20/08/98 |
slye I´m just pleased to say I contributed in some small way to my subjectleicester |
19/08/98 |
tankgirl I can't believe that you've all been talking on Alltalk since February. Do you never work??? Incidentally, I've only ever been to the Oadby bit of Leicester.. My friend, who makes glasses and usually wears his girlfriend's pink knickers, always says "I'm going to Leicester" when he is in fact going to bed, but this is unfair, as Leicester is obviously more exciting than this, as Leicester Uni students are renowned for selling one inch sections of their butt flesh to the medical school for research for 50 quid an inch. (Anyone short of money should just telephone the medical school and simply calculate how much of their butt they can do without) |
19/08/98 |
Donna shannan ann ahn anna went to Italy for a while to work, I think |
19/08/98 |
__ barnaby was about a few days ago. this subject is over 100k in size! |
19/08/98 |
SimonT I think you'd need to chop down a lot more Amazonian rainforest before you could print this out. Whatever happened to Barnaby, Shannahan, basset etc. anyway? |
19/08/98 |
__ print it out for posterity. |
19/08/98 |
SimonT Don't think you can chop it up, although you could save it onto a disk or the hard drive. |
19/08/98 |
SimonT Another thing : replace /69.html with /index.html |
19/08/98 |
Donna Is there a way of chopping up this thread; it takes for ever to load on my spectrum thing? |
19/08/98 |
SteveBull You had paragraphs in those days as well |
19/08/98 |
SimonT It's like one of those discussions you have with your mates which starts with something entirely serious and over time degenerates into something completely unrelated. But on All Talk. |
19/08/98 |
Donna F UCKING MARVELOUS!!!! If I ever meet you SimonT, first pint's on me |
19/08/98 |
SteveBull This is great. |
15/05/98 |
Grit Well, I'm a programmer. Is that okay? |
15/05/98 |
_ i installed some electricity. |
15/05/98 |
basset Rumbled! |
15/05/98 |
rolles And anyway Grit. It's not the size, it's what you do with it. so there. |
15/05/98 |
SimonT No such thing as the MEAR space station. And MIR,as we all know, has no electricity anyway. |
15/05/98 |
_ and i'm writing this from the MIR spacestation. |
15/05/98 |
basset Yeah? Well I'm writing this from the MEAR Spacestation. |
15/05/98 |
rolles Missed Grits entry. You win. |
15/05/98 |
rolles That's nothing. I've got an Ultra SPARC workstation, a 300 Mhz PC, an IBM Thinkpad AND one of those calculators with big easy-use buttons. |
15/05/98 |
basset Bugger! You win Grit. |
15/05/98 |
Donna I've got a transcriber, so ner, ner |
15/05/98 |
Grit Oh, got a fan too. Got a PowerMac, PC and Unix machine |
15/05/98 |
SimonT I've got Internet access at home, but usually I only use it on Sundays at 10pm when everyone on here's buggered off and the last posting was about an hour and a half ago. |
15/05/98 |
basset Oh yeah? Well I've got me PowerMac, a PC AND an electric fan. |
15/05/98 |
Grit I've got 3 computers on my desk (and under it) |
15/05/98 |
basset I've got a powerMac and a 20inch monitor. But it's still too bloody slooowwwwww. |
15/05/98 |
rolles That's nothing mate, my computer has a mouse. I'm sitting in the middle of an office so I can't see the sun at all. I'm going to go outside for a smoke and I'll get that everything is really dark, screw your eyes up cos you haven't seen bright sunlight for 8 hours thing. |
15/05/98 |
SimonT I wouldn't be surprised. |
15/05/98 |
_ woah, you're on the half decent machines. do you know they used to have some really really bad computers that only had black & white monitors in there? |
15/05/98 |
SimonT I'm back now. The sun had moved round, and I now have that thing where you've indirectly looked into the sun for too long and have an orange light in front of your eyes for about five minutes afterwards. Anyway,this computer's got a disk drive, and everything. |
15/05/98 |
basset I don't know Donna, I haven't been in there for ages. I forgot the Crown 'n' Thistle and the horrible smelly greb-ridden Globe. Winner of Everards "Pub of the Month" competition, March 1983. (I kid you not). |
15/05/98 |
SimonT No, not really. Er...actually, I'm just going to change computers, so I might be a few minutes. |
15/05/98 |
rolles ST - you've been sitting there waiting for that for 20 mins - admit it. |
15/05/98 |
Donna I'm told the NRI has had a refit |
15/05/98 |
basset Bit of a trek from the Old Horse to the New Road Inn (I worked there through one Easter holiday). |
15/05/98 |
basset Donna: YOU CAN'T like HIM. He's the most miserablist git EVER. We once stacked some glasses on our table to make it easier for him to collect them; but all he did was come over and said "don't stack the glasses. They break" And walked off without even looking at us. |
15/05/98 |
15/05/98 |
Grit Do you mean the really tall one? |
15/05/98 |
Grit Ah, well, those were the days. 25 years of them I had and never one when I wasn't wasted...I saw the Loaded Dog last time I was back, but I was crawling for memories and so gave it a miss. So from the station to my parents house, (only slight detours)...Barley Mow, Wyvern, Hind - used to be so great, but ruined now (good beer though), Marquis, Old Horse (nearly got knifed, gone down hill so much), Clarry, NRI, erm...caught bus home! |
15/05/98 |
Donna Said miserable barman now works at the Barley mow; I quite like him |
15/05/98 |
basset The Loaded Dog is new. It's opposite the Marquis Wellington (which has been done out and they've got rid of that misery guts old barman). It's dead studenty but it's sort of in the right place if you're doing a London Road pub crawl. I missed out the Hind. But I wouldn't recommend that one anyway even though it's supposed to feature in a CP Snow novel. |
15/05/98 |
bond Rollong the ball in Poo and throwing it at your mate to head. Didn,t they............ |
15/05/98 |
Grit You must be new Basset, 'The Loaded Dog' ...never around in my time. |
15/05/98 |
basset Ahhh Vikky Park, the Marquis Wellington, the Loaded Dog, the Wyvern, the 'Mow, the Red Room - full of old rockers, down to the Fan Club. Marvellous. Those were the days… |
15/05/98 |
bond Dickie Davies, World of Sport Wasn't it, don't they |
15/05/98 |
SimonT I've just found 'Tree's own WOLVES topic'. Er...I'll think I'll let someone else return that,unless we're commemorating the return of the Cup Final to ITV with the return of all the old topics. |
15/05/98 |
bond Faster Goddammit |
15/05/98 |
Grit I hate to say that 300 is almost upon us as this will no doubt result in a rush of postings with one word in them, but I told you so. |
15/05/98 |
_ thats cheating though SimonT, you're in the James Went building. if you mentioned every phreak you saw, you'd never post anything about football. |
15/05/98 |
