knew that you were love in motion. golden, dwight - that's what you were in our golden year. two more down the line you'd taken a shine to brandy and babylons, big tits and avalons. but you were golden, dwight, for a time and that is something in this life. i kind of respect you.
05/9/02 15:02 |
"Frankly, my dear" A pint of Worth-ing-ton man is worth 2 Errol Flynns
05/9/02 14:51 |
Azul Buho
"Daisy The Cudworth Bull" 'Oh David Hirst They did their worst To hurt you Especially that bastard Steve Bould But though you were cursed To retire first Though not as old You are still Better than Shearer'
05/9/02 14:41 |
"Jari" 'You came from afar To play at Anfield But you got forgotten Even in the Charity Shield And now you've flown. Who's Jari now?'
05/9/02 14:38 |
hehehehe fantastic
05/9/02 14:37 |
"Sharpe" 'You who once rode alongside The King Tried to make Yorkshire, more your thing. But we saw you coming and sent you packing You joined the pundits for a bit of press-packing And so you fell, From a Chariot of Red Fire To a Grecian quagmire And, finally, the dole.'
05/9/02 14:36 |
I'll have some of what Chris is drinking please.
05/9/02 14:35 |
Lee Sharpe life in the fast lane directly to exeter in five years you fool
05/9/02 14:33 |
"Zinedine" zizou, purring gently, balding invisibly, fat assed, yet not the sum of imperfections is perfection and 45 million squid.
05/9/02 14:33 |
Our Kev - too little for Donny You went to Scunny Now you're just a front-bottom.
05/9/02 14:32 |
"Carlton Palmer" 'You loved a drama, Carlton Palmer. You tried to harm her, Carlton Palmer. Now you're calmer, Carlton Palmer. Why not sign for Parma? Carlton, Carlton Palmer'
05/9/02 14:32 |
hehe nice.
05/9/02 14:31 |
'A Man for All Seasons' a beat poem by Andrew 'The Other' Dickens Waddle Why? Did you do it. Schizo Hair-do Summer at the front Winter at the back Where you at?
05/9/02 14:31 |
Gordon Strachan you were once mistaken for a chimney sweep by grahame souness but i bet you enjoyed that cigar
05/9/02 14:29 |
I'm taking notes from my mentor ;-)
05/9/02 14:29 |
05/9/02 14:29 |
it's a poem thread smudge, not a discussion thread. get writing.
05/9/02 14:28 |
"Chris Whyte" 'Oi! Whytey! On me Head son! No! Not your hair! What? It's not bird shit?'
05/9/02 14:28 |
and Lancashire's that good, you live so far away
05/9/02 14:27 |
hehehehehehe soup. do one for Chris Whyte or Mel sterland
05/9/02 14:27 |
Rio Grande stepping across that petty range you looked back only to know that gratitude is benevolent revenge and yerkshire's crap.
05/9/02 14:26 |
"John Newsome" 'You came to Leeds to help us win We booed you out cos you were too thin and shit and Norwich is too good for you I hate vous'
05/9/02 14:26 |
The King is Dead oh eric oh eric we'd never seen your like in manchester before but you quit early and got fat and now you're a bit of a bullshitter but i still love you cantona - so much to answer for.
05/9/02 14:23 |
"Born Out of Time" by Chris Francis oooooh steffan steffan steffan steffan effenberg sixty years ago you would have been in the SS wouldn't you?
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