09/1/01 17:53 |
® tangy tankies |
09/1/01 17:50 |
ormondroyd Thanks for that image. |
09/1/01 17:50 |
tankgirl Wankoff Widdecombes |
09/1/01 17:48 |
ormondroyd Corey Feldmans |
09/1/01 17:48 |
tankgirl pedantic pedantries |
09/1/01 17:43 |
ormondroyd merchant ivories |
09/1/01 17:24 |
White Noise Bent Wookies |
09/1/01 17:23 |
ormondroyd Ginger Strikers |
09/1/01 17:10 |
Satch Angry Zit Crunchies |
09/1/01 16:59 |
HLaS Just Stalinists |
09/1/01 16:58 |
ormondroyd Chelsea smiles |
09/1/01 16:56 |
HLaS Bonjella jellies |
09/1/01 16:56 |
HLaS Shankroids |
09/1/01 16:56 |
HLaS Spirochaetal Tracts |
09/1/01 16:55 |
AK - 69 custard cums |
09/1/01 16:54 |
BioPOT thy're fags, orm! |
09/1/01 16:54 |
ormondroyd Cut and Paste Kings |
09/1/01 16:53 |
BioPOT broken promises Concrete accretions |
09/1/01 16:51 |
fnord Theoretical scribblings |
09/1/01 16:51 |
HLaS Scout Corpse Jamborees |
09/1/01 16:51 |
BioPOT You make them sound soooo delish, AK! |
09/1/01 16:51 |
AK - 69 Gold Puke Bars |
09/1/01 16:49 |
PWX point two twos |
09/1/01 16:49 |
BioPOT Polychlorinated biphenyls |
09/1/01 16:49 |
HLaS Love Buckets |
09/1/01 16:49 |
HLaS Utility Wagons |
09/1/01 16:48 |
AK - 69 lemon queers |
09/1/01 16:43 |
fnord Fudge Flaps |
09/1/01 16:42 |
HLaS tee hee, Perspex Garden Swings (adult waist height) |
09/1/01 16:41 |
PWX glass top coffee table mysteries |
09/1/01 16:40 |
HLaS Morning Glory's |
09/1/01 16:40 |
HLaS Hipocampal Slices |
09/1/01 16:40 |
fnord Heavenly Turds |
09/1/01 16:39 |
PWX mispelle mishapes |
09/1/01 16:39 |
PWX iniedible doormice |
09/1/01 16:37 |
HLaS Edible Doormice |
09/1/01 16:37 |
HLaS Nipple Clampers |
09/1/01 16:35 |
PWX john the baