21/11/02 18:02 |
boxobollox yeah, bring back thatch. she rooled. |
21/11/02 18:01 |
AK - 69 hope we don't have another 10 years fo this new labour shite though |
21/11/02 17:59 |
boxobollox 18, but boom tish nonetheless. |
21/11/02 17:58 |
Azul Buho Well, that's what 17 years of Tory rule does for you. |
21/11/02 17:57 |
AK - 69 very very very poor though |
21/11/02 17:56 |
Azul Buho Ooh, bit of satire there. |
21/11/02 17:56 |
AK - 69 socialism - load of bollox mate |
21/11/02 17:53 |
Azul Buho "This communist goes into a knocking shop and asks for a beer..." |
21/11/02 17:51 |
boxobollox two straight men - it's not going to work as a comedic relationship is it? we should perhaps stick to beer, sex and socialism. |
21/11/02 17:49 |
Azul Buho HoHo! I'll set 'em up, Big Man! |
21/11/02 17:47 |
boxobollox nobody's perfect though az, i'm sure my genes would get a look in somehow. :o) |
21/11/02 17:46 |
Azul Buho They'd be ugly as hell and twice as noisy! |
21/11/02 17:45 |
boxobollox me two. you want kids with me? think how socially well balanced they would be. cheap as fukk too. |
21/11/02 17:43 |
Azul Buho That's my actual philosophy on life, boxo. Get it, enjoy it, and be a nice little boy while you're doing it. I call Epicurean Eudemonics. |
21/11/02 17:42 |
boxobollox mmm, bass. in a pewter tankard, chilled but not cold. lovely. cheers az, enjoy your riches tonight, for tomorrow we are poor. |
21/11/02 17:40 |
Azul Buho Mmmmm, gravy... |
21/11/02 17:39 |
boxobollox work? pah! drink and be pissed for tomorrow is just the same old shite as todays, just wrapped in a different gravy. |
21/11/02 17:35 |
Bing same here. soon, anyway. I really should be working. |
21/11/02 17:35 |
Azul Buho Here, have a purse of moneys to buy your ale, my man. *scatters sovereigns on floor* |
21/11/02 17:34 |
boxobollox that's it, i'm getting a beer. |
21/11/02 17:32 |
Azul Buho Oops, sorry, was I hurting you? *withdraws from Bing's alley a little* |
21/11/02 17:29 |
boxobollox *points and sniggers*
good name for a band there methinks. |
21/11/02 17:28 |
Bing Sorry, there should have been a full stop between "time" and "and". |
21/11/02 17:27 |
Bing I've developed some hearty crushes on people from round these parts in my time, and Azul's right up my alley. |
21/11/02 17:26 |
boxobollox i will always love you azul. madly. i will be nicking your champagne to sell for my mild n bitter, but i will always love you. |
21/11/02 17:25 |
Azul Buho Any of the vodka or chocolates left, Craigey? Will you still love me when I'm a champagne socialist, boxo? |
21/11/02 17:22 |
Craigey Things I have won: Casio Digital watch in Primary School Raffle aged 6 (have upgraded to next model since then). Box of Quality Street at the Kent District Plate Final (when out uni 2nds were victorious at Canterbury FC). x2 Tickets to Finsbury Park Festival aged 16 (where I watched Pearl Jam yeah!) Signed England Team miniature bat. Bottle of Vodka in Football team raffle on coach back from playing Uni of East Anglia. |
21/11/02 17:21 |
boxobollox ha! don't be tempted az, the first class are still the worst class in this 'classless society'. your beer tokens run out and the fukker on the door will sniff as you try to gain entrance to the food hall. |
21/11/02 17:20 |
jim Cheeky Lins. |
21/11/02 17:19 |
pins i think he's up overall over the month, doesn't owe any gansters |
21/11/02 17:19 |
Azul Buho I even said 'Would you bag them up, my man' with a haughty mien. |
21/11/02 17:18 |
Azul Buho And tonight I'm going to have proper beer instead of that Newcastle Brown shite I usually drink at this time of the month. |
21/11/02 17:18 |
boxobollox its the vision of the march into marks n sparks, strident, aloof, a sense of belonging if only for a fleeting moment. he'll be buying a barbour next. |
21/11/02 17:16 |
Bing great work, Az. You know how to mix it with the other half |
21/11/02 17:16 |
boxobollox hehehe! az, livin large. |
21/11/02 17:16 |
boxobollox well then he has a problem. is his debt large and to which group of gangster type thugs will he be losing his life? |
21/11/02 17:15 |
morgan I think that qualifies as a problem, yes. |
21/11/02 17:15 |
Azul Buho I'm living the high life already. Marched into Marks & Spencer, got three bags of jaffa cakes, three bags of crisps (cheesey poofs, s&v squares and prawn cocktails) and a big prawn and mayo sandwich. Didn't turn a hair when I had to hand the money over. Styled it out like a bastard. |
21/11/02 17:15 |
pins erm, he lost and he's on £18k. |
21/11/02 17:14 |
boxobollox all your winnings each way would have returned £3237.50 had you been stupid enough to do it. Lins, 3.5k? fekk! hope he got some back. |
21/11/02 17:14 |
Azul Buho Depends how much three and half large is to him, Lins. Might be the same as me having a pound each way on the Grand National. |
21/11/02 17:14 |
Bing 5 numbers eh? Good man |
21/11/02 17:13 |
morgan Did he win? Could he afford to lose it? |
21/11/02 17:12 |
boxobollox ah, but it came second and i backed it each way. so although the nag lost, i didn't! |
21/11/02 17:12 |
pins my mate put 3,500 on a horse the other day. Do you think he's got a problem? hehe |
21/11/02 17:12 |
morgan ok, cool. Hope you're not too cold - you'll be even keener to get somewhere warm at this rate! |
21/11/02 17:11 |
Azul Buho Hehehe... yeah, stupid of me not to punt on that one then, eh? |
21/11/02 17:09 |
boxobollox £1,850 on what ho darky? muppet. You should have asked, i had a tip this afternoon. It lost mind. |
21/11/02 17:08 |
pins yeah,
definitely. I may be able to make saturday, but In the unlikely event of him being there early doors I shall join you |
21/11/02 17:06 |
morgan :-( We'll have to meet up when you get back then, you can impress us with
your tan and your stories! |
21/11/02 17:06 |
Azul Buho Well, I spunked it all on 'What Ho, Darky' in the 3.30 at Uttoxeter. Can anyone lend me a fiver? |
21/11/02 17:05 |
pins na, i've not done a thing. I'm having a bit of a stressful week as it goes. I'll have to find time on saturday. Looks like I'll have to miss meeting you and sammy too :( |
21/11/02 17:04 |
morgan hehe Have you started packing yet? |
21/11/02 17:03 |
pins if there was a tax on the stupid Jim would be a very poor man |
21/11/02 14:27 |
jim Tiny tots are littlewoods pic n mix and they expletiveing rock! |
21/11/02 14:24 |
viki I don't think I like Barretts - is it them that do jelly babies/tiny tots/liqourice alsorts? Bleurgghhh. Haribo every car journey for me ;o) |
21/11/02 14:22 |
jim Tangfastics! my old flatmates faves. I like tiny tots myself. |
21/11/02 14:22 |
viki I don't like jelly babies. Much prefer Haribo teddy bears or tangtastics! |
21/11/02 14:21 |
Satch you people make me sick |
21/11/02 14:20 |
jim jelly babies Satch, except black ones, don't like them. |
21/11/02 14:18 |
Satch jim eats babies viki. Don't get sucked in |
21/11/02 14:16 |
jim Im' baby freindly. will not baby'd up people be allowed? or will i have to steal one from somewhere? |
21/11/02 14:12 |
