30/7/99 11:37 |
snapper It only did you good bobbs - cold turkey's very bad for the flesh |
30/7/99 11:35 |
bobbins Thu - 10 cigarettes / 5 guiness 1/2 bottle Chablis 1/2 bottle Beaune (defensively - well I was tired) |
30/7/99 11:29 |
Markie morning bobs - you been kipping? bloody wuss. |
30/7/99 11:14 |
bobbins MORNING ALL!!!!!! (*streches*) |
30/7/99 10:15 |
seth And rightly so. Safest place for his kind. |
30/7/99 09:56 |
Markie no sign of bobbins yet today I reckon hes asleep |
29/7/99 18:34 |
bobbins oh yeah, sorry! I have found a willing victim - see you all later - bye |
29/7/99 18:29 |
tankgirl I read earlier in the thread. Think someone was talking about economics teachers. Either that or I lost my mind for a few minutes. |
29/7/99 18:25 |
bobbins fek - now everyone else is busy - HURRY UP!!! HURRY UP!!!! |
29/7/99 18:22 |
bobbins how embarassing - what brought that memory on then? |
29/7/99 18:16 |
tankgirl My economics teacher was an old family friend. He used to get me to answer multiple choice questions by prompting me "The grade your sister got when she took her economics "A" level" - very embarrassing. Or interrupt the lesson to say "My wife saw your Mum in Tesco's today..". He was always nicking off for a whisky in the middle of lessons! |
29/7/99 18:15 |
bobbins thanks johnny, knew you would approve |
29/7/99 18:13 |
johnny well done, discipline that's the key to good health |
29/7/99 18:11 |
bobbins no drinks or cigarettes (or sleep really) since Monday - time to get absolutely twatted! |
28/7/99 11:25 |
bobbins don't like pills - my body is my temple |
28/7/99 06:50 |
baltique you could add some pills to the list bobbins. bit lacking in that department. |
28/7/99 02:48 |
wealth is a state of mind |
28/7/99 02:43 |
stevie fuxake. i'll never be rich. |
28/7/99 02:41 |
johnny he doesn't leave his job until now--the sorry yuppie, big new project or something guess he figures to waste his youth chasing filthy lucre so he can have gold plated sinks when he retires--god love him |
28/7/99 02:37 |
stevie how come bobbins is here so late? Doesn't he have a job t go to in the morning? |
28/7/99 02:34 |
johnny bobbins exterminator service now open for business |
28/7/99 02:31 |
bobbins and on that note gentlemen, I bid you good night |
28/7/99 02:30 |
bobbins E# |
28/7/99 01:54 |
Yossarian hehehe economics teachers deserve to be broken. Preferably on the wheel. |
28/7/99 01:53 |
Yossarian we sued to get marks off if we brought politics into our answers though. Or I did anyway; (I was a political hothead in my youth) |
28/7/99 01:53 |
bobbins mine used to play table tennis for Hampshire - I beat him at our 10 year school reunion and left him a broken man |
28/7/99 01:49 |
BusStop so was mine |
28/7/99 01:48 |
Yossarian my economics teacher at school was a Labour candidate in the local elections. |
28/7/99 01:47 |
BusStop ecomnomic realities...heheheheeh |
28/7/99 01:46 |
bobbins oh yeah - those tories |
28/7/99 01:41 |
Yossarian not even New Lefties? |
28/7/99 01:40 |
bobbins careful - lefties aren't supposed to talk about ecconomic realities |
28/7/99 01:39 |
BusStop inelasticity of demand |
28/7/99 01:39 |
Yossarian (supply and demand works that way, obviously) |
28/7/99 01:38 |
Yossarian cheaper than City, even. |
28/7/99 01:36 |
bobbins £190 in Homesdale lower - the best seats - £140ish, I think, in the family enclosure |
28/7/99 01:35 |
Yossarian go for it. how much did you say for a season ticket rolles? |
28/7/99 01:31 |
bobbins hoo haah! |
28/7/99 01:22 |
BusStop not next season, pal! i will be there |
28/7/99 01:19 |
bobbins admittedly Wimbledon support is complete shite |
28/7/99 01:19 |
BusStop wombles!! |
28/7/99 01:19 |
from the postings i've read, the dons, that's right isn't it, new manager sounds like a real character + he's a commie, hmmmmm |
28/7/99 01:19 |
bobbins and I quote "small friendly team" - but you don't enjoy see many small teams giving big clubs a beating |
28/7/99 01:19 |
bobbins and I quote "small friendly team" - but you enjoy see many small teams giving big clubs a beating |
28/7/99 01:16 |
Yossarian decided which way? |
28/7/99 01:15 |
BusStop ive just remembered wimbledon's manager is a commie thats it decided then |
28/7/99 01:15 |
Yossarian (I`m from Manchester) The Wimbledon home support at the Cup game in January wasn`t great either come to that, but it was a bit difficult to hear them as we outnumbered them nearly two to one. And, in fairness, it was hardly a big game for them. |
28/7/99 01:14 |
Yossarian all that means is that you`re a small team bobbins; (most small teams could say similar things). Which makes it all the more impressive that you`ve stayed in the Premiership that long, and don`t get me wrong I`m all for it. But you`re still southerners and I`m a northener. |
28/7/99 01:13 |
bobbins hehehe |
28/7/99 01:13 |
BusStop yeah, but from where you stand everyone except aberdeen, ross and that other one are southern bastards! come on reykjavik |
28/7/99 01:12 |
bobbins etc. etc. |
28/7/99 01:12 |
Yossarian QPR are shite. Worst set of home fans I ever came across. |
28/7/99 01:12 |
bobbins easy to go to reserve games and chat to the team, great youth policy, many first team home grown players - many of the rest are from south london (mainly Millwall), no prima-donnas amongst the players at all, always out and about in the community, (ex-)manager and owner always up for talking to the fans |
28/7/99 01:11 |
Yossarian all I mean is that you`re all southern teams, and I`ll always prefer Northern ones other things being equal |
28/7/99 01:10 |
i like qpr so. yeah it'll be orient |
28/7/99 01:09 |
Yossarian friendly? Discuss. |
28/7/99 01:08 |
bobbins why do we suck Yoss - small friendly team, piece of piss to get tickets and they are expletiveing cheap, nice crowd, never any trouble - if you want you get to see every premiership team for very little - and often get to see teams you dislike get twatted (last season we beat Chelsea, Arse and Liverpool at Selhurst for example) |