SimonT I've just seen someone not only wearing a big woolly jumper, but one of the design that is only permissable on Boxing Day in front of your gran. Blue with a big orange V down the front. |
15/05/98 |
_ you never know. |
15/05/98 |
Donna Female |
15/05/98 |
_ was it motson? |
15/05/98 |
Donna My God; just spotted somenone wearing a sheepskin coat! Not good at the best of times, but in this heat? |
15/05/98 |
Grit Oh bugger, that doesn't look right. At least it works. |
15/05/98 |
Grit Why not take a look at Cambridge: <A HREF="http://www.orl.co.uk/cgi-bin/pangen/">http://www.orl.co.uk/cgi-bin/pangen/</A> |
15/05/98 |
_ i made a picture of me using it once. great fun. |
15/05/98 |
SimonT And all the photos on the page were taken on a very wet day. |
15/05/98 |
_ what a surprise. i don't think its worked properly since 1996. |
15/05/98 |
SimonT It's down at the moment : the URL is http://www.cms.dmu.ac.uk/~rl/live.html |
15/05/98 |
SimonT I think so. I'll have a look and dig out the URL. |
15/05/98 |
_ does that "live camera" thing in the ole james went building still work? |
15/05/98 |
Grit Ah, sorry SimonT, just remembered that I'm not in Leicester any more...oh, I wish I could go and sit by the river in Abbey Park... |
15/05/98 |
SimonT In fact,I might walk down to Dillon's in a bit and see if they've got Ardal O'Hanlon's new novel, or that new Leicester-under-O'Neill retrospective written by the bloke who left Radio Leicester to become a holiday rep in Ibiza. |
15/05/98 |
bond Good luck Grit. I did the very same myself last night. The old calves aren't what they were. Anyone for more Pymms? |
15/05/98 |
rolles penistone rhymes with testosterone |
15/05/98 |
SimonT OK,it's right outside the James Went building. And wave at the rectangular window directly above two cars (one grey, one dark blue) and I might see you. |
15/05/98 |
Grit I'll get you one SimonT... |
15/05/98 |
SimonT There's an ice cream van outside, and I've only got 20p on me. |
15/05/98 |
Grit I remeber it well Donna. Also remember many violent summer thunderstorms with numerous bolts of lightning hitting the park. |
15/05/98 |
SimonT Oh,and Donna : it took lots of rooting around in the Premiership section. |
15/05/98 |
SimonT Same as I was coming back from lunch - all available grass and sunny spots taken up by people in t-shirts. |
15/05/98 |
Grit Well, it's great to have the old girl back, almost like she never went away. I will indeed agree that it is extremely hot and sunny, although I decided against shorts myself. I do have some with me though as I am restarting my football career with some 5-a-side after work. |
15/05/98 |
Donna You've found this board; i've been looking evrywhere for it. I have an office overlooking the park and the view is trees and shorts, trees and shorts; I like summer |
15/05/98 |
SimonT And he ended one lecture last year by showing us his new version of Quake 2. |
15/05/98 |
_ yay! bert logan. now he's allowed to wear shorts cos he turns 50 minute lectures in 15 minute ones. and he's fuggin' hard. wouldn't mess with him. "you're bloody late" |
15/05/98 |
SimonT Bert Logan. Do you know him? |
15/05/98 |
bond Blimey. And Sandals? |
15/05/98 |
_ tutors in shorts? it shouldn't be allowed. who is it? |
15/05/98 |
SimonT 257? (as this will be) Come on, one big push and we can hit 300...and we can start by mentioning how warm and sunny it is today. Rumour has it that one of my 1st semester tutors is walking around in shorts. |
17/03/98 |
JonT TK Maxx is cack. |
17/03/98 |
Donna Does this mean lesta could end up with 2 TK Maxx? heaven |
17/03/98 |
SimonT Strange place to put a shopping centre... |
16/03/98 |
basset Donna: Did it take ten days of contemplating before that question popped into your head? Or did you just want to see "My subjectleicester" topping the charts once more? Anyway, i think the Council want to build a new leisure centre on Filbert Street; and turn Granby Halls into a giant new shopping centre called "Shires II". |
16/03/98 |
SeanP not this old chestnut, D. Let it lie!! |
16/03/98 |
Donna What becomes of Granby Halls in all of this? Rumours of a car park abound. |
06/03/98 |
basset Well I was taking the piss just a little bit. But City are going to need a ground that big for big cup, european, and big premier games, and it's just nice to see Leicester actually making plans which assume that we ARE going to be having big cup, european and premier games. Leicester's position geographically also means we will be able to give loads of tickets for away fans. We averaged about 17,000 last time we were in the First - not bad when capacity is 21,500. |
06/03/98 |
SeanP Great news about the stadium: 40,000 will accommodate City fans AND Tigers fans and still leave plenty of room for 15,000 away supporters. Marvellous idea. |
06/03/98 |
Snakepitter Fill 40 000 be big enough? you taking the piss. You were only getting 15 000 two years ago. |
06/03/98 |
pig The is a possibility that City and Tigers could share the new site, which would give us a 21st century stadium with a Baseball Ground in the Sev's pitch. A more attractive proposal would see the Bugger's moving in at Filbo, giving the old place a new lease of life and irritating the bastards in burnmoor Street who wouldn't sell. |
06/03/98 |
basset Leicester City are moving stadium! They've decided to ditch Filbert Street and build a new stadium, probably 40,000 capacity. Will this be big enough? |
05/03/98 |
Donna This site's crap; I'm off. |
04/03/98 |
Donna No thanks; i've given them up for Lent. |
04/03/98 |
Shannahan Courtney Love? |
04/03/98 |
Donna Nah, 'love don't live here anymore' |
04/03/98 |
Shannahan Romance lives in Leicester! |
04/03/98 |
Donna Can't wait for the summer months; skins and t shirts for goalposts in Vicky Park |
04/03/98 |
Grit Ah, this all takes me back to the time I spent there...and what a time it was. Dangerous liasons on Vicky Park and by the war memorial... |
03/03/98 |
Donna Wrong side of the tower for that, but i can glimpse Peace Walk ans the Physics stores. |
03/03/98 |
SimonT Can you see Nelson Mandela Park? (It's always fun to see people's reactions when I mention that Leicester a) has a park called NMP b) is about to put up a 'SPorting Capital' statue in the city centre c) City had Tony Thorpe on their YTS books and let him go.) |
03/03/98 |
Shannahan I feel like I'm almost there with you. |
03/03/98 |
Donna I can see Vicky park, the War memorial and De Montfort Hall from my office. I also have female loos on this floor and a very pleasant neighbour. I'm thinking of moving in. |
03/03/98 |
SimonT I can't actually see the Leicester Uni building from here (even though it's about half a mile to a mile away) because there's two huge tower blocks in the way. I think I know what you are talking about though. |
03/03/98 |