viki Okidoki Jim. Ara and I will have to arrange a get together somewhere baby friendly! Then clovis and balti and all the other parents can come too. |
21/11/02 14:08 |
jim You'll have to meet us frsit Viki, aftewr baby probably. |
21/11/02 14:08 |
viki hehehe satch! You make me laugh :o) |
21/11/02 14:07 |
jim Ok Whoj, Sian, don't 'hehe' Satch, you'll only encourage him, and i don't smell (bad) |
21/11/02 14:01 |
whojamaflip Sorry Sian and Jim, I shall desist, and buy you a pint if I ever see you - just for the two of you, alone, in a darkened corner of the pub |
21/11/02 14:01 |
Satch I Viki, on the other hand, have been covering sian regularly for the past six months. SHE IS A TOMCAT |
21/11/02 14:00 |
viki There was something going on? Jim - come over here and whisper what happened. I won't tell a soul! |
21/11/02 13:59 |
whojamaflip sensitive all the way, that's me |
21/11/02 13:58 |
sian hehehe satch |
21/11/02 13:58 |
sian Not like you to be senstive to my feelings whoj. |
21/11/02 13:58 |
Satch viki - there was action going on, but then sian's cold cleared up and she got her sense of smell back |
21/11/02 13:58 |
whojamaflip me, I'm saying nowt, wouldn;t want to open old wounds and all that |
21/11/02 13:57 |
Azul Buho not was? |
21/11/02 13:57 |
jim was… |
21/11/02 13:57 |
whojamaflip hehehe |
21/11/02 13:57 |
viki ooOOOOoooo Touched a nerve!! So Jim and Sian aren't doing it with each other.....but is there some action going on? I think I should be told :o) |
21/11/02 13:57 |
sian I've got to go. Fight it out between you. |
21/11/02 13:56 |
jim *books trip to Newcastle for june* |
21/11/02 13:55 |
whojamaflip I'll be down in June and sort the pair of yoou out |
21/11/02 13:55 |
jim are you gonna get him or am i Sian? |
21/11/02 13:54 |
whojamaflip they want to tho, really really want to |
21/11/02 13:54 |
jim no, honestly. |
21/11/02 13:54 |
whojamaflip see, denial all the way |
21/11/02 13:53 |
jim Couldn't be any wronger could he? |
21/11/02 13:52 |
jim It will make you cry, nearly did me on the tube the other day! |
21/11/02 13:51 |
sian Wrong Whoj. Very, very wrong. |
21/11/02 13:50 |
whojamaflip Jim and Sian are at it like rabbits - they just pretend they don;t see each other |
21/11/02 13:50 |
Woby Tide I'll go halves if you want Sian. |
21/11/02 13:49 |
viki Cheers Jim. Any Primo Levi type work is worth looking up. Thanks. I'll give it a go. Might make me cry though! Sian - welcome back to blighty. Horrible isn't it? So grey, so depressing. *sigh* Yeah - due a couple of weeks after ara. Must have copped it during the world cup:o) Must see what match was played the day it was conceived!! Don't be jealous - you've got years before you need to start thinking babies. Have loads of fun and travel everywhere before you have one! |
21/11/02 13:48 |
jim *leaves* :O) |
21/11/02 13:45 |
sian Yeah I've been back about 5 months now. It's nice to be back but I'm in my finaly year now and have soooooo much work! Not in the middle of anything. Just James trying to claim I have lots of money or something. When's your baby due? Is it about the same time as Ara's? You lot are making me jealous - I want one now! |
21/11/02 13:44 |
jim Much along the same lines as Levi-the truce/if this is a man, but from a womans perspective, in the labour camps etc (she was 15 when war started 21 when it finished) I suppose every story about this subject is going to be pretty powerful stuff. |
21/11/02 13:43 |
withers go and buy 10 scratch card - you're bound to win |
21/11/02 13:43 |