28/7/99 01:06 |
all the London teams suck at the end of the day. I have a soft spot for Arsenal but you`ll never get tickets. Wimbledon would be my next choice perhaps; Charlton and Palace both okay. Even Chelsea. And West Ham and Orient (just about). |
28/7/99 01:02 |
bobbins I see it more like a small village of indomitable gauls holding out against the romans |
28/7/99 01:01 |
BusStop its fakkin sarf innit? |
28/7/99 01:00 |
bobbins what's wrong with Wimbledon? |
28/7/99 00:59 |
bobbins hehehe |
28/7/99 00:59 |
BusStop glad its working out for him anyway, next season...orient is my team of preference while in london, any comments (other than the obvious?) |
28/7/99 00:58 |
Yossarian oops, there was meant to be another digit in that (oo-er). 17. |
28/7/99 00:58 |
BusStop ah, that one |
28/7/99 00:58 |
Yossarian she`s 7, I think. |
28/7/99 00:57 |
bobbins yep - some young lady barely out of the cradle by all accounts |
28/7/99 00:55 |
BusStop so this "lady gooner" or whatever, means he has a relationship going then? |
28/7/99 00:54 |
bobbins cool |
28/7/99 00:53 |
i am at my parents, back from pub, everyone else has gone to their beds, and i am trying to tire myself out |
28/7/99 00:52 |
johnny ditto, 'cept i just finished supper |
28/7/99 00:51 |
Yossarian I`m at home (from where I always log on) having my nightly peruse before retiring. |
28/7/99 00:49 |
bobbins nope - quite a way to go tonight methinks - what are you to sad bastards doing logging on anyway? |
28/7/99 00:49 |
Yossarian evening BS. how are you? |
28/7/99 00:48 |
BusStop waiting for a cab, doubtless |
28/7/99 00:44 |
bobbins see comment below - hehehe. almost forgotten how to do this shit |
28/7/99 00:41 |
Yossarian what are you doing here this time of night rolles? |
28/7/99 00:40 |
bobbins Tue - no cigarettes / no beer (letting my analysts go for a months training may yet be the making of me!) |
27/7/99 14:14 |
seth If you find a beautiful baby, chances are you're health will improve. |
27/7/99 13:48 |
gooner hmmm... |
27/7/99 13:48 |
bobbins goons - not really, I'm on a health kick don't you know! |
27/7/99 13:47 |
XWP good for bobbins. healthy people make me ......sick! |
27/7/99 13:47 |
XWP and with that, I must go. bye all - back Thursday |
27/7/99 13:47 |
gooner bobbins appears to be hell bent on killing himself. |
27/7/99 13:45 |
bobbins hehe - afternoon donna |
27/7/99 13:45 |
gooner 100 |
27/7/99 13:43 |
XWP I love the way bobbins put (glass) after talisker, just to show us he didn't neck the entire bott;e! |
27/7/99 11:44 |
bobbins 7:30 till 9:30pm - a "meeting" in the pub downstairs hehehe |
27/7/99 11:42 |
Sammy When did you have time to drink 7 bottles of guiness? Were you not rescuing fair damsels from giant spiders and the like? |
27/7/99 11:40 |
bobbins Mon - 1 cigarette / 7xbottle guiness |
26/7/99 09:53 |
Sammy Barby! It appears Bio puked and I didn't even know about it! In fact quite a lot of things happened that I don't know about! Party games went down well though. I had a great time thanks. |
26/7/99 09:50 |
bobbins er, was it a barby or a party I can't remember |
26/7/99 09:50 |
bobbins morning Sammy - how was your barby? |
26/7/99 09:48 |
Sammy That sounds like an uncomfortably healthy weekend bobbs! I think I'd better have one of those next weekend! Congrats for no fags though! |
26/7/99 09:45 |
bobbins sun - no cigarettes / 1/2 bottle champ (yuk) 1/2 bottle Chablis 1xtalisker (glass) |
25/7/99 17:39 |
XWP plonk yourself in fron tof the box with a Camel and a quart of something nice |
25/7/99 17:33 |
bobbins off home - bye all! |
25/7/99 16:58 |
XWP shallow is good; I've never been so shallow and I've never been so happy Also, the Indie had a piece of research showing that aggressive/diretc people are ahppy people! |
25/7/99 16:55 |
bobbins tara snap |
25/7/99 16:55 |
bobbins on am application form from a few years back - admirable response to a question which was something like "Sum up your medium to long term ambitions" - answer "drink lots, drive fast cars, lead a shallow life" - unfortunately HR weren't quite as impressed as me |
25/7/99 16:55 |
snapper gotta dash - to the bookies, then movie ( Hal Hartley's The Unbelievable Truth) - should be a nice evening, y'all have one too! |
25/7/99 16:51 |
johnny live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse! |
25/7/99 16:50 |
snapper well, there are cleaning uppers and there are soaking uppers |
25/7/99 16:47 |
XWP I am not comfy with the Red Devil/Manure link, but I get your drift. Don't become a health bore bobbins, for christsakes. Had a freind who cleaned up his act - whenever he opened his mouth, I felt the urge to ram my fist into it |
25/7/99 16:45 |
bobbins yeah! |
25/7/99 16:45 |
(snapper tired of doing good, kicks wings and dons devil out-fit as well) |
25/7/99 16:41 |
bobbins (snapper in white angel outfit - donna in red devil get up) |
25/7/99 16:40 |
XWP go for the burn bobbins; I spent three weeks in the States being quite sober and it made me miserable |
25/7/99 16:39 |
snapper somebody had to give a wakeup call (looks around in desparate search of support) |
25/7/99 16:37 |
bobbins ouch! |
25/7/99 16:36 |
snapper story of your life mate - three weddings, three stags and a funeral |
25/7/99 16:32 |
bobbins hahahaha |
25/7/99 16:24 |
XWP Drink Your Way To Health by Rolles, P A simple guide to the preserving qualities of alcohol Keep Warm With A Fag, Rolles, P The follow up to the fantastically successful book (above) Out this autumn; Rustication and Shoe Sniffing; thier part in my Downfall. Series editor is Markie |
25/7/99 16:21 |
Aug 7th-8th - Stag six in seven weekends - how the expletive am I meant to get healthy at this rate? |
25/7/99 13:17 |
bobbins hehehe |
25/7/99 13:16 |
XWP she's goign to be an expensive night out rolles Ready to switch to the signed ant and dec t shirt? |
25/7/99 13:14 |
bobbins £77.50 - I'm still waiting until the last minute - 5 days to go - must remember to look again on Thurs |