SimonT The thing was though that I wasn't intending to jump out. I was so frightened that I might miss my floor (what actually happens if you go above the top floor or below the ground floor?) that all attempts at walking out normally were put on hold by my brain at the wrong moment. |
03/03/98 |
SeanP yes, it's a pain when our "Jodie Foster" breaks down. Still, our building is the highest point in the city apparently. Great view of the Carling stand as well. |
03/03/98 |
Donna Yes, paternosters are not the instruments by which people should attempt to display their athletic prowess to friends/potential special friends |
03/03/98 |
SimonT I'm on the wrong floor to see the DMU paternoster,but it was working during the high winds earlier. I hate them anyway,mostly because the first time I used one I all but jumped out and fell over. In front of several people. |
03/03/98 |
Donna So much wind today in Leicester that our paternoster has broken. Anyone experiencing similar problems? |
27/02/98 |
Shannahan OK, OK, great, yeah, thanks Grit; I was losing it a bit there, but you have calmed my fevered soul. You are truly a friend. |
27/02/98 |
Grit Hey, calm yourself Shan. Everything is gonna work out just fine, trust me, I have the vibe |
27/02/98 |
Shannahan Grit, you resurrected it! My subjectleicester. I think I'm going to cry... |
27/02/98 |
Grit It's cool that this thread has had so many posts, shows how people are intrigued by what they don't know |
18/02/98 |
Shannahan Well, that's what happens when you leave us alone! |
18/02/98 |
Donna I spen most of the day in training session and what happens? Repetative nonsense |
18/02/98 |
Shannahan Is John Inman on that list? |
18/02/98 |
basset Apparently Kasey Keller should not be on the Premiership "Free" list that was issued today. He will only be allowed a free transfer if Leicester are relegated. And that's according to the Leicester Mercury so it must be right. |
13/02/98 |
tree This is message number 458! |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan Sorry, basset, I realise I've not only let the club, and the game down, but my own personal moral standing has been damaged. I deserve a three match suspension, but I should be free for England should they need me. |
13/02/98 |
basset Come on Shan, that's cheating! If we're going to get to 300 we're not going to do in the "Paul Mariner 1982" way. |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan Still, it is another five on the total. |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan Whoa, there! It's all got a bit choppy this end. |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan You sick puppy |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan You sick puppy |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan You sick puppy |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan You sick puppy |
13/02/98 |
n7135000 Ta 'Dad'. |
13/02/98 |
dad I just LOVE n7135000 (N) |
13/02/98 |
n7135000 mike reed supports leicester. martin o'neil is a decent bloke heskey is not as good as people say Elliot is |
13/02/98 |
SimonT This'll be 206,so only one way to get another 94.... So,Leicester City Centre... |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan Well, you know basset, it's early days yet. We'll take them one at a time and at the end of the day if it happened that we did happen to achieve that incredible feat - not that we will, mind - and guarding against complacency at all times, if we did, then it would have been a team effort and in now way reflective of my own personal brilliance in the least. Ifangyoo. |
13/02/98 |
basset How long until we hit 300? |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan Certainly, basset, they all do count. In off the head, foot, knee, arm(er..no), arse, shin, wherever. Still, it's not me that matters you know, it's the team, as long as we're winning, I don't mind who's knocking them in. |
13/02/98 |
pig All started by some wagg at the guardian trying to start some Leicester v. Forest slagging. cheers jane, sorry the forest withered on the vine. |
13/02/98 |
basset Well most of them seemed to be saying "Why are we talking about Leicester?" But they all count don't they. |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan TWO HUNDRED! And they said it wouldn't last! |
13/02/98 |
JClifton wasn't most of these messages slagging off Leicester and their team? |
13/02/98 |
basset Nearly 200 messages for the Lesta! What a team. But do we have to mention Wolfs on this page. They have a page of their own. |
13/02/98 |
tree Pig: Oh...forget what I said then. err... |
13/02/98 |
pig only on tv v. Oxford! |
13/02/98 |
tree The former methinks! However...our hospital list is building again...apart from that, we look the best we've done for many years. Have you seen us recently? |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan Jolly good, so, what do rate the chances of your favoured eleven on the morrow? Success? A triumphant march towards a long-awaited piece of silverware, or a humiliating dumping out followed by a grudging, trudging slog in the middle of the first division? |
13/02/98 |
tree I'm available for football related issues also! haha |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan But tree, you're about to be married! Or was that a sort of arranged marriage - entered into hastily and yet not truly reflecting your dreams and ambitions? Had you always wanted to wear white, and now you won't get the chance? BASTARD!! oh, sorry, seem to have lost it a bit. |
13/02/98 |
tree I'm not that happy really...(begins to cry) |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan Well, I hope you got a decent price as, judging from your contributions, you may well have some very happy memories. |
13/02/98 |
tree My blood runs cold...my memory has just been sold! |
13/02/98 |
Shannahan My angel is a centrefold. |
13/02/98 |
tree My secret is a secret |
12/02/98 |
Shannahan No, they're back! |
12/02/98 |
tree Errmmm...yes, all of the lattest (and best) topics seem to have vanished...why? |
12/02/98 |
Shannahan Anybody else having trouble getting Latest All Talk and This Week's Action? Oh, and tree, you're a very happy chap aren't you? What's your secret? |
12/02/98 |
tree Shannahananan: I'm happy for you then! |
12/02/98 |
Shannahan Seems to have worked for me! |
12/02/98 |
tree Shannahan: If you want to catch a fish...you've got to think like a fish! |
11/02/98 |
Shannahan Leicester, the mighty conurbation. It's influence stretches into Wales and beyond! |
11/02/98 |
Donna Off to Gwent tomorrow, so I won't be contributing, but I'll not feel quite so left out in the 'Welsh places I have visited' dept on my return. |
11/02/98 |
Shannahan That would explain my confusion, thank you pig. |
11/02/98 |
pig ..or poorly spelt dirty commie-red rabble rouseing in the fair city of Licester. |
11/02/98 |
pig i think its footie talk. |
11/02/98 |
Shannahan tree - pardon? |
