06/04/98 |
UriahHeep That looks like tree lines to me. |
06/04/98 |
Donna I love a good one liner. |
03/04/98 |
tree Donna: All of your posts are one line nowadays. I like this, and am trying to be the same. |
03/04/98 |
Donna has anyone mentioned Fred Harris yet? |
03/04/98 |
Gooner Wouldn't most of them have to be on day release from the sex offenders home? Oh, and you could get Jeremy Irons back from his current spell abroad. |
03/04/98 |
rolles Why? |
03/04/98 |
retep I think that I would put Kate Bush (circa '79-'81) in goal. But then I am beginning to lose the thread a bit..... |
03/04/98 |
SimonT Although you'd have to leave Chris Tarrant out as he's recently started injuring himself in unusual/amusing ways (he fell out of a tree while fishing, and then broke something else in unusual circumstances that I've forgotten) |
03/04/98 |
SeanP Obviously Toni Arthur would be in mifield with Susan Stranks. And up front Sally James. |
02/04/98 |
retep Oh. No one else is playing anymore..... |
02/04/98 |
retep And you've forgotten about Toni Arthur |
02/04/98 |
retep but very good looking |
01/04/98 |
rolles I thought Floella was very patronising. |
01/04/98 |
SeanP Johnny Ball, Floella Benjamin, Christopher Lillicrap, Fred Harris What a back four!!! |
01/04/98 |
Ozzie And Carol Leader was our favourite auntie. Ah,the good old days. |
01/04/98 |
SeanP then its obvious you are either too young or too old to remember the golden age of British kids TV in the 1970s, when the ubiquitous Brian Cant was everyone's favourite comedy uncle. |
01/04/98 |
Zorba_the_Greek *still mystified* |
01/04/98 |
SeanP century! |
01/04/98 |
greg What do you mean who is Brian Cant, have you never seen Trumpton and Camblewick Green...and Chigley...and Play School...and P L A Y... |
01/04/98 |
Zorba_the_Greek Who the hell is Brian Cant? |
01/04/98 |
Donna Oh no; I feel a back spasm coming on- someone fetch the physio, quick |
01/04/98 |
SeanP only a boundary to go now, me old mate.... |
01/04/98 |
Donna Greg, your arsehole is in danger of making a ton; get ready to raise that bat with pride |
01/04/98 |
UriahHeep Gotta say good night. See you soon. |
01/04/98 |
greg And you need P, L, A, Y...as Brian Cant always said. |
01/04/98 |
Zorba_the_Greek You need to add some extra middle names beginning with O, O, N, and E. |
01/04/98 |
greg I have a G and an R for middle names. What does that signify? |
01/04/98 |
Zorba_the_Greek I know he put the G in because he believes that people with G as a second initial are more successful in life. The bloke's obviously right otherwise how else would he have got his own TV show? How does Justin G Edinburgh sound? Or Gilles G Grimandi? |
01/04/98 |
cronb Donna. Surely Saffron. |
01/04/98 |
UriahHeep Donna - what exactly are you on about? Are you on the right board? Or is the Barnsley weather making you crazy? |
01/04/98 |
greg Gooner. |
01/04/98 |
Zorba_the_Greek What does the G stand for in William G. Stewart? |
01/04/98 |
Donna Sapphron; the posh 'erb. |
01/04/98 |
cronb Who is Posh Spice?? Not Capsicum??? |
01/04/98 |
Ozzie Stop right now Thank you very much If you don't like Posh Spice Then You're speaking Double Dutch William G.Stewart |
01/04/98 |
cronb Keeps on coming up. Like a bad penny really. |
01/04/98 |
UriahHeep Jeez. How did this one get resurrected? I thought the question of greg's anatomy had been laid to rest ages ago. |
01/04/98 |
Zorba_the_Greek Beckhma nicked a mug? Officer, arrest that man! |
01/04/98 |
Donna Couldn't find the 'too much infromation' board. Beckham's shaving nicked mug was on the front of the Times Sunday mag recently. Is there no escape? There were even two Beckham Posh Spice questions on '15 1' yesterday. |
12/03/98 |
cronb per day |
12/03/98 |
cronb 2 shilling haz lost interest......at 5% |
12/03/98 |
cronb dat waz 2 bob |
12/03/98 |
cronb Not being a pom, I do my best. |
12/03/98 |
bob greg, I aws rspeoding tw to cronb. vyre funnuy |
12/03/98 |
cronb or shuld dat hav been 2 shillings |
12/03/98 |
cronb Sorry greg. I waz responding 2 bob. |
12/03/98 |
greg bob, I meant I couldn't understand cronb. This defence would (and is) good enough to get them through this season. The two aforementioned players would have made them contenders. |
12/03/98 |
bob Very funny. No really, I mean it. |
12/03/98 |
Gooner They happen to be very good 'old gits', and if you include the keeper, three of them are still young enough for England. Understand now? |
12/03/98 |
cronb I cant ever. Currantle arse in hole has 2nd better goals aganst in de leege |
12/03/98 |
bob Greg you reckon Arsenal are a creative midfieder and a top forward away from being a top team. What about the fact the defence is full of old gits. Understand now? |
12/03/98 |
greg Sorry, I can't understand you. |
12/03/98 |
bob Greg, what about the fact the combined age of the Arse back 4 is 260. |
12/03/98 |
cronb I assume u wait de return of ian, right??? |
12/03/98 |
JonathanTunney I'd take boring and successful over entertaining and unsuccessful (Wednesday) any day. Admittedly, entertaining and successful is the dream combination, but that doesn't always happen does it? |
12/03/98 |
greg Of course Arsenal deserve to be second. They've only lost 4 league games all season (all of those between early November and December 13th). They are a goalscorer and a creative midfielder away from a really decent team. |
12/03/98 |
cronb Scoring a goal against port vale. That should put him in any international team. |
12/03/98 |
Ratso I've seen them on the telly since and I kept thinking where have I seen this before? Admit it, you're hardly setting the world on fire, don't deserve to be second ( nor do any of the other front runners ) and that if Moan U were really any good they'd be outa sight by now? Prof Ratso |
12/03/98 |
greg Bergkamp hitting the bar yesterday wasn't bad. His goal against Port Vale wasn't so bad either. You're basing too much on the game you saw. |
12/03/98 |
Ratso You've become boring again of late. When did Adams last make a surging run? when did Bergkamp last do anything memorable? Anyway, you never shook off the original boring tag ( Copyright G Graham 198zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) Prof Ratso |
12/03/98 |
greg Ratso, I said we WERE (realtively) boring and proud of our trophies. Surely a difference? |
12/03/98 |
Ratso As greg is back on his were boring and proud kick again , I think we'd better have this one a little higher up the list in case anyone should wish to revise their opinion! Prof Ratso |
12/03/98 |
JonathanTunney Woodsy and the pitter; there's a bit of a yellow and green connection isn't there? I think we should be told. |
12/03/98 |
Woodsy Indeed, my poor little armpitter. But imitation is the biggest form of flattery. Keep trying, champ - you and Norwich both. |
11/03/98 |
Snakepitter Go Woodsy! (Hmmm, what a great style he has, but I think my attempts to be just like him are failing). |
11/03/98 |
Woodsy No, but the opinions he spit's out haven't changed. Go greggy! |
09/03/98 |
Donna Stanley Cohen. Aaahhh; happy days. Has Greg's botty acquire cult status yet, re its longevity and the opinion it inspires? |
09/03/98 |
Barnaby Personal Abuse will not be tolerated by the Big Barn. Have a go at Greg over his football team, not his inteligent remarks, whether they are faux cockernee or not. |
09/03/98 |
Ratso Having been to Highbury recently I'm not sure Arsenal fans have arseholes - its the only rational explanation for a) the size of them andb) what they come out with all the time Prof Ratso |
09/03/98 |
Woodsy What does that say about greg's arse? Well, he does have 2 friends out there. |
09/03/98 |
Vance What's everyone got against Greg? Is he becoming the new Snakepitter or something? Folk Devils And Moral Panics, Stanley Cohen 1972. |
09/03/98 |
Donna Is this the most enduring posting on this site? |
05/03/98 |
Ratso leave the boy alone the price for my support greg is that you put your boys bumper edition of Arsenal Facts to the use to which it was intended and leave it next to the toilet in future.... |
05/03/98 |
greg You would say that. |
05/03/98 |
Dunc I'd have to side with Woodsy on this one. He is an arse, alright, that greg. |
05/03/98 |
greg Think you're fighting a losing battle there Woodsy. Nice try though. |
04/03/98 |
Zorba_the_Greek greg's okay - leave the bloke alone |
04/03/98 |
Woodsy I think it's time we resurrect this in light of some of greggy's latest efforts. Go greggy, go! Donna, you care to kick this off? I know how fond you are of greg. |
23/01/98 |
Ratso I would like to agree with Donna, but I have serious reservation about Aresnal Ladies......... |
23/01/98 |
Donna There seems to be a dyke thread running through one or two of these postings? Hope your not harbouring thoughts that because women play footy, or show more than a passing interest that they are lesbians! Tsk. |
22/01/98 |
Woodsy You prefer more women? |
22/01/98 |
Donna We'll have less boys, thank you. |
21/01/98 |
Woodsy Steady on, you'll get Donna aroused. |
21/01/98 |
greg I wasn't aware the herd were against me? I did tell you about the girth of my post didn't I Mr W. |
21/01/98 |
Ratso I don't mind slagging anyone off, but what have I got against Greg. I'm not like some mindless Moan U fan and follow the heard blindly, I need a reson, you're going to have to help me here. |
21/01/98 |
Woodsy Got 'im, yeeeesss! |
21/01/98 |
Donna Seeing as though we've all gone contribution happy, let's resurrect Greg's arsehole! |
19/01/98 |
Donna Swings and roundabouts mate; what goes around, comes around. |
19/01/98 |
greg Where did that come from? What's going on? |
19/01/98 |
Donna Nice to see that the All Talk blip has allowed Greg's arsehole to be aired again. More power to it, my son. |
19/12/97 |
shabba Oooooh, perhaps we can all go round to greggies for tea and biscuits too. I, by the way, do not have a sincere bone in my body. |
19/12/97 |
greg I'd like to thank everyone for their kind comments over the last few days. Unfortunately I may be out of action for a week or so now, so I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (and that really is meant sincerely, folks). |
19/12/97 |
Acres greg is obviously a real fan with good knowledge of football history and intersresting opinions, when he bothers to leave out the snide, arrogant invective aimed at putting down other contributors. |
19/12/97 |
KCW Actually, I'm not from England at all, as you'll note from my email. Thank you James for your kind words. I shall endeavour to make my ramblings more correct in the future...:) |
19/12/97 |
RobertAllen My message Whatever Greg's opinion may be, he doesn't deserve such crude analogy. |
19/12/97 |
JamesBall KCW might be a scouser, but I'd rather read his (sometimes wrong, but always considered) football ramblings than some of the egotitistical non-footballing shite spouted by ... you know who you are. |
18/12/97 |
darrenh What about Peter Purvis? Note the use of shift key. |
18/12/97 |
Donna Steady Matt! It's a brave or foolish man who opens up that whole goat can of worms. Nice to see John Noakes' name up on the screen again though. |
18/12/97 |
MattC KCW is a big hippy And he blows goats And John Noakes Ner nee ner nee ner nerrrr!! |
18/12/97 |
KCW Why don't we try our hardest to focus on the football side of the discussion, rather than become confrontational and disagreeable? After all, that's what this place should be about. |
17/12/97 |
JamesBall If You Don't Use Your Shift Key It'll Drop Off. |
17/12/97 |
Fred My message To get back to the original issue, personally I started supporting football because of frank stapletons legs...so it isn't just the lassies. |
17/12/97 |
greg Haven't got a clue, but I'd love to be enlightened. We'll probably be told at about 02.34 tomorrow morning by some bolshy upper cased gentleman. |
17/12/97 |
darrenh What's wrong with lower cases anyway? |
17/12/97 |
Donna My message As a French bloke once said, 'I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it.' Have a bit of respect for the man's arsehole. |
17/12/97 |
greg Infamy, Infamy, they've all got it in for me. I am honoured to have a whole debate around my good self, but really, I'm not worth it (oh, alright then, maybe I am!). If there's anyone out there who wants to stick up for little old lower cased me, please do so. I'm beginning to get a complex, will I ever have a girlfriend?, will I ever need to shave?, will I ever be good enough to lace your boots?, will I ever? It's nice to see people sit up half the night lambasting me, and then have the gall to accuse me of being a Man Utd fan (obviously you don't read many of the subjects). J'accuse Dunc! |
17/12/97 |
MattC I would just like to have my two penneth since I am the initial target of greg's slander. I rather consider myself the Frank Black of Football Chat and dispute any comparison to that jumped up flop fringed shamster Albarn. Their last album was alright, tho'... |
17/12/97 |
Dunc Absolutely. I know some Man U. fans that behave with great decorum. It's just that greg isn't one of them. |
17/12/97 |
KCW While most Man Utd fans I know here in Singapore are an arrogant lot, those who do support Man Utd here (and there are quite a few) conduct themselves perfectly well. It's not right to stereotype them at all. |
17/12/97 |
Acres I just like the way he spouts his opinions about footie like they have been sent to him on the summit of Mount Siani by God, carved in stone tablets. Typical Manc, huuh? |
17/12/97 |
Dunc Seriously, James is absolutely correct and I apologise for my vitriol. Free speech is to be tolerated and greg is entitled to his opinions, however moronic I deem them to be. Should the editorial staff feel that they are duty-bound to censure me, fair enough. That greg, he's still an arse, though. |
17/12/97 |
Dunc Quite right, jim. |
17/12/97 |
JamesBall Let's try having the odd discussion about football rather than personal knockabouts. Fact is, if the whole site turns into personal abuse, it won't last long. |
17/12/97 |
Bruce Genuine cockneys are sound geezers? Yeah, they only kill their own sort. Still at least I can usually work out if someone is really someone's girlfriend. Dunc, respect for having friends who are girls. Something lower case greg should try, so he can get a little more insight into the female psyche. |
17/12/97 |
Dunc I'm sick of this manko's platitudes. For example: ======----------====== Corrugated Iron 16/12/97 greg That bloke is the Damon Albarn of football chat forums. Genuine Cockneys are good as gold,intrinsically sound geezers. Which is why MattC will never be one, no matter how hard he tries. I've got your number, I've got running shoes, and you've got a 30 second head start! ======----------====== Don't ever try and be funny again, you flaccid little man. |