25/7/99 13:12 |
bobbins (goes to have a look) |
25/7/99 13:10 |
XWP bobbins; how is the auction going? |
25/7/99 11:54 |
XWP bless; I've just turned down lunch at Cafe bruxelle bnecause of the need to process these dbloody surveys |
25/7/99 11:49 |
Yossarian you could drink me under the table no probs. |
25/7/99 11:47 |
Fri - 5 cigarettes / 12xbottles of guiness hmmm |
23/7/99 18:33 |
aaaaw chris! that's so sweet! |
23/7/99 18:26 |
XWP right; off to do a bit of work then home. Have splendid weekends; I'll be working |
23/7/99 18:17 |
i would be really happy if bobbins and tg got together - i think you're both very cool and well suited. |
23/7/99 18:16 |
bobbins chris - eh? |
23/7/99 18:16 |
bobbins I don't like stilton |
23/7/99 18:16 |
chris i'm going to australia to grow up, but i don't really want to. |
23/7/99 18:16 |
bobbins nope |
23/7/99 18:13 |
tankgirl so,bobbs, your ideal date would be with a football-loving, slim, intelligent, attractive woman in fabulous shoes/strappy high-heeled sandals, drinking stacks of Margaux, followed by cigars, port, stilton and hot sex. Am I right? |
23/7/99 18:08 |
bobbins have a great weekend chris |
23/7/99 18:08 |
bobbins er, if you say so! |
23/7/99 18:07 |
chris bobbins - I LOVE WOMEN IN GREAT SHOES! ever been to Asia? there are thousands of beautiful slim women in flared pants and strappy seventies heels. trouble is very few of them have got much of a personality, they're brought up to think that's for men only. if you're into shoes and slim ankles, you find yourself in a self-esteem / indulgence dilemma pretty quickly. i'm leaving - there's more to life than platforms, isn't there? isn't there? |
23/7/99 18:06 |
bobbins wouldn't that be a fivesome chris? |
23/7/99 17:56 |
bobbins hehehe |
23/7/99 17:38 |
23/7/99 17:27 |
Markie they move on mine too I'm off again see ya |
23/7/99 17:26 |
tankgirl Manolo Blahnik, don't-you-know. Only the best for bobbs. |
23/7/99 17:02 |
bobbins they move on my screen! |
23/7/99 17:01 |
bobbins hehehe |
23/7/99 17:01 |
tankgirl hmm, in the original the shoes moved. |
23/7/99 17:00 |
tankgirl hmm, wonder if this will work:
23/7/99 16:40 |
Satch Christ you know FAR too much about this stuff |
23/7/99 16:39 |
bobbins satch - the shoes in Office are a bit clompy - I put it in the same category as Russell and Bromley (opposite the TA headquarters) - only view merchandise if you have an awful lot of time to kill. hehehe |
23/7/99 16:07 |
Satch are you a confirmed foot fetishist bobbs? |
23/7/99 16:07 |
XWP would you like to appear on You Bet? We blindfold you and you ID shoe maker by the power of sniff |
23/7/99 16:06 |
Satch Office is a good'un on the King's Road! |
23/7/99 16:06 |
bobbins the "shoe tour of London". If you start at Harvey Nichols you can walk past Jimmy Choo, Christian Loubertin, Gina, Gucci and Stephane Killian in a matter of minutes - for the extended tour you can wander down Sloane Street and up the Kings Road which has loads of low rent shoe shops like Pied a Terre, Shellys etc. finishing up at the mecca of all shoe shops Manolo Blahnik on Old Church Street - then to calm down you can have a beer in the next door pub - The Front Page |
23/7/99 16:00 |
XWP the Hush Puppies web site |
23/7/99 16:00 |
so what do you do bobbins when you're in need of a good shoe fix and there are none on your doorstep so to speak. Where do you go to get those juices flowing? |
23/7/99 15:53 |
XWP no drinking out of glass slippers, I hope |
23/7/99 15:52 |
bobbins hehehe |
23/7/99 15:52 |
bobbins loads of really crap cocktails - black velvet was the most like beer I could find - horrible - fortunately I managed to liberate a bottle of wine from the people who were mixing stuff. very stuffy party, held in the front hall of the V&A - lots of very dressed up wives and girlfriends though => good shoes.... which was nice! |
23/7/99 15:52 |
XWP lager will spoil all of you rgood alcohol work |
23/7/99 15:48 |
23/7/99 15:40 |
bobbins sorry - no can do |
23/7/99 15:32 |
XWP bobbins; you really should stop drinking.............lager |
23/7/99 14:57 |
bobbins Thu - 5 cigarettes (doh) / 1xblack velvet / 1xbottle white / 2xstella |
22/7/99 17:08 |
bobbins byeee! |
22/7/99 17:08 |
bobbins lovely - I'm off to (i) finalise builders for my roof yay! (ii) go to shite work cocktail party. Watch this thread for the next installment of the hall of shame! |
22/7/99 17:03 |
tankgirl hehehe. Incidentally, you can purchase fab pictures of diseased body parts at www.photostogo.com |
22/7/99 17:00 |
stevie incontinence pants? |
22/7/99 16:59 |
snapper well, yeah, the other two have blast talking him into doing it... |
22/7/99 16:57 |
tankgirl only 1 in 3? |
22/7/99 16:57 |
stevie even old women's flannel pants? |
22/7/99 16:56 |
snapper bit incoherent today (as always) - sorry |
22/7/99 16:56 |
tankgirl That's like when I had my chest X-Ray last year. I was half expecting a packet of Malboro Lights to show up in each lung. |
22/7/99 16:55 |
snapper ...and one in three male - when let alone in a bed-room will put ladies'-knickers on head!!! |
22/7/99 16:55 |
bobbins tg - I know - thats why I'm cutting down - however my likkle liver currently has a clean bill of health (I was sweating while I waited for that one though I must admit) |
22/7/99 16:55 |
I'm just glad I too lazy to be a heavy drinker. Having to keep getting up to go to the fridge doesn't suit my lifestyle. But if I had one of those little portable fridges.......... |
22/7/99 16:53 |
22/7/99 16:52 |
XWP buggerd if i'm staying healkthy, just so I can be hit by a bus |
22/7/99 16:51 |
tankgirl Liver Disease: Approximately 10 to 35 percent of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis, and 10 to 20 percent develop cirrhosis. In the United States, cirrhosis is the seventh leading cause of death among young and middle-age adults. Approximately 10,000 to 24,000 deaths from cirrhosis may be attributable to alcohol consumption each year.