11/02/98 |
tree Oh, and Sean P...see what you can do about Lennon whilst you're over there! Nice one. |
11/02/98 |
tree Errr..where were we? Oh, I don't care...Barnaby: You're right! Aberyswth is a truly beautiful place, I had a magical satori on the beach there a couple of summers ago (gazes dreamily into the air) |
11/02/98 |
yiddo Odd isn't it the board starts life a "Donna" and we end up having discussions about Borth and Norwich. I think the "NC" Board has "terminal contribution failure" so the angst will no boubt be channelled elswhere. |
11/02/98 |
Barnaby Nope - it's the "Donna" board. |
11/02/98 |
Barnaby I can't believe I'm talking about Borth here. Anyway, yiddo, as a decent sounding sort of bloke, perhaps you'd care to pop over to the (I think) Norwich City board and explain to me why everyone's getting so nasty? I'm not very amused.... |
11/02/98 |
yiddo Been to Borth and comments are .....SPOT ON. I think it is on a par with Louth on the east coast (The bit if the UK without any decent teams, near Grimsby). Talking of Grimsby (which we weren't!) do you know you can smell the fish when you're driving on the motorway towards the damn place....DISGUSTING SMELL. Aberdovey, retirement home?, Well maybe a little, but the location, some good pubs (Dovey Inn) and the harbour do make it a cool place to go. Great golf course their amongst the sand dunes, bit windy though!. |
11/02/98 |
Barnaby Well, again a couple of things, dear chatsters. 1) Ceej: a)The reason why I can't imagine anywhere worse than Swansea is that I know the town pretty well, and it's grim. Very grim. The nicer bits surrounding it don't count. b)I wasn't having a go at the people of Swansea, just the physical and mental outlook of the town. However, I DO know some superficial twits who originate from what appears to be your home town, and I make no apologies for saying so. c)Just trust me on this one - Aber's a top place when you get to know it. 2)Aberdovey is an alright place, but it's a bit of a retirement home. You're right about it being a "nice area", though, as it's only half-an-hour from (wait for it) Aberystwyth! How Strange! AND the 'Town have a better footie team than Towyn. 3)Incidentally, has anyone ever been to BORTH? Quite famous in our parts for being THE most boring place on earth. Now THAT is "just a beach". |
11/02/98 |
yiddo Me too!. Spent 10 years making the annual pilgrimage over there. Now that IS a nice area. They do actually have a footy team, as does Twywn nearby, the standard is similar to Norwich, but on a good day they can actually score goals, and yes you've guessed it, they don't have yellow nets!. One small distraction is the sheep watching from the sidelines! - Wonder if any of them want a game for the Norfolk Ner-do-wells! |
11/02/98 |
ObiWan Went there all the time for my hols as a kid. I've got a great Aunt who lives there. And I once stayed with my family in the old Train Station which has now been renovated into a holiday home. It's near the crazy golf course if you need a point of reference. Don't know anything about football there I'm afraid. But I'm sure I had a game or two on the beach. |
11/02/98 |
yiddo Seeing as we have managed to change this from Lesta (Hurraaa) to Swansea/Wales I need to know if anyone has heard of been to or has an opinion about Aberdovy, sorry not sure of the Welsh spelling. It's on the west coast at the very southerly edge of Snowdonia National Park - Any takers?. |
11/02/98 |
Ceej This Barnaby person is a good example of your average Aberystwyth apologist i.e. incapable of imagination (he said so himself). For the record, Swansea is "an ugly, lovely town", a quote from Dylan Thomas, a great architect of castles in the sands of rhyme, who was from Swansea, not some awful non-entity place in the middle of nowhere. And,while we're on the subject of culture, Swansea was the UK's first City of Literature, since it is a city of intelligence. There are no superficial twits from Swansea, therefore I can state categorically that Aberystwyth has all the magical qualities of Paul Daniels. So there. (Confirmation, readers, that internecine warfare is alive on the Web) And don't think I haven't noticed your snide little comment down there, Mr Clifton. What have you got? I have Dylan Thomas, you have ... Gracie Fields! I know which one I'd rather have, and you can stick your Sally right up your Cadbury Alley. And we produced Dean Saunders. Oh bugger... |
11/02/98 |
ObiWan I have nothing to contribute, I just simply could not believe that something titled 'My subjectleicester' had 162 messages attached to it. I can't be arsed to scroll down through all this lot to see what you've been talking about but I'm sure it was very important. |
10/02/98 |
Barnaby If you all scroll down several hundred miles, you will notice a wonderful comment from a well-informed young gentleman who goes by the name of "styers". As you all know, I always like to be as polite as possible and pride myself on having a level head and a calm persona. I would therefore like to inform mr.Styers - and his friend for that matter - that ABERYSTWYTH IS THE MOST ENCHANTED, MAGICAL PLACE IN BRITAIN, WHITH QUALITIES THAT SIMPLY FLY PAST SUPERFICIAL TWITS WHO WOULDN'T NOTICE THE CONCEPT OF CULTURE IF IT BIT THEM ON THE ARSE! Now SHUT IT, you silly person. Oh, and for what it's worth, I can't imagine anywhere being quite as grim as Swansea, despite what Pike may tell you. Thank you all for your time, a cool and not at all irritated, barn. |
10/02/98 |
DA_Price My message Oh and I forgot Birmingham. |
10/02/98 |
DA_Price My message As an exiled Leicestrian (county rather than city I admit) who is now resident in Sheffield I yearn for home on a regular basis. Leicester is a great city far nicer than Coventry, Stoke, Nottingham, Derby (especially Derby)and our sporting excellence over the last couple of years is unmatched. What other city of comparable size can boast a football side in the top ten (9th) the reigning rugby cup holders and european finalists (1997) The county cricket champions (1996)the basketball cup finalists (1998)and a legacy of sporting stars that includes Lineker, Gower, Johnson & Richards. Leave us alone for I shall take all further derogatory comments as mere jealousy but then again you have a lot to be jealous about. |
10/02/98 |
Shannahan Looks like you've silenced him with your dazzling stardom. |
10/02/98 |
Donna I was a face in the Stoke on Trent 'Sentinel' several times and the Hammersmith and Fulham 'Gazette', also the Home Office Crime Prevention Bulletin, a real must read, but alas, no TV offers. I've done the odd radio slot though, but still wait for my call to the big time. How about yourself Seanie P Show? |
10/02/98 |
SeanP Has Donna appeared on schools TV? A show with Adrian Hedley of Jigsaw fame, perhaps? Or Rainbow? |
10/02/98 |
