04/8/99 16:55 |
Clovis fight |
04/8/99 16:06 |
Clovis rushes off to save attractive young woman from fate worse than death at hands of savages
04/8/99 15:30 |
bobbins "wish me luck" - and with that, sherriff bobbins exits left, turns and walks wearily accross the dusty town towards the OK Corral. see you all later! |
04/8/99 15:00 |
Clovis runs off to organise possee |
04/8/99 14:59 |
Clovis If you don't want her, can I have her? |
04/8/99 14:59 |
johnny johnny falls from fafter on Mr. Minogue, rendering him unconcious. johnny steals his money, boots, and guns and drags him to the stable where a very frisky mule shows excitement |
04/8/99 14:58 |
XWP - hahahahaha! |
04/8/99 14:58 |
Clovis ... but what about the poor innocent girl captured by the Sioux... |
04/8/99 14:57 |
XWP gunslinger! |
04/8/99 14:57 |
bobbins I'll get me coat (long, black easy to hide a shotgun under) |
04/8/99 14:55 |
XWP Then Mr Minogue, the 7 foot 7inche father of Kylie walks throuhg the saloon doors. 'Anyone seen my little girl?' he asks |
04/8/99 14:53 |
bobbins ...unlike sherriff bobbins |
04/8/99 14:49 |
Satch ....but is having too much fun peering through the gaol window, watching sheriff bobbs administer a firm seeing to to that kylie chick to give a f.uck |
04/8/99 14:47 |
XWP rancher satch relaises that the evil land baron has diveretd the course of the only local river whilst everybody has been fighting . His cows are dying and his barns a burnin' |
04/8/99 14:47 |
bobbins Stone Cold Steve Austin gets the Undertaker in a headlock |
04/8/99 14:45 |
Clovis Undertaker hides in case sheriff calls for a possee |
04/8/99 14:45 |
flatfoot ego power trips - that's what fighting on screen does to you... |
04/8/99 14:44 |
XWP Kylie tries to enlist sherriff BillyBobbins in her attmept to free her sister from the Sioux who have her at theri reservation |
04/8/99 14:44 |
fnord Having pulled flatfoot out from under his desk, fnord hides there himself. And wonders why everyone talks about themselves in the third person. |
04/8/99 14:43 |
bobbins (throws punch) |
04/8/99 14:43 |
04/8/99 14:43 |
bobbins I'm not telling Miss Kylie that "we're throo-oo ooh-ooh waah a a a aaahaah" XWP - far from it, more like I'm shocked by the power |
04/8/99 14:39 |
Clovis Undertaker runs off to phone plastic surgeon for flatfoot |
04/8/99 14:39 |
XWP In walks Alan partidge and strats to sing 'Take a pinch of white man...' |
04/8/99 14:39 |
fnord [starts aiming for the face] |
04/8/99 14:38 |
flatfoot not the face! not the face! |
04/8/99 14:35 |
(sorry, didn't realise the fight was compulsory) |
04/8/99 14:34 |
johnny johnny throws up on him from the rafters |
04/8/99 14:34 |
flatfoot Is this brawl going to go on much longer, my knees are killing me. |
04/8/99 14:33 |
Simon_T Man in suit of armour carrying rubber chicken enters |
04/8/99 14:33 |
johnny "sing! sing a song!" |
04/8/99 14:33 |
Clovis As Fnord tries to run out, Clovis walks in, and, gun in hand, marches him back into saloon. |
04/8/99 14:32 |
XWP suddenly, everybody stops and asks why they are fightening. A wave of love laps over them and they begin to sing |
04/8/99 14:31 |
fnord fnord arrives an hour late, finds all the tables already have people hiding under them, and panics. |
04/8/99 14:30 |
Clovis barfs?? |
04/8/99 14:29 |
johnny tangled in the beams of the ceiling and dizzy, johnny barfs down onto Simon |
04/8/99 14:28 |
XWP kylie gets sherif to put his hand on her ehart and tel her |
04/8/99 14:27 |
Simon_T [noise of cork alerts Simon to johnny's presence. Picks Johnny up by ankles, swings round several times, then hurls through open air vent in the roof] |
04/8/99 14:25 |
johnny hidden by shadows in the corner, johnny uncorks his second bottle and fondles his colt revolver |
04/8/99 14:23 |
Clovis sheee-it. Too late. she's gone. Dick Emery asks to be measured. |
04/8/99 14:22 |
Clovis Undertaker runs back in to measure up Kylie for sheer fun of it even though she aint dead |
04/8/99 14:22 |
Satch Sheriff bobbins arrests her, handcuffs her and takes her to gaol. Which just happens to be deserted, and has a lock on the door. |
04/8/99 14:20 |
bobbins entertainer |