22/7/99 16:49 |
stevie the Count who likes to coouuuunt! you dirty devil |
22/7/99 16:48 |
bobbins stevie - when I was little I was abused by a sesame street character (who has to remain nameless for legal reasons). they often say that the abusee becomes the abuser. One, One foaming pint of guiness |
22/7/99 16:46 |
Clovis AK - with the amount he puts away, he won't notice if you type Bibbins instead of Bobbins. Or Boobins or anything else really. |
22/7/99 16:46 |
stevie are you just obssessed with counting things, or is there a f*ckin point to all of this? |
22/7/99 16:46 |
22/7/99 16:46 |
Markie smoking v good. check in next week yours Dr Markie. |
22/7/99 16:45 |
bobbins down from 20-30 a day - I reckon that is pretty good. and before you have a go about my drinking - understand this, I have had (i) a full medical and (ii) a full fitness test since I hit 30 and I'm happy to say they gave me a clean bill of health and said I was fairly fit - so you saddos have wasted your 20s minding your health whilst I've been having a right laugh HAHAHAHAHAHA! |
22/7/99 16:45 |
Markie work out the units divide by number of days multiply by seven divide by 21 = number of times over healthy drinking limts you are. I think the word 'Heath' is about right! |
22/7/99 16:45 |
A KINKY 69 bibbins=bobbins |
22/7/99 16:45 |
Tuesday's are your downfall. Just stay in bed for the next few and see if you feel better for that. |
22/7/99 16:45 |
A KINKY 69 14 pints of stella in 1 night, jezus h christ, my best is about 12 and then I was going out and having about 6 or 7 pints of it every night and I was hammered, bibbins is the Lush out of FHM |
22/7/99 16:43 |
bobbins the story so far... Sun - no cigarettes / one bottle wine |
22/7/99 16:32 |
Loft Nuthouse Thats all the support you need,and you know it.I was 30 a couple o' year ago and tried the same thing.For a full FOUR days! |
22/7/99 15:43 |
bobbins well thanks alot - I've been on a heath kick for the last three weeks and this is all the support I get! |
22/7/99 15:31 |
Loft Nuthouse Hello Bobbins,its me again.Well,after reading about that barrage of beer and wine I must say fair play to you.I love consuming vast quantities of the stuff meself.And I shall be doing so later cos I've got a wedding to go to. |
22/7/99 15:31 |
Satch I drink a lot but bobbins makes me feel healthy |
22/7/99 15:29 |
tree The "Saveloyfest" thread was over a thousand strong |
22/7/99 15:24 |
tankgirl I really don't know how you're still alive. If I drank that much that regularly I would be pickled. |
22/7/99 15:22 |
Satch hehehe (catches it and throws it back) |
22/7/99 15:22 |
bobbins nope, they've been over 500 (throws punch) |
22/7/99 15:19 |
Satch Is this the longest thread ever? |
22/7/99 15:15 |
bobbins always eat well |
22/7/99 15:13 |
tree I've been a lot worse, but could be a bit more progressive lately if you dig? Please eat well |
22/7/99 15:05 |
bobbins great - how are you old chap? |
22/7/99 15:04 |
A KINKY 69 this thread has been going steady for 16 days now. |
22/7/99 15:03 |
tree are feeling ok King Rollo? |
22/7/99 15:02 |
bobbins c'est moi |
22/7/99 15:01 |
tree is he still alive? |
22/7/99 14:58 |
beria hurrah! |
22/7/99 14:57 |
Markie (applause) |
22/7/99 14:56 |
bobbins Wednesday - 1 bottle guiness / no cigarettes |
22/7/99 14:48 |
beria And last night? |
21/7/99 12:00 |
Monday - 5xbudvar (bottles) / 2xcigs / 2hrs gym |
21/7/99 11:54 |
Markie What news bobbs? The people must be told Glad you enjoyed that drinking software thingie - I think its great - I've wanted some cocktail recipes for ages. |
19/7/99 08:16 |
Markie well, just thought I'd check - keep up the good work |
19/7/99 08:15 |
bobbins bottles of course - what kind of big girls blouse do you think I am! |
19/7/99 08:14 |
Markie Sunday: - bottles or glasses? |
19/7/99 08:13 |
bobbins Friday (erm evening) no cigarettes / 1/2 bottle of red Saturday no cigarettes / 1xgrolsh 3xfosters (star wars) 1xrolling rock 2xguinness 1xhogarden 2xstrongbow 1xstella 1xbailys 1xrum 'n' coke 1xpimms (ah the order silly drinks game) Sunday no cigarettes / 1xwhite 1xred |
16/7/99 14:52 |
Markie I think Rolles has popped his clogs |
16/7/99 13:36 |
elmo don't do it - I feel like I'm going to be sick, I'm about to pass out from exaustion and my insides feel like I've drunk a mug of battery acid |
16/7/99 13:35 |
bloody hell, rolles, i can't keep up with your intake or your name chanages. How boring was I last night: |
16/7/99 13:10 |
rolles expletive the grilled marlin - this double cheese burger is certainly hitting the spot |
16/7/99 11:43 |
I used to have to put the slop bucket stuff in the pressurised lager barrels, highly illegal and just a little bit dangerous too. Bits of everything mixed in, but it only ever went in the strong lager barrels which I never drank so I didn't care. |
16/7/99 11:41 |
twat erm, er ooh thats disgusting erm |
16/7/99 11:41 |
A KINKY 69 i used to work in a nightclub and we had slop buckets for lager, bitter etc, and the people we didn't like we used to serve them the slops. |
16/7/99 11:40 |
Markie rolles - hehehe
16/7/99 11:39 |
beria *shame* |
16/7/99 11:36 |
stilleto beria - uuuuughhh! |
16/7/99 11:36 |
twat hmmm - thats better |
16/7/99 11:35 |
bobbins I'm changing my log in name |
16/7/99 11:33 |
beria We used to stay till the bar closed, then ran round the room "Doing the Dregs" before the barpeople could clear the glasses away... |
16/7/99 11:25 |