Shannahan Crime Prevention, Hot Chefs, is there no end to your talent? You wouldn't happen to be a minor celebrity on the sly? |
10/02/98 |
JonathanTunney Why was that an immature comment? Surely Leicester is just one of those places that doesn't have much going on isn't it? Not particularly big, not particularly significant in geographical terms, not particularly attractive etc. I haven't got anything against it I just can't see why it's either nice or nasty enough to provoke such a protracted debate. |
10/02/98 |
Donna As I used to be involved in crime prevention, that might not have been a good idea |
10/02/98 |
Shannahan But I'd imagine you'd have been gagging for a lager after that lot - could have gone down the local pub, abused the landlord, drunk the worst lager he could offer and run off without paying... |
10/02/98 |
Donna I also once delivered a calf, so I have cultural currency in the James Herriot dept. Cried off being a judge, because I was off on my hols. a couple of days later and thought consuming 24 curries might not be the ideal pre travel meal. |
10/02/98 |
yiddo Well Donna that gives us all an indication of just how great a place Stoke is then!. |
10/02/98 |
Shannahan How did you measure the Chefs' temperatures? Not the All Creatures Great And Small method, I hope? |
10/02/98 |
Donna Going back to curries, I was asked to be a judge in the 'Hot Chef' competition when I lived in Stoke and that was the most exciting thing that happened to me when I lived there. |
10/02/98 |
yiddo IT aint, it just avoids talking about other crap holes in the North West that have clocks showing the wrong time |
10/02/98 |
Shannahan You know, I still don't understand Sean Mc's reference to me knitting myself a blue and green hat, so Leicsester is much less perplexing. |
10/02/98 |
SeanP JT: grow up |
10/02/98 |
JonathanTunney I can't believe Leicester is significant enough to generate an opinion, let alone a debate. |
10/02/98 |
Ratso don't forget the flares..... |
10/02/98 |
basset TK Maxx - now you're talking! Next time I'm in the Barley Mow when the footy's on I'll be looking out for a Northern lass dressed in 'slightly second' designer tops |
10/02/98 |
Ratso TK MAXX? If the space center is for putting all the space cadets at Lesta Uni into orbit it might be of some use after all.... |
10/02/98 |
yiddo Come on people, wake up!. References to the Leics. Mercury plllllease. That's a bit too perochial for this forum aint it?. The deal is Lesta is a pretty crap place, despite it's curries. The earlier comment about Bradford having the best Curries is spot on, though is anyone really suprised?. At least if they had a statue of Linkeker in Lesta City Centre the birds would have plenty of "features" to perch on!. |
10/02/98 |
Donna Don't forget the racecourse and the Riders. Also has a TK Maxx which is brilliant (and this from some =one who loathes shopping). Soon to be home to the National Space Centre or some such thing and decent buskers too. |
10/02/98 |
pig Unfortunatly Mghee had signed a pact with the prince of darness himself, to sign his son, Darren. Crewe will probably have another God- like player, rejected by a Manc club knocking about (Savage is quite good too, you know). |
10/02/98 |
SimonT We've got a statue of Thomas Cook - will that do? Actually,because Leicester was apparently 'Sporting Capital of the UK'(c/o Leicester Mercury) during 1997 a statue featuring a footballer,rugby player and cricketer is soon going up in the city centre.(That's true - the Mercury started an appeal to raise funds for it,and sure enough big business put up the money. No-one I know actually wants it,but there you go.) |
10/02/98 |
SeanP Neil Lennon would be ideal right now... |
10/02/98 |
pig Don't you wish you'd got Garry Parker, instead of Iwan, Corica and Kalac SeanP? |
10/02/98 |
SeanP tree, as a Wolves fan in Leicester it can be difficult at times, bearing in mind we have funded their recent success through dodgy buys and compensation payments. But you can learn to love the city, if not the club. |
10/02/98 |
SeanP I'd only been to Leicester a couple of times before I started work here last April, and I have to say its poor reputation among some is undeserved. The best curries in Britain (and this from a Black Countryman); great surrounding countryside; good arts/cinema/restaurants; rugby, cricket; all it needs is a statue of Lineker complete with a cheese'n'onion prop....pity about the football team, though |
10/02/98 |
SimonT Right. Well,cheers for that. |
10/02/98 |
tree I'd just like to say that as a Wolves fan, I really don't care too much for Leicester. Thankyou for your time! |
10/02/98 |
JClifton Bradford - wide range of good cinemas, best curries in the world, good cheap beer, not far from Lancashire - think Leicester loses hands down there, Mr Yiddo. |
10/02/98 |
Donna If we could just find a blanket big enough to throw over the City Centre market! Cafe Bruxelle; smashing beer and spit roast chicken cabatta, Barley Mow for Sky, Welford Place ...... and no statue of Stanley Matthews |
10/02/98 |
yiddo Bassett, I'm sorry to say that Bradford, IS a dump, just like Lesta. I have been to both places recently, my folks live in Stamford and my girfriend's parents live in Bradford. One good thing about both they are surrounded by very nice countryside, especially Bradford, i.e. Holmfirth (Last of the Summer Wine). |
10/02/98 |
SimonT Actually Leicester as a whole isn't too bad (the Comedy Festival's actually on at the moment,and I'm going to see Dylan Moran tonight),but there are lots of things wrong with it. As for DMHall,they refurbished it a couple of years ago,and the complaints about bad seating etc. are still going on. |
10/02/98 |
Donna Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of Leicester, I'll show you something to make you change your mind...... |
10/02/98 |
yiddo Is it true the only people who can take the piss out of living in Lesta are people who live in Norwich?. |
10/02/98 |
basset Lil Lesta is bigger than Nottingham (at the last census), and the only reason that rugby is so popular is because the football team has always been so bloody unambitious (just look at that little bike shed we have for proof of that). I don't know when you were last in Lesta, but it has changed a lot in the past 10 years or so. The point about the one way system I will have to concede. Leicester and Bradford have both gained reputations for being dumps because of large Asian populations. I used to vaguely think that Bradford was a dump before I went there. |
10/02/98 |
Snakepitter Norwich boys never run away. |
10/02/98 |