viki Hello sian. You back in the UK these days? Am I in the middle of something...er...intimate here? Looks like I've got a lot of catching up to do!! |
21/11/02 13:41 |
sian Me? Starting? Never ;o) Laura was up before me this morning! She couldn't even remember what you said to her 2 minutes afterwards so don't worry. |
21/11/02 13:40 |
viki No sweety I haven't. I'm reading the Rough Guide to pregnancy at the moment - which is about my level :o) So what's it about? |
21/11/02 13:39 |
jim Viks, have you read 'all but my life' by Gerda Weissman Klein? Just finished it, very good. |
21/11/02 13:38 |
jim stop starting ;O) I do remember really. |
21/11/02 13:38 |
viki My husband's friend won 1.6 million. Which means that we'll probably never win anything now. The bastard - he's spoilt everything. |
21/11/02 13:37 |
sian I did tell you. I offered to take you out for dinner and you probably told me you had better things to do. I don't remember now. |
21/11/02 13:37 |
jim no you didn't |
21/11/02 13:36 |
TonTon But she lied, she just gave you that. |
21/11/02 13:36 |
sian When I was really, really poor about a week before my loan came through, my mum called and said I'do won £100 on my premium bonds. I told you that. |
21/11/02 13:33 |
jim yesh, you |
21/11/02 13:30 |
soup nope - never won a sian before. |
21/11/02 13:29 |
Woby Tide I won 2 million once but squandered it on my philanthropy addiction. |
21/11/02 13:29 |
sian me? |
21/11/02 13:21 |
soup I think so. |
21/11/02 13:21 |
jim did you? |
21/11/02 12:51 |
21/11/02 12:51 |
sian I won £100 on my premium bonds last month. That was a nice surprise. |
21/11/02 12:50 |
snapper Biggest win I've had was some £800 on football pools. |
21/11/02 12:49 |
whojamaflip she didn't win it Satch, she "earned" it |
21/11/02 12:48 |
sian I won £80 once. That was nice. I was 15 though so my mum had to go and pick up my money. hehehe |
21/11/02 12:42 |
AK - 69 i won a 10er last night lucky dip gave me no' 17-18-19-35-46-47, first 10er i've won for ages. |
21/11/02 12:42 |
Satch my mum won 3 and a half grand once |
21/11/02 12:39 |
ormondroyd Mine's got £10.80 on it. I'll have to buy two tickets. |
21/11/02 12:35 |
soup hehe! |
21/11/02 12:34 |
tree they're about 80p getty depends where you shop? cheers az :) |
21/11/02 12:33 |
Getty how much? |
21/11/02 12:31 |
Azul Buho I'll buy you some Hobnobs. |
21/11/02 12:30 |
soup really Az? £10? hahahahahahahaha! |
21/11/02 12:30 |
tree HURRAH! well done azul. don't forget me babe ;o) |
21/11/02 12:30 |
Mardarse exactly Azul, feck the credit card, get yerself over here with pins on Tuesday and blow it all in a night. |
21/11/02 12:30 |
Azul Buho £10! |
21/11/02 12:30 |
Azul Buho Ta! Or maybe I'll reinvest it in lottery tickets? Anyone got a good tip on the third race at Wincanton? |
21/11/02 12:29 |
Satch aw tell us you big tart. It's not like you earned it |
21/11/02 12:29 |
morgan way to go, petal, chuffed for you. |
21/11/02 12:29 |
Azul Buho A nice little sum, Satchyboy. Not enough to quit me job, but a very welcome and timely injection of cash nevertheless. I might just squander it on tarts and whores. |
21/11/02 12:28 |
whojamaflip wahey! |
21/11/02 12:27 |
snapper brilliant Azul - you bring in the beers then? |
21/11/02 12:25 |
Satch really? nice one mate! how much? |
21/11/02 12:24 |
Azul Buho Well, I just checked last night's lottery result and found I've won enough to pay off my credit card, so big fat ner! Happy happy joy joy. I'll probably lose me fecking ticket now. |