Markie I knew someone at University who did that - made himself out to be a big drinker, but we caught him chucking pints away and making out he'd drunk them So funny. I'm sure bobbins isn't doing that btw - it just reminded me of it Happy days - University was fantastic fun. |
16/7/99 11:24 |
Markie I reckon he chucks the pints down the bog when no-one is looking. |
16/7/99 11:22 |
I bow down in reverence. |
16/7/99 11:20 |
beria Reading this thread is like staring at a car crash.... |
16/7/99 11:14 |
Markie (catches punch from weak bobbins - laughes - throws bobbins to ground in one easy movement) |
16/7/99 11:14 |
Markie hehehehe |
16/7/99 11:13 |
bobbins (throws punch) |
16/7/99 11:12 |
Markie mind you, my legs are sore from playing squash. must be bad for you..... |
16/7/99 11:11 |
Markie hells teeth |
16/7/99 11:11 |
Markie bobbins, this thing has been running 10 days. Would you like me to calculate a running total over those days? "that was then - this is now. I'm grown up now" |
16/7/99 11:10 |
bobbins Perudo |
16/7/99 11:09 |
Markie what sort of betting? |
16/7/99 11:06 |
bobbins shit |
16/7/99 11:06 |
Fags 60+ bad evening |
16/7/99 11:00 |
Markie Come on, fill in the boxes, its the only way Fags ----- |
16/7/99 10:59 |
bobbins *shame* |
16/7/99 10:58 |
16/7/99 10:57 |
Markie Where did you go? |
16/7/99 10:56 |
bobbins finished up at 8:30 came straight into work - absolutely shit faced |
16/7/99 10:51 |
Markie come on bobs you are among friends tell all. |
16/7/99 10:51 |
Markie ask? |
16/7/99 10:49 |
bobbins oh my god - don't even ask |
16/7/99 09:07 |
pains complaints beaten badly |
15/7/99 14:39 |
Markie booked - 9.30pm Wanstead Squash Club Its always nice to get an early ambulance booking, they are so much cleaner |
15/7/99 14:27 |
XWP I played a month ago and almost passed out! |
15/7/99 14:20 |
shaun Body bag job hehehe |
15/7/99 14:17 |
Markie workouterizor! hehe I'm playing squash tonight for first time in ages I think I'll book the ambulance now |
15/7/99 14:16 |
old man bobbins hehe - beat me to it donna |
15/7/99 14:16 |
old man bobbins but but but I can use it infront of the TV whilst wearing my electronic muscle workouterizor pads that give the equivalent of 500 sit ups without you having to move (or so they said on QVC) |
15/7/99 14:14 |
tankgirl If you want a six pack, just go down the offy! |
15/7/99 14:12 |
XWP hehehe. looking for that elusive six pack? want to get rid of those love handles? why not try the new Chuck le Brave trimsywhimsysizer. 13 installemnts of $39. Folds into your pocket and come with this free juicer! |
15/7/99 14:12 |
Satch (for no apparent reason) |
15/7/99 14:12 |
Satch (throws punch) |
15/7/99 14:11 |
Markie sounds nice, it'll look good in the loft |
15/7/99 14:10 |
old man bobbins ...which folds up neatly for easy storage.. |
15/7/99 14:10 |
old man bobbins you mean I should cancel my order for a Jack la Lane Aerobicizer? |
15/7/99 14:07 |
XWP bobbins; stop trying to be healthy. It will make you miserable |
15/7/99 13:48 |
old man bobbins getting like that with me - my tolerance isn't what it once was |
15/7/99 13:43 |
A KINKY 69 when I was young free and single, I probably had 7 - 10 pints of stella a night, everyone thought I was turning into an alchie, which I probably was, 7 pints of the stuff now and I'm bladdered. |
15/7/99 13:40 |
old man bobbins practice makes perfect (oh and probably being twice as big as you) |
15/7/99 13:39 |
tankgirl I have only once drunk 9 pints of Stella and it's not something I wish to repeat. How do you do that? |
15/7/99 10:34 |
Markie Keep it up bobbins Don't lost faith |
15/7/99 10:33 |
Blofeld you do know Philip Morris are being accused of putting "extras" into their cigarettes to make them more addictative. It's not surprsing you succummed. I'm trying to give up as the big three-o approaches. It aint easy. |
15/7/99 10:30 |
bobbins Wed: 2 mile walk / 9xStella / 10 cigarettes *face burns with shame* I WILL REDOUBLE MY EFFORTS!!! |
14/7/99 14:00 |
bobbins fine - they managed to get most of the lump out of it without slicing off the earlobe - so thankfully my model good looks are intact |
14/7/99 13:58 |
tankgirl XWP - greetings! You survived the WWC then? |
14/7/99 13:52 |
XWP bobbins; how's the ear? |
14/7/99 12:39 |
bobbins hmmm calories in 1.5 hours in the gym - probably 600-900 burned (I'm too unfit to burn more 7 pints of guinness has approximately 1,400 calories
14/7/99 12:35 |
Satch That's the great thing about you bobs. When you insult someone you always do it on the right thread. |
14/7/99 12:34 |
bobbins oop wrong thread - meant to be insulting you on other thread |
14/7/99 12:33 |
bobbins as long as commies don't get into positions of power I find their belief in human nature and generally child-like naivite quite quite charming. there there BusStop |
14/7/99 12:32 |
bobbins what is the calorie sum for 1.5 hours in gym + 7 guiness? |
14/7/99 12:32 |
size of a small boxing glove? weird |
14/7/99 12:31 |
bobbins Tuesday: Gym 1.5h / 2 cigarettes (doh!) / 7xGuiness |
13/7/99 12:44 |
Alvin okidoki. |
13/7/99 12:43 |
seth Re: Kutna Hora - Don't think so. I'll start a new thread... |
13/7/99 12:41 |
Alvin I went 3 years ago. We took the coach there - 24 hrs and then stayed in the hostel above the central station. They'd really cleaned it up from the pictures I'd seen of the Velvet revolution. |
13/7/99 12:39 |
Markie I went to Prague ten years ago student boring travel story.....before it changed....blather....blah....blither......spent 10p on accomodation, beer and a meal for four....etc.etc....have you been there recently.....
