30/7/99 09:19 |
gooner oi getty! who is it has their football watching habits dictated by his woman? eh? yer big girl's blouse. tg - who was that directed at? |
30/7/99 09:07 |
Markie i needed some help too... the last verse was not true - I just wanted to make it rhyme, which it didn't |
29/7/99 17:32 |
Alvin sorry, captian! See yous laters. *GONE* |
29/7/99 17:31 |
rob And I thought there was a silent conspiracy to leave markie on his own on this site, that's why I had'nt jumped in to help him out. |
29/7/99 17:29 |
Alvin Hello, so your not gonna play pool with us then Markie? |
29/7/99 17:28 |
Satch I'm reading it Markie - it sucks. |
29/7/99 17:26 |
Markie thought so
29/7/99 17:22 |
Markie is anyone reading this or am I talking to myself?
29/7/99 17:21 |
Some people have met |
29/7/99 17:19 |
Theres Alvin and Satch |
29/7/99 17:14 |
my office is empty |
29/7/99 17:13 |
I click on the links |
29/7/99 17:12 |
I arrive on the tube |
29/7/99 17:09 |
As I sit here |
29/7/99 17:06 |
Markie Ode to 40% A site you are
29/7/99 17:02 |
Sammy blimey goons you really started something here. |
29/7/99 17:01 |
Markie thoughts! f.uck!!!! hehehe |
29/7/99 17:01 |
In all my time on here |
29/7/99 17:00 |
bobbins blimey |
29/7/99 16:57 |
Getty Gooner, you've gone right down in my estimation. Soppy t.wat. |
29/7/99 16:56 |
if you stick it up there |
29/7/99 16:56 |
it's getting rather late |
29/7/99 16:54 |
gooner hehehe. you girls. |
29/7/99 16:54 |
tankgirl ugh! |
29/7/99 16:53 |
Sammy What goes on in some of your heads is very very scary! |
29/7/99 16:53 |
i'll tell you lots of jokes |
29/7/99 16:53 |
seth Good grief. |
29/7/99 16:50 |
Take you to the pub |
29/7/99 16:48 |
i love you so much |
29/7/99 16:44 |
"when I'm thinking of you HAHAHAHAHA!!! |
29/7/99 16:39 |
stevie cynical bastard beria..... |
29/7/99 16:39 |
Satch mwah |
29/7/99 16:39 |
gooner it's all aboot relief that bit. see ya |
29/7/99 16:39 |
gooner it is according to my dic. |
29/7/99 16:39 |
beria I just wasn't sure how raindrops on a leaf lift anguish - but still...
Bye all. |
29/7/99 16:38 |
stevie is beauteous a word? do you mean beasteous? |
29/7/99 16:37 |
Sammy (goons now realising that he has exposed his sensitive side is now trying to backpedal so fast he's going to fall off his bike!) |
29/7/99 16:35 |
gooner i can't believe this is still here. i reckon it's an okay effort, for an uncultured spanner like me. i should point out that, although i am very fond of her indeed, there is a large amount of schmaltz added for poetic effect. As I open my eyes, doesn't have quite the same ring beri beri - the raindrops thing shuld really follow on from the beauteous momnts bit, but i don't know how to structure it. the idea is that thoughts of the person ease the tedium of my working day. see? |
29/7/99 16:23 |
Sammy bobbs missed his real vocation in life, he should have either been writing the insides of birthday cards or composing crass entries in the lonely hearts columns! |
29/7/99 16:23 |
stevie thats f*ckin magic gooner!! especially like "Beauteous moments" line, hehehe nice one. |
29/7/99 16:21 |
Sammy hehehehehehehehe |
29/7/99 16:19 |
look here Sammy |
29/7/99 16:18 |
rob Satch .. we need you, jump in on Ladies/gents lets get Andrew thread. |
29/7/99 16:17 |
Sammy bobbs - that's true ... maybe you're just showing your true colours eh? |
29/7/99 16:16 |
bobbins hehehe |
29/7/99 16:15 |
Satch take it down the arse goons and read it over the tannoy at half time. You can get loads of different opinions that way...... |
29/7/99 16:15 |
bobbins my poetry is a little more crass than ususal? |
29/7/99 16:12 |
Sammy bobbins - I can't believe you stayed awake all this time and you can still type without making mistakes. Have you no ill effects from sleep deprivation? |
29/7/99 16:10 |
down in the bar with a nice pint of blackie |
29/7/99 16:10 |
Sammy That's 'ain't she', of course! |
29/7/99 16:09 |
rob Every time I turn on the computer I have a picture of a short skirted Brittany Spears dancing in front of me, courtesy of my 14 year old son |
29/7/99 16:08 |
Sammy gooner - you big softy! She's got you ain't ... hook, line and bloody sinker. Defences down and vulnerability exposed! |
29/7/99 16:08 |
johnny atta boy, nice deep red guiness with a inch thick head, expertly tapped, nice dry round coaster..... |
29/7/99 16:07 |
bobbins not that I'm suffering from a complete caffine overdose or anything - oh no |
29/7/99 16:06 |
bobbins no f-ing way - conference call at 5 - down the pub at 6 - suffering severe withdrawl symptoms |
29/7/99 16:04 |
johnny slow down bobbins, you will have all night to think these up |
29/7/99 16:03 |
I've got such a crush |
29/7/99 16:02 |
beria That's pretty good... but... *ahem* Like droplets of rain, I don't get that bit. ...and... As Ra takes his leave, personally, when I'm with the woman I love, I do (ahem) something before sleeping gently - you may need another verse in there.