yiddo OK, with the exception of the Demontfort Hall (Great Concerts in the 70's) there is nothing good about Lesta. It's a small market town, with a totally crap centre, an even worse one way system and it's the Bradford of the Midland's. For the record I am NOT a racist, I abhor racism, BUT I think it is TOTALLY wrong to have Asian only schools which they do in Both Bford and lil' Lesta. I also have to agree with the earlier point, they should stick to Rugby, at which they are really quiet good. |
10/02/98 |
basset Well said Donna! Come on the rest of you. "We heard you ran from the Lesta, RAN FROM THE LEESSSSSTAAA" |
10/02/98 |
Donna I quite like Leicester (go on, poor scorn on me). Maybe I'm biased because I'd spent the previous two years in Stoke. Good pubs, lots of sport, Comedy Festival, nice shops, theatres and lovley places to eat. Styers the Poly Boy - what do you want from a place, eh? |
10/02/98 |
basset Crikey! Poor old Lesta. If only anybody would be so good as to point out exactly what is wrong with the place???? |
10/02/98 |
yiddo Leicester - Milton Keynes but WITH the mistakes. There is one good thing about Leicester, you can drive past it to get to more interesting parts of the UK. |
10/02/98 |
SimonT You think Leicester fans like the Garden Shed Stand? Why else do you think that we put the away fans in it? |
10/02/98 |
Snakepitter Lets get one thing straight - LCFC are crap. I honestly believe the only reason match of the day go to Filbert St. is so everyone can have a laugh at that pathetic bycycle shed of a stand, sorry stands. The sooner O`Nonce and Heskey leave the better and then the dump of a city can get on with playing rugger which is about all its good for. |
10/02/98 |
pig I don't know if they were booing Heskey for the penalty or coz of his colour, but unfortunatly the Leeds fans used up any benefit of the doubt. |
10/02/98 |
SimonT For a club previously well known for anti-racist stances (Marching Altogether etc.) it was incredibly surprising and upsetting even for a non-Asian like me. Congrats to the Leicester fans who booed them. Also,didn't Leeds have more black players than Leicester on the pitch at that point? |
10/02/98 |
pig 'just a town full of pakis' or: 'even worse than Bradford' As a few hundred mindless Leeds fans put it on Saturday. Is it something to do with the all White strip? Or just reliving the 'glory' of being the most vocally racist supporters in the 80's. |
10/02/98 |
greg Styers, Leicester is full of crap, and always will be. And if you don't like it Mr Mayor, sue me! |
10/02/98 |
JonathanTunney I heard a description of Swansea once which wasn't very flattering: "Sunderland, without the glamour". |
10/02/98 |
styers A mate of mine goes to Aber Uni : he says there nowt there but a beach. I live in Leicester,and mostly it's a piss-poor place,although it's advertised bizarrely as 'A city full of surprises.' Err,no. Leicester's council people haven't got a clue - Jasper Carrot once made a joke on one of his BBC1 programs about Leicester and the Lord Mayor complained publicly. The Leicester Mercury is the home of poor reporting and the world's least funniest cartoonist. The team's great,there's a good shopping centre and,er,that's it. |
09/02/98 |
Shannahan No. it's not done it, I'm going.. |
09/02/98 |
JClifton It's probably easier to understand the locals in Swansea, although they are united in their footballing poverty. |
09/02/98 |
Shannahan Quantatively, how does Swansea compare with Stoke On Trent? |
09/02/98 |
JClifton Don't worry mate. It could be worse. You could live in Swansea. |
09/02/98 |
Shannahan My life is empty and devoid of meaning, I may have to end it all... |
09/02/98 |
Ratso I'm afraid it is Donna will have left "work " ? hours ago. |
09/02/98 |
Shannahan Just had a power cut at work so I was unable to add my extremely sharp riposte to Ratso's earlier comment - i.e. which half? It's too late isn't it? |
09/02/98 |
Ratso I dissagree. As I keep saying Leicester FC reflects the town - pile of shit, been there done it. So getting off the point was essential and I got my holiday sorted out to boot, so no complaints from me. The interesting thing is that over half the users of this page live there and they couldn't think of anything good tosay either... |
09/02/98 |
Barnaby Cant indeed, Shannahan. So One Hundred is Un Cant. Albright can't be the most popular pint in Wales - I don't know anybody who drinks it. We really are losing the plot on this one, though.... |
09/02/98 |
Ratso Donna should celebrate on our behalf with a half of Everards Old Wombat... |
09/02/98 |
Shannahan ONE HUNDRED!!! Well, it had been sitting there for ages! Not bad for a site begun in such a humble way. |
09/02/98 |
Shannahan I first started drinking with Wrexham lager - which might explain why I always drink bitter! |
09/02/98 |
Ratso Jennings used to be very good, but was quite ordinary when I was up there last year. Tiger was always piss poor from memory, although thats going back to when Shippo's still brewed their own and Nottm was the centre of the universe for footballing excellence and a good pint. |
09/02/98 |
Shannahan I think Welsh for one hundred is Cant - could be wrong. |
09/02/98 |
Donna No, I spent most of my time helping myself to the really expensive malts and the vintage port; if the Lakes didn't win my heart, they got my liver. |
09/02/98 |
JClifton Did you try the Jennings in Cumbria though? Brill stuff and only about £1.30, or go for the brewery tour and get a free hour at the bar!! |
09/02/98 |
Donna What's the Welsh for 'One hundred?' You're getting perilously close you know |
09/02/98 |
Shannahan According to memory, Allbright is the most popular pint in Wales - at least according to the ads. Anyone else remember the "classic" 'extension on the extension' ad? |
09/02/98 |
Donna Tiger isn't a bad pint, although far from my favourite. I used to work in Cumbria and was alarmed when someone came up to the bar and ordered a pint of Scotch! I looked at the pumped and discovered that was the name of the beer; weak as a new born - not worth a penny |
09/02/98 |
Ratso I can afford it. When in Wales be nice to the natives and that way they might not set fire to my car. At least you can get beer in Wales, have you ever tried gettingh a decent pint in Scotland? or returning this page to its true owner - Leicester? |
09/02/98 |
Barnaby Rubbish. They're nice folk up the coast, and I'll send him to all the friendly places anyway. |
09/02/98 |
JonathanTunney Barnaby, you forgot to mention that if he does go up the coast to those kind of joints he can expect to pay about 10p more a pint than the locals. |
09/02/98 |
Ratso I shall be in touch nearer to the date. I may even start an Official Ratso's Holiday Page! |
09/02/98 |
Barnaby Erm, I don't think I've ever been for a drink in Cardigan on a Sunday, but the county isn't dry, no. The beer varies, but people - generally speaking - take it quite seriously, so it shouldn't be a problem. If you do venture up the coast to either Aberaeron or Aberystwyth, I can tell you exactly where and when to go for the best pint. I'm happy to help with anymore queries, Duncan. |