13/7/99 12:37 |
Alvin Prague is excellent, seth. Where abouts did you stay and what did you see. Did you go to Kutna Hora by any chance? |
13/7/99 12:35 |
seth I had the best steak I have ever eaten in Prague last week. It was about the size of a small boxing glove, rare as a fucking penny black and seved with little bundles of green beans wrapped in prosciutto. mmm-mmm Yes siree. And it only cost about 8 quid. The beer was fab too. |
13/7/99 11:37 |
bobbins expletiveing love it |
13/7/99 11:26 |
Steak Tartare anyone? |
13/7/99 11:25 |
13/7/99 11:24 |
Markie I must admit - I love steak. |
13/7/99 11:21 |
bobbins oh believe me, I intend to seth. However heavy smoking means that now I get out of breath just lifting the fork with the steak on to my mouth |
13/7/99 11:18 |
seth Who cares. We're all going to die anyway. Eat Steak! Drink Wine! Laugh in the face of Cholesterol! |
13/7/99 10:49 |
bobbins the really sad thing about going down the gym yesterday was in how much worse condition most of my colleages were - and they haven't even been enjoying themselves! |
13/7/99 10:49 |
I'm not overweight for someone who is 6'4", either. Does that mean I'm overweight or undertall? |
13/7/99 10:45 |
Markie another fair point |
13/7/99 10:44 |
bobbins my calorie problem isn't the food its the lager - anyway, I not actually very overweight for someone who is 6'4" |
13/7/99 10:36 |
Markie fair point |
13/7/99 10:36 |
Markie made with milk and cream - look on a fresh soup packet - about 500 calories I bet - you only need about 2000 a day. |
13/7/99 10:35 |
bobbins anyway, I'd rather kill myself than change my eating habits - I love food |
13/7/99 10:34 |
bobbins the occasional soup - but what's wrong with vegetable soup? |
13/7/99 10:33 |
Markie just a thought |
13/7/99 10:32 |
bobbins my diet is absolutely excellent, no sugar, no salt, loads of vegetables, loads of fish, loads of pasta - the only time I ever eat anything else is when I go out to dinner once or twice a week |
13/7/99 10:30 |
Markie Are you changing diet as well? How about stopping soup? I lost 6lbs just by getting off at Tottenham Court Road and walking up to Euston Road every day (1 mile) rather than being a lazy git and going up to Warren Street. Small changes can make a big difference over time. |
13/7/99 10:28 |
bobbins today gym 1.5hrs tomorrow off though 15st 2lbs |
13/7/99 10:25 |
Markie today gym? whats that in stone? |
13/7/99 10:25 |
bobbins Monday 1.5 hrs gym / no cigarrettes / 3xGuiness / 96.5kg 90 is the target |
12/7/99 11:55 |
bobbins what is really worrying is that I thought it was a really mature weekend because I went out to dinner on Saturday and didn't have my usual massive piss-up |
12/7/99 11:53 |
christ you do drink a lot bobbins, but you seem to be getting better |
12/7/99 08:36 |
Markie on second thoughts - do what you like! |
12/7/99 08:36 |
Markie Drink is next me thinks start by saying no to the third bottle of red |
12/7/99 08:34 |
bobbins Friday no cigarettes / 6xGuiness 1.5 bottles of red 4xJ&B Saturday no cigarettes / 3xStella 2.5 bottles of red Sunday no cigarettes / 1 bottle of red just got back from 1 1/2 hours in the gym not bad eh? (definitely drink way too much though - hadn't realised until I started to write it down) |
09/7/99 11:29 |
Markie no - I think his coat is here - its cold out Chris; you really do need it. |
09/7/99 11:28 |
bobbins chris - saw it, liked it |
09/7/99 11:28 |
I am holding my arm out parallel to the floor - in my hand is a navy blue Harrington-style jacket - is it yours? |
09/7/99 11:27 |
booner i got it. cat, man do? |
09/7/99 11:26 |
BusStop hehe |
09/7/99 11:26 |
chris bobbins, I invented a joke that nobody noticed except Getty, who didn't get it. I went to a bestiality party in Nepal. |
09/7/99 11:22 |
bobbins One Aldwitch |
09/7/99 11:22 |
Markie (wheres mi coat?) |
09/7/99 11:21 |
Markie in the middle |
09/7/99 11:21 |
09/7/99 11:20 |
bobbins went to Axis - not very good |
09/7/99 11:18 |
09/7/99 11:16 |
Markie your lunch sounded heavy I'm off the beers until tonight; |
09/7/99 11:16 |
Tell a lie - it's gonna be Talisker, dhansak and a big reefer. |
09/7/99 11:15 |
bobbins it does look obscene when you actually write it down - this is definitely helping me feel disgusted with myself |
09/7/99 11:15 |
Satch I get that too Markie. And my bathers insist on stripping me before they get their kit off. Still, it aint a bad way to wake up in the morning. |
09/7/99 11:14 |
fnord Satch, I think it's just you, or maybe your local curry house. |
09/7/99 11:14 |
bobbins oops - forgot about lunch yesterday - add another bottle and a half of wine and 5 budvars |
09/7/99 11:11 |
Markie I have never been to an Indian where they do that. and I've been to dozens. my servants however never leave the room with their backs to me; which is a bit odd |
09/7/99 11:10 |
Satch Or when you order: customer: "Can I have a chicken Madras please?" waiter: "Yes please" I swear it freaks me out |
09/7/99 11:10 |
Satch "No please" |
09/7/99 11:08 |