29/7/99 16:00 |
pig it's the stopping that's bad for you. |
29/7/99 15:59 |
XWP no; electric pump, which you may be familiar with I'm old enough to have learned that beer before 6pm is bad for me Must go home |
29/7/99 15:58 |
seth A hand beer? |
29/7/99 15:57 |
XWP it was beer, not shandy |
29/7/99 15:56 |
seth Stoppit. |
29/7/99 15:55 |
when I'm thinking of you |
29/7/99 15:55 |
Alvin BARF! You in love with her, gooner? |
29/7/99 15:54 |
XWP I've just been for a pint |
29/7/99 15:52 |
like evapotransperation, |
29/7/99 15:51 |
Markie hehehe |
29/7/99 15:51 |
Markie wheres the reference to me? |
29/7/99 15:51 |
seth God, I just keep having to read and re-read it. It's taking control of my life. Get it out of my head. My eyes, my eyes! |
29/7/99 15:50 |
tankgirl ooh, goons! harsh! I think it's lovely, really. |
29/7/99 15:48 |
gooner keep with that style sef. [starts stupid hand movements] i want my work to be interpreted in a purely subjective manner. i want it to relate to the reader or listener, and their lives and experiences. |
29/7/99 15:46 |
seth I thought this was hardcore. I was reading it in the style of a Fugazi song. |
29/7/99 15:46 |
gooner not from blokes, spanky. anyway, i wouldn't worry about receiving anything like that if i was you. (ducks very low indeed) |
29/7/99 15:45 |
gooner you could be onto a winner. i wrote a punk song about the queen when i was at school, called 'Crusty Old Cunt'. i lost that. damned shame. i think i might go hardcore with my next effort. |
29/7/99 15:44 |
seth As an example: Day is now past, |
29/7/99 15:44 |
tankgirl yikes gooner, you've outed me. are you trying to say lezzas don't like poetry? |
29/7/99 15:43 |
seth Maybe you could change a few words though... (these are obviously just suggestions, feel free to dismiss them out of hand)... Throughout, perhaps you could repalce the word "you're" with the words "Jennifer Lopez is". I think that might help it scan a little more effortlessly. What do you think? |
29/7/99 15:43 |
gooner illiterate guavan pigmy goats? |
29/7/99 15:42 |
bobbins pig - hehehehe |
29/7/99 15:42 |
seth It speaks to me, and millions like me, gooner. |
29/7/99 15:42 |
gooner right, i'll call it lyrics pigsy. better? |
29/7/99 15:41 |
gooner hehehe goth city |
29/7/99 15:41 |
roses are red |
29/7/99 15:41 |
thought i was pretty close w/ this one at the time |
29/7/99 15:40 |
Musy *wipes away tear, cleans up yak on desk* |
29/7/99 15:40 |
gooner sef - no mate. anything i've ever written i've thrown away. |
29/7/99 15:40 |
gooner it's a nice bloody poem, tanky, you fukkin lezza. sef - any suggestions? |
29/7/99 15:39 |
seth Have you tried to get anything published, Gooner? |
29/7/99 15:38 |
seth "My heart, my eyes stop," looks like a tricky one. That's a two-digestive-biscuits-and-a-look-out-of-the-window problem-line. |
29/7/99 15:38 |
tankgirl *wipes away tear* |
29/7/99 15:37 |
tankgirl i would vomit if a bloke sent me that and dump him immediately. but that's just me. |
29/7/99 15:37 |
gooner you too sean |
29/7/99 15:37 |
seth beautiful. |
29/7/99 15:36 |
gooner i bet you cried bobbs |
29/7/99 15:36 |
Musy hahahha bobbins!! |
29/7/99 15:36 |
gooner kinda. it's not based wholly on fact. artistic licence i think they call it. |
29/7/99 15:36 |
bobbins you expletiveing soppy twat! |
29/7/99 15:36 |
tankgirl if this is for your lady, you've got it bad. |
29/7/99 15:35 |
gooner try to guess teh lines i had probs with (and DON'T say all of them) |
29/7/99 15:34 |
Musy haha! snap fnord! |
29/7/99 15:34 |
Musy Glad to see tree gets a mention.
29/7/99 15:34 |
fnord tree gets a namecheck! |
29/7/99 15:33 |
gooner jumpin jehosaphat!! |
29/7/99 15:33 |
gooner jeez |
29/7/99 15:33 |
gooner sun god leaves = night time the poem/song goes from morning to night. |
29/7/99 15:32 |
Clovis I don't understand what it has to do with Ra |
29/7/99 15:31 |
johnny lovely |
29/7/99 15:30 |
gooner [ducks] |
29/7/99 15:30 |
gooner bear in mind this is like 2 hours work. Because As I open my eyes, My heart, my eyes stop, As I attend to the labours, Like droplets of rain, As I sit in the evening, Day is now past, As Ra takes his leave, For I know an Angel, |