04/8/99 14:20 |
bobbins Kylie, the local town *ehem* entertain swans into the bar and over to sherrif bobbins |
04/8/99 14:17 |
Clovis Undertaker runs in to see if there's anyone to measure up, then runs out again before he gets hit by flying debris. |
04/8/99 14:15 |
XWP bobbins forced to take job as lush sherriff and/or Mayor |
04/8/99 14:15 |
johnny johnny saunters in the saloon and surveys the damage. then walks to the bar and begins stuffing whiskey bottles in his coat pockets |
04/8/99 14:15 |
Markie (bobbins gets another job from out placement agency - starts calculating again - back to square one) more like. |
04/8/99 14:14 |
XWP exploding ears; now, there's a good name for a sweet |
04/8/99 14:12 |
bobbins (bobbins goes to big important presentation at 4 o'clock - dreadful miscalculation in numbers, ear explodes, falls asleep snoring on desk, gets fired, gets a life) |
04/8/99 14:11 |
Markie "It'll be two hits bobbins - I'll hit you, you hit the ground" (drawls Markie) |
04/8/99 14:09 |
XWP bar room cheers and people shout yeeeee haaaaaaaaar |
04/8/99 14:09 |
Markie Markie bursts out laughing Bobbins goes to sleep, muttering about yields in Hong Kong |
04/8/99 14:09 |
bobbins (bobbins shoots Kenny Rodgers with last bullet) |
04/8/99 14:08 |
XWP In walks Kenny Rodgers |
04/8/99 14:08 |
Satch bobbs knows what you're thinkin' Markie. Has he fired six shots or only five? The truth is........ |
04/8/99 14:07 |
Markie (Markie kicks weapon from bobbins hands - bobbins looks up - sleep starved - Fresh Markie throws punch...) |
04/8/99 14:06 |
bobbins do you feel lucky Markie? (hand rests on extremely large weapon) |
04/8/99 14:05 |
Markie you look tired bobs |
04/8/99 14:04 |
XWP he's the man with no ears |
04/8/99 14:04 |
Markie hahaha |
04/8/99 14:04 |
XWP My names Winton and I'm from outta town |
04/8/99 14:04 |
(bobbins peers from behind a pillar) |
04/8/99 14:01 |
DickEmery Camp lad wearing an outrageously fey outfit sashays through the swing doors. "What's going on here?" |
04/8/99 14:00 |
Satch (speaking of which, I really must go and write some reviews, can we finish this little tiff off later?) |
04/8/99 14:00 |
Blofeld twang!!!! *tumbleweed* |
04/8/99 13:59 |
Satch I hear you is a writin' man flatfoot. Well, this town only has one journal. That would be mine. I'd say you is in the wrong town......... (maracas shake in the distance. A rattle snake hisses) |
04/8/99 13:57 |
flatfoot "Is someone talking to me?" flatfoot inquires, peering through his fingers of one hand, while holding a rolled up copy of 4-4-2 in the other... |
04/8/99 13:57 |
Satch Screw yourself copper! You'll never take flatfoot alive!!! (hang on, have we jumped 100 years into the future or sommat?) |
04/8/99 13:56 |
Almighty Gob
This is the police! Everyone outside with your hands up! |
04/8/99 13:55 |
Satch Aha flatfoot. I've been expecting you. This site ain't big enough for the both of us........ |
04/8/99 13:55 |
bobbins (unleashes machine-gun like volley of pus from earlobe all over Satch) |
04/8/99 13:55 |
Blofeld charges back in through the swing doors, punches Satch, picks him up and hurls him down the length of the bar. Satch flies off the wnd of the bar and lands in the piano (clunk). Blowers wipes hands, takes off his hat, dusts it down replaces on his head and drinks satch's sasperella. |
04/8/99 13:54 |
Satch I don't see a girl |
04/8/99 13:54 |
flatfoot flatfoot hotfoots it to the nearest table and hides therein... |
04/8/99 13:53 |
XWP in swaggers a stranger and says 'get your hands off my girl.' |
04/8/99 13:53 |
yeeeeeha! |
04/8/99 13:52 |
Satch (throws Blof at swing doors, orders sasperella from bar) |
04/8/99 13:51 |
XWP donna smashes sugar glass bottle over si's head. Si turns around and glowers |
04/8/99 13:51 |
is this a western bar room brawl. If so, someone can throw me at the swing doors, you have my permission. |
04/8/99 13:49 |
Simon_T [throws bar stool at XWP] |
04/8/99 13:49 |
Satch now you're talkin' (Performs 'Crane' technique kick like Daniel in Karate Kid) |
04/8/99 13:48 |
XWP hahahaha; missed |
04/8/99 13:47 |
04/8/99 13:46 |
XWP just to liven things up like |