Eh Snatchy - I have never ever come across that - maybe it's because you are royalty |
09/7/99 11:04 |
chris it's a multi-level psychosis. |
09/7/99 11:04 |
Your liver rolles hehehe Could be mine as well.... |
09/7/99 11:03 |
Satch Why do waiters in Indian restaurants always say 'please' at the end of every sentence, even if they have blatently lived here all their lives and speak perfect English? eg: customer: "Do you sell Carlsberg?" It's weird..... |
09/7/99 11:02 |
bobbins I was sick about five minutes later, so I'm not sure how much was absorbed, then I fell in the bath which was full of ice cold water and beer, then I stumbled around for a bit, then I passed out |
09/7/99 11:00 |
chris A pint of 45% whisky is about ten pints of beer, in terms of alcohol content, in one go. jeez. what was it like afterwards? do anything apart from pass out? |
09/7/99 11:00 |
09/7/99 10:59 |
bobbins that's the one Markie.... yum! |
09/7/99 10:58 |
bobbins nope - sorry Chris, I'm on a mission to clean up my act |
09/7/99 10:57 |
fnord Don't do it! Anything a doctor might tell you can only be bad. Live in blissful ignorance until your liver gives up in disgust. |
09/7/99 10:56 |
chris i was getting a bit worried that I can't get through twenty four hours without some booze, but it's usually little more than one or two whiskies / wine / beer. you have reassured me bobbins. keep it up. |
09/7/99 10:56 |
Was this the one? |
09/7/99 10:55 |
Markie Oh right - I must have missed that - sorry |
09/7/99 10:54 |
bobbins It was my bleedin 30th for pitys sake! (I am going to see a doctor and have a full health check though - I've drunk so much over the last 10 years I'll be amazed if I haven't done myself some internal damage) |
09/7/99 10:52 |
bobbins thanks for your concern! |
09/7/99 10:51 |
Markie A pint of talisker in one is a good effort on the suicide front. but hey, that was Saturday and doesn't count. mind you I can't talk today - I feel dreadful |
09/7/99 10:49 |
booner good. it just seemed that you were trying to kill yourself - which can be bad for your health. just concerned matey. good to see you're making an effort. |
09/7/99 10:44 |
bobbins I'm a very happy man actually booner - life is good. I'm guessing, if I hadn't quit I would have had about 140 cigs - I had 11 so thats an improvement of 129. Tuesday was a one off even - can not legislate for that - the rest is pretty reasonable I think |
09/7/99 10:35 |
booner bobbins - are you an unhappy man? |
09/7/99 10:23 |
Cigarettes - good whose birthday is it next week? |
09/7/99 10:20 |
bobbins I think I'm doing rather well In Summary: Sun - no cigarettes / one bottle wine aside from Tuesday which was my best friends birthday I think that is pretty fantastic |
09/7/99 10:12 |
Markie this thread is a catastrophic tale of ill health |
09/7/99 10:12 |
bobbins 8 - Jul - one bottle of red / no cigarettes |
08/7/99 13:21 |
tankgirl bollox. sweat like pigs they do. |
08/7/99 13:17 |
that's what's tempting me to go. Of course I'll be looking at the glistening totty because as we know women don't sweat! |
08/7/99 13:15 |
tankgirl Gyms are great! I joined a gym last night. Phoaarr. Loads of totty, all sweaty.... |
08/7/99 10:55 |
bobbins OK it kicks off on monday - I'll put a small report in the journal |
08/7/99 10:06 |
We'll want a daily report on what you do and how fit you get. |
08/7/99 10:03 |
Markie ah |
08/7/99 10:03 |
bobbins free gym at work |
08/7/99 09:56 |
Markie Gym will cost more than £10 per week. |
08/7/99 09:55 |
fnord You'd be better off giving him a tenner a week and spending what you save by not going to the gym on booze. |
08/7/99 09:54 |
bobbins made bet with person at work lose ten quid each week unless I go to gym at least 3 times. ho hum |
08/7/99 09:52 |
bobbins 6 pints of Guiness / 1 cigarette which I put out after two puffs cos I was disgusted with myself |
07/7/99 20:47 |
bobbins maybe just the one pint before I head off home - you know to reward myself for not smoking all day. mmmmmmm |
07/7/99 14:12 |
tankgirl Hmm, we appear to be cross-threading. |
07/7/99 14:07 |
tankgirl It's terrible. |
07/7/99 14:07 |
tankgirl I am Alex Ferguson's illegitmate love child. |
07/7/99 14:01 |
Cyril Mine scored the winning goal in the 1944 Fa Cup final. |
07/7/99 14:00 |
fnord My dad killed Hitler you know. And scored the winning goal in the 1949 FA Cup final. |
07/7/99 14:00 |
bobbins I was 30 on the 3rd of July young man! remember we didn't go to the same school but I knew quite a lot of people at Glen Ayre that you knew there |
07/7/99 13:58 |
Cyril Come on bobbins he was the gullible kid that everyone used to wind up. |
07/7/99 13:57 |
Acres Hey, Boobins. You are 30 this week? I am 30 in August. Are you sure you don't know me, considering we lived about four streets away from each other? |
07/7/99 13:53 |
Satch making dodgy dealings, whilst snatchy writes about them |
07/7/99 13:53 |
bob bob bobbins |
07/7/99 13:51 |
Markie no offence |
07/7/99 13:51 |
Markie well, me. |
07/7/99 13:51 |
bobbins course I fancy tankie - who doesn't? |
