Latest My friend visited this weekend and brought me...

17/3/03 21:25


17/3/03 21:24

yeah? well erm erm poo to you!

17/3/03 21:23

She told me, last night. The ho.

17/3/03 21:22

how did you know she used to say that about Hendersons (that's SHITE) relish?

17/3/03 21:01

It looks nowt like that fnord. See? Your mum was right, it WILL make you go blind!

17/3/03 20:59

It looks nothing like this!

17/3/03 20:58

even the labels a ripoff!

17/3/03 20:57


17/3/03 20:55


17/3/03 20:54

No it shouldn't.

17/3/03 20:54

well it should have

17/3/03 20:53

It's not. It hasn't got anchovies in for a start.

17/3/03 20:48

its Worcestershire sauce with s silly name! get over it

17/3/03 20:46

Not at all! As Azul will no doubt confirm, the just out of the bottle smell of Henderson's (that's HENDERSON'S) Relish is one that seafronts, daisy fields, that bizarre woman in the break bumpers for whoever sponsors This Morning and general vestal virgins across the land aspire to.

17/3/03 20:43

ah! well in that case...

bet it make your exhaust smell rank though

17/3/03 20:39

No-one said it worked in the same way as four star, fnord. Just two bottles of Henderson's (that's HENDERSON'S) is enough to keep the average family saloon running for the equivalent of up to 34 mpg.

17/3/03 20:39

Shut it, you southern ponce.

17/3/03 20:37

you'd be better off putting unleaded on your chips

17/3/03 20:36

low-cost? at a tenner a litre?

17/3/03 20:36


17/3/03 20:35

One of Hendersons biggest fans Bobby can often be seen filling up his jeep with Henderson’s Relish

So there you have it - a refreshing condiment, and also a low-cost alternative to petrol.

17/3/03 20:32

once a year a rumour sweeps Sheffield that the owner is retiring and taking the secret recipe with him. Upon hearing this supermarket shelves are cleared as people stock up on their favourite sauce. Fortunately all these rumours are spread by us as a marketing gimmick, as no expletiveer will buy the stuff otherwise

17/3/03 18:50

"It can be used both as a sauce on meat dishes, pies, fish, chips and as a cooking ingredient in casseroles, pasta dishes, soups and marinades."

mmmmmm, Henderson's pies. (That's PIES)

17/3/03 13:11
Azul Buho

Taste it once and be converted forever. £10 is nothing, nothing for a whole litre of Henderson's Sheffield Relish.

17/3/03 13:08

Faaaaaack ! Thats pretty expencive.

17/3/03 13:06
Azul Buho

It's £10 per litre via mail order on the Henderson's Relish web site.

17/3/03 13:05

hehehehehe - check this page out tree...

17/3/03 13:04

Never had Henderson's.

Marmite beats its Ausi. counterpart.... Vegimite, man that stuff is foul. Much preffer Bovril tho'

17/3/03 13:04

you know what?

i'd really like some then? can someone buy me some, and bring it to my front door please?

i didn't mind a bit of dirty worcestershire sauce when i was young...but now i konw it's not veggie...then, i'd like to try hendersons (THATS HENDERSONS)

17/3/03 13:03

Famous Fans

Brendan Ingle

Brendan can always be seen splashing the ‘old black stuff’ around either down at the gym with his boxers or at home with his wife. Not only is he a convert to Sheffield but also to our Relish.

Sean Bean

Sean has always been a keen fan of Hendersons and on visits home he always makes sure he has it on his fish and chips polished off with a slice of bread to soak up the Relish.

Peter Stringfellow

He still maintains his mum made the best gravy in the World and you can guess what her secret ingredient was. His favourite then was rabbit stew and dumplings. Now he has to rely on people bringing it down to him in London as he refuses to eat a cooked breakfast without it.

Rick savage (Def Leppard)

Rick and the boys rock all over the world with bottles of Henderson's stashed in their bags and he says that they have drove their tour manager mad over the years trying to get hold of their favourite Relish.

Joe Ashton (MP)

With the media being camped out at Joe’s house recently he has had to spend far more time indoors and you can surely guess what he likes doing there. That’s right, he’s a Relish Splasher. Joe likes nothing better than splashing the Relish on his pie and mushy peas.

Tony Capstick (BBC Radio & TV)

Tony was a late convert to Henderson’s Relish. As a boy he had heard of its strange charms but it wasn’t until he moved to the big city that he finally fell under its magical spell. Much to his mother's dismay he is now an addict and gets through 11 bottles per week!

Bobby Knutt (TV’s Albert Dingle in Emmerdale)

One of Hendersons biggest fans Bobby can often be seen filling up his jeep with Henderson’s Relish before he sets off on some filming assignment. A keen amateur chef, Bobby’s favourite dish is lamb marinated in Henderson’s Relish and then barbecued to your liking.

17/3/03 13:02

yes tree:

What is Henderson's Relish?

Though similar in appearance to a Worcestershire sauce, Henderson’s Relish is unique in its aroma and flavour. It can be used both as a sauce on meat dishes, pies, fish, chips and as a cooking ingredient in casseroles, pasta dishes, soups and marinades. 

Unlike other comparable sauces, the relish is also suitable for vegetarians.

The special mix of spices are blended together with our secret recipe and a special sauce is made. The way in which the sauce is blended is still a closely guarded secret and at least once a year a rumour sweeps Sheffield that the owner is retiring and taking the secret recipe with him. Upon hearing this supermarket shelves are cleared as people stock up on their favourite sauce. Fortunately all these rumours are unfounded and Hendersons is going as strong as ever.

17/3/03 13:02

*Hendereson's (That's HENDERSON'S) detector switches on automatically*


*end program*

17/3/03 13:01
Azul Buho

Do you know what? It is vegetarian! Contains absolutely no rotten anchovies or human hair whatsoever.

17/3/03 12:59

is it vegetarian azul?

17/3/03 11:42

begone fouls smelling and tasting fiend, marmite is the devils food

17/3/03 11:40

marmite on fried bread

17/3/03 11:39
Azul Buho

Worcestershire sauce is a horrible version of Henderson's (that's HENDERSON'S) Relish.

That's the best way of describing it. It's not as rough-tasting as Worcestershire.

17/3/03 11:28

what is it like?
soy? worc?

17/3/03 11:25
Azul Buho

That's fighting talk down our way, mardy!

Henderson's splashed on plain white bread... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

17/3/03 11:20

To my shame, I've never ever had this stuff.
Sauces, generally, are bollocks.

17/3/03 11:19

I'm going to have to get myself some of this

17/3/03 11:18


17/3/03 11:16

On fried bread with a fry up.


17/3/03 11:10
Azul Buho

Another satisfied customer! What's your favourite use for the wonderful stuff, Getty?

God I love Henderson's (that's HENDERSON'S) Sheffield Relish!

17/3/03 11:09

Hendersons Relish - mmmmmmm

17/3/03 11:07
Azul Buho