09/02/98 |
Ratso I'm going at the end of May. Now down to the serious buisness- is the beer any good there and do they still shut on Sundays? |
09/02/98 |
JonathanTunney Unfortunately I wasn't doing anything that exciting. It's one of those recurring family holiday destinations that you get dragged to every year until you're about 15. If you know it well, we always stop in the cottage (Cartref) next to the church. I wonder if Llangrannog is the most exclusive topic ever on this page? |
09/02/98 |
Barnaby Yes, I don't think much of Ynys Mon either. Cardigan, eh? That's not actually Pembrokeshire - It's Ceridigion (which is my county). I'd recomend taking a short trip up the coast to see the small town of Aberaeron. It's, like, dead pretty, and it's also where I went to school. When are you going, exactly? |
09/02/98 |
Barnaby Yes, I don't think much of Ynys Mon either. Cardigan, eh? That's not actually Pembrokeshire - It's Ceridigion (which is my county). I'd recomend taking a short trip up the coast to see the small town of Aberaeron. It's, like, dead pretty, and it's also where I went to school. When are you going, exactly? |
09/02/98 |
black_b Holyhead makes Wishaw look like Las Vegas! |
09/02/98 |
Donna Morning Ratso. Try M Ann Hall's book on feminist theories. What's Holyhead like - I've only ever been there in the dark |
09/02/98 |
Ratso OK Teletubbies to correct a popular misapprehension this page is no longer about Leicester, I'm bored with that, been there its boring end of story. This is now the official Ratso goes to Wales page. Now Barnaby, I'm going just inland of Cardigan, staying on a farm in the middle of nowhere. As for the bloke from Barry - he really comes from ther, goes back all the time ans swears it's great. He even goes back to watch Wales play footy! |
08/02/98 |
Barnaby Northern Pembrokeshire, eh? Whereabouts, exactly? I've had some excellent piss-ups in Penbrokeshire, so no need to worry. Oh, and your friend is taking the piss about Barry Island. |
08/02/98 |
black_b What the heck has this got to do with Leicester? |
07/02/98 |
Ratso On the basis that this page has become more of a travalogue I shall reply to your question of much earlir Barnaby I'm gong to the northern bit of Pembrokeshire. My main worry is I cant find out if the beers any googd there. The only Welshman I regularly come across has never been there and keeps telling me how wonderful Barry Island is and now back to the football although if Donna can go on about books I've never heard of, I don't see why I can get my holiday sorted. |
06/02/98 |
Johnswain From my experience the Brecon Beacons are excellent for watersports and all sorts of other wonderful outdoorsy-adventure type things |
06/02/98 |
Barnaby Jonathan. Interesting stuff! AS it happens, I live (or used to live, or live sometimes) pretty much inbetween Aberystwyth and Llangranog. To be honest, I'm amazed that I've typed the name "Llangranog" on the FGAT site! Your not far off with the "church" bit. That's what "Llan" means (kind of. In place names at least; "Eglwys" is actually "Church"). The rest simply describes what the place is like. By the way, what did you do in Llangranog? Skiing? Water sports? Thinking about it, I had a girlfriend from there once... |
06/02/98 |
Shannahan Ah, so you do know some Welsh! |
06/02/98 |
JonathanTunney Pardon? Je ne comprends pas. |
06/02/98 |
Shannahan You mean you bought that postcard too, JT? |
06/02/98 |
JonathanTunney I was in Aberystwyth because I was going on holiday to the cosmopolitan resort of Llangrannog which doesn't have a railway station. I'm afraid I can't contribute to the Welsh speaking bit. Doesn't part of that place name mean by the church, near the river by the tree or something like that? |
06/02/98 |
Shannahan And so, back to Stoke On Trent. |
06/02/98 |
Barnaby Boom Boom. |
06/02/98 |
Shannahan Absolutely, Aaron Spelling is a very talented man, and why he insists on churning out the same TV drivel is beyond me. And as for Tori...poor love, why those breasts? Why? |
06/02/98 |
Barnaby Understanding, pretty good. Spelling, Could Do Better. |
06/02/98 |
Pike Oh yes, I know what that means. I was exaggerating a bit, and having watched Sgorio for years I have picked a lot of football terms "nachi gol? Cic o spotin? Mae'n Ivan Zamerano skilliad da, nachi pas". I also know how to say some basic stuff (ble rwhy ti'n byw(or something like that), but thats about it. |
06/02/98 |
Shannahan Damn, beat me to it, Barnaby. Ga'i fynd i'r toiled, os gwelwch yn dda? |
06/02/98 |
Shannahan Why pam, Pike? |
06/02/98 |
Barnaby "Pam", by the way, everyone, means "why". Pike, surely you know what "Dim" means? |
06/02/98 |
Pike No. The only word I know in Welsh is pam. Which is funny considering I can speak French and Spanish (though not to the same extent) quite well. |
06/02/98 |
Barnaby Most people wouldn't have a clue, Shannahan. |
06/02/98 |
Barnaby I don't think that's 100% correct, Pike, although a)I couldn't tell you why not, and b)I'm only saying it in my head, and it doesn't quite scan like it should do. Are you a welsh speaker, Pike? |
06/02/98 |
Shannahan I smile angelically, and in a slightly puzzled manner at your reference to sarcasm. Moi? Non, c'est ne pas possible. By the way, I hope knowing where Aberystwyth is doesn't require a particularly spectacular grasp of geography. |
06/02/98 |
Pike If you think Aberystwyth is hard, try Llanfyrpwllgwyngyllgogerorwyndrobollandisiliogogogoch (that's how I think it's spelt). It's just some small town in that lovely island called Anglesey. |
06/02/98 |
Barnaby Not bad, Shannahan, and you're geography is excellent. However, why do I get the feeling that I'm in for lots of sarcasm in the not too distant future - assuming, of course, that you were being sincere. |
06/02/98 |
Shannahan So sorry, Barnaby, I apologise unreservedly for my uncalled for and frankly uninformed comments on Aberystwyth. I'm sure it's exciting in all sorts of ways I cannot even begin to understand. I bow my head in shame. However, spliff might not quite rhyme with Aberystwyth, unless it went something like, If you're bored and out of sorts If you're tired of TV and TV Sports Then take your self to Mid West Wales And have a spliff In Aberystwyth. Sort of Larkinesque, wouldn't you say? |
06/02/98 |
Barnaby What did you do there, tunners? Cliff Railway? Camera Obscura? Castle? Or did you get dressed up, find the best pubs, and get absolutely trolleyed with the most up-for-it alcoholics I've ever met? I'm sure your Gran had a good time, though. We get plenty of "Gran" types there. Oh, and Ratso, where are you going? If you're not going to Aber, then I'd recomend Pembrokeshire. |
06/02/98 |
JonathanTunney I've been to Aberystwyth, I don't remember it being very exciting. I certainly didn't have a spliff whilst I was there. Mostly because I was with my Gran and I don't think she's very good at skinning up. |
06/02/98 |
Ratso Lets have no knocking of the Welsh. I'm going there for my hols this year and I don't want anyone setting fire to my car. Alright boyo? |
05/02/98 |
Barnaby Dear Shannahan. Have you ever been to Aberystwyth? I get very protective about it sometimes, so please appologise. Oh, and it doesn't quite rhyme with "spliff". |
05/02/98 |
Ratso Donna, please don't go all literary again I can't cope with it. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan Come on, MattC, read through the page, you'll find a cunningly crafted and perfectly logical progression of thought. As for Football Poetry, no idea. The only football poem I can think of off-hand is 'It Seems Unlikely Now' by Roger McGough and then it's only a one stanza reference to scoring for Everton at Wembley, which seems unlikely for anybody at the moment. |
05/02/98 |
Donna Didn't someone put together an anthology of football poetry? Help me out here. Where've you been MattC - not arrested again? |
05/02/98 |
MattC Er what has this to do with subjectleicester? |
05/02/98 |
MattC Donna, pedant that I am, rhyming is in the vowel sound of the respective sibbilent, not the spelling...therefore bum would rhyme with tun. Anyway, Old Priesters wouldn't dally with rhyming something with Penistone, he'd go for something witty that SOUNDS like Penistone, granted, but not necessarily rhymed with it...he was lways up for a knob gag...and if THAT isn't a knob gag, then I'm a dutchman |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan Tiny Tom Thumb, I suppose. I do have a written consent form from him to use in any given potentially poetic situation. |
05/02/98 |
Donna you're right of course, I just didn't want you introducing your Aunt's bum without her consent, if there was another option. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan I don't think rhyme is dependent on the right letter is it, just the right sound? So you could, for example enjoy a spliff in Aberystwyth. Let's face it, there's sod all else to do. |
05/02/98 |
Donna Your aunt's buN would; buM would not. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan My aunt's bum would rhyme with Penistone. |
05/02/98 |
Donna It's all in the timing, my dear boy. |
05/02/98 |
JonathanTunney Myth? I like the cheers crack, good one Donna. |
05/02/98 |
Barnaby Oh. Gosh, what an ignorant southern-dwelling person I am, eh? Still, Aberystwyth remains more difficult. |
05/02/98 |
Donna It's pronounced Penistun, just as Wombwell is pronounced Wumwell |
05/02/98 |
Barnaby Clone, Phone, bone, alone, own, groan... Now, you could try "Aberystwyth"..... |
05/02/98 |
Donna Slough's an easy rhyme, which is why JB picked on it. I'd like to have seen him being clever with Penistone |
05/02/98 |
Barnaby "Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough...Not fit for habitation now"? My flatmate's from Slough. She doesn't rate it much. |
05/02/98 |
Ozzie Leicester is the place where battery hens threaten to send their young..... |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan No, I think it was Slough...apologies to Betjman. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan Was it Betjeman? "Come friendly bombs and fall on Reading.."? Was it Reading? If not it ought to have been - now THAT's a one way system! |
05/02/98 |
Donna The cheers would give it away |
05/02/98 |
JonathanTunney Gordon Banks is from Sheffield. Surely Stoke is worse than Coventry. At least Coventry has the excuse that it was bombed to shit in the war, if anyone bombed Stoke I don't reckon you'd be able to tell. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan O ho ho! Top Coventry, go on, just try. |
05/02/98 |
JClifton If you're after the bowels of England, try Whitehaven. No offence, marras |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan It does have Sweeny Todd's pie shop, after all. |
05/02/98 |
Donna I lived in Stoke on Trent for a couple of years and Leicester is paradise in comparison |
05/02/98 |
JClifton Crazyhead were better than GBOA |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan Do I detect a common theme running through that musical lineage? |
05/02/98 |
MattC Not to mention Blab Happy and Diesel Park West. |
05/02/98 |
basset Unfortunately we can't claim Banksie as he wasn't born here. Gay Bikers on Acid, however, were 100% Lesta. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan Showaddywaddy! That's a classic, bassett and spookily what I discussed with someone at work just yesterday. On the Leicester front, it would be sacriledge not to mention the great Gordon Banks. |
05/02/98 |
MattC And the Primitives. You forgot to mention the Primitives...oh, they were from Coventry. Well, anyway, Leicester's a lovely place. Lovely. Really lovely. Help me here |
05/02/98 |
basset Gary Lineker, Peter Shilton, Emile Heskey, Dion Dublin. Erm, Showaddywaddy. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan Then there was Dusty Hare. |
05/02/98 |
ludwig ...and John Merrick. |
05/02/98 |
basset Leicester are considering moving to a new out of town 40,000 stadium. And Daniel Lambert, Englebert Humperdicnk and Mark Morrison are/were all Leicester boys. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan Take those glasses off and sit quietly in a darkened room, it'll pass. |
05/02/98 |
Ratso I don't think we should talk about anywhere I can't spell |
05/02/98 |
Donna Bathgate no more, Lewis no more, Sutherland no more, Skye no more |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan I think you may have answered your own question. |
05/02/98 |
Sean_Mc Well why not talk about Aucherturmurchey That's where the Proclamers are from ? |
05/02/98 |
MoJo subjectleicester 1) an ancient knitting machine 2) an awful ailement 3) a dinosaur Answers on a postcard please to" Call My Bluff" BBC........ |
05/02/98 |
Ratso Apart from having a crap one way system which I once got stopped in and a team which is slightly less inspiring there isn't really much worth saying about the place. The fact that vitually all the contributors to these page live there is suprising, but ultimately sad. Can't we start again with somewhere interesting , Hull? now thats my kind of town.... |
05/02/98 |
Sean_Mc I don't know maybe when you are kniting yourself a pretty blue and green hat. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan If not here, then where? |
05/02/98 |
Sean_Mc Oh now lets not get bitchy here ok. |
05/02/98 |
Shannahan What's a subjectleicester? I have visions of something ancient, perhaps made from brown leather and containing an ancient notebook of indecipherable letters. |
05/02/98 |
Donna Mmmm; poor start, but we'll bear with you. |
05/02/98 |
jane My message |