07/7/99 13:49 |
Markie I reckon bobs fancies tankie... |
07/7/99 13:46 |
tankgirl Yep. The E-Plan. I lost two stone! |
07/7/99 13:42 |
bobbins flabby man-breasts prehaps.. but no beer belly |
07/7/99 13:42 |
Do e's - that gets rid of beer bellies and they're quite good fun too. |
07/7/99 13:42 |
bobbins I don't really have a beer belly |
07/7/99 13:41 |
tankgirl because the beer belly has to go! It's gotta go. Men with beer bellies. Ugh! |
07/7/99 13:38 |
bobbins anyway the beer belly is on it's way out now I'm mature and on a fitness kick |
07/7/99 13:36 |
bobbins very nicely thankyou |
07/7/99 13:33 |
BioPOT (He's just ordered Alloy training wheels for it tankie) |
07/7/99 13:31 |
tankgirl So, how's the beer belly coming along, bobbs? |
07/7/99 13:30 |
BioPOT What was wrong with Jan 1? Too fat? |
07/7/99 13:29 |
Satch I gave up on Jan 2nd this year |
07/7/99 10:38 |
Andy Garcia 14 pints! Jeez. The most I've ever done IN MY LIFE is 12 pints in one night and that made me get naked in a very inappropriate place. Bobbins, keep trying to stay off the fags, it's worth it in the end (*lights up another marlboro*) |
07/7/99 09:33 |
Markie I don't know, I quite fancy being able to go out for 14 pints midweek. I just know that I'd die. |
07/7/99 09:31 |
bobbins hmmmmm - I really ought to go and find myself a bird shouldn't I |
07/7/99 09:29 |
Markie Put it this way bobbins, Your're 30, I'm 28 You spent last night out on the lash I spent it going round B&Q working out with my girlfriend how much (too much) to spend on a new kitchen which we are doing over the next two months. Compare and contrast. I reckon the pros and cons of both our situations are probably about equal, though opposite. |
07/7/99 09:23 |
bobbins if only I couldn't I'd be a expletive sight healthier |
07/7/99 09:22 |
bobbins you know what the real problem is? I can take it unfortunately |
07/7/99 09:21 |
bobbins *hides* |
07/7/99 09:21 |
Markie bobbins, you can't take it, you know you can't, your're old. 14 pints midweek - bloody hooligan - no wonder you support Wimbledon |
07/7/99 09:08 |
bobbins erm 10 cigarettes / 14 pints *shame* |
07/7/99 09:07 |
chris jesus bobbins you are hardcore. a pint of whisky in one? no wonder you're feeling old. try injecting about 10ml of vodka, it'll get you absolutely f*cked in ten seconds and the hangover's not too bad. |
06/7/99 17:38 |
SeanP aye, that's exemption. Like I've got another wedding at the weekend, and I'm now off the antibiotics- wa hey! |
06/7/99 17:37 |
SeanP well, not as slim as I was. Bit of a tyre. |
06/7/99 17:37 |
bobbins it's my mates birthday - that counts as special exemption - what I need to stop is the "go to the pub after work and have a swift five pints" bit |
06/7/99 17:36 |
bobbins you were quite thin anyway weren't you? |
06/7/99 17:35 |
bobbins: I've lost a stone in the last month through being ill and off booze. |
06/7/99 17:32 |
bobbins ta |
06/7/99 17:31 |
johnny reb luck |
06/7/99 17:29 |
bobbins I'm off to the pub - wish me luck |
06/7/99 16:46 |
bobbins Tue so far no cigarettes / no alcohol the real test is tonight - my mates birthday party |
06/7/99 16:45 |
Markie gospel truth - ask anyone who has ever played for Bramcote Cricket Club near Nottingham. |
06/7/99 16:43 |
booner a 30 year old getting drunk for the sake of it... |
06/7/99 16:41 |
bobbins Jesus!! No fekking way!!! |
06/7/99 16:41 |
bobbins like I said - it's all in the dim distant past now - if you don't believe me just follow old man bobbins heath journal over the comming weeks |
06/7/99 16:40 |
Markie 3-2! |
06/7/99 16:40 |
Markie I was on a cricket tour once and we won the `eating the daddy long legs out of the pub urinals' contest |
06/7/99 16:40 |
Markie expletiveing sad I can imagine the scene Its not pretty Talisker is a fine whisky to be treated with reverence and to be drunk carefully You have been most naughty |
06/7/99 16:39 |
bobbins it was the pint of piss that really separated out the real contenders in the down in one competition though |
06/7/99 16:37 |
bobbins I threw up in the bathroom - then fell into the bath tub that was full of water, ice and beer - expletiveing sad |
06/7/99 16:33 |
Markie sorry, it can't be done in one - the taste is too strong. I don't believe you. Half pint maybe Also - you'd be basically dead after about an hour. |
06/7/99 16:32 |
johnny reb knees startign to buckle bobbs? back beginning to ache in the morinings? having to hold magazines a little closer to your eyes? |
06/7/99 16:31 |
bobbins BTW deeply depressed about the Talisker - didn't realise what I'd done until Sunday morning |
06/7/99 16:27 |
I prefer S Club 7 |
06/7/99 16:26 |
bobbins that was then - this is now. I'm grown up now. Any one want my Brittany Spears CD? |
06/7/99 16:19 |
Markie pint of Talisker in one? big waste bloody neanderthal |
06/7/99 16:18 |
bobbins since passing out in a pool of vomit early on Sunday morning (down in one pint of wine followed by down in one pint of Talisker (what a waste!)) Sun - no cigarettes / one bottle wine to be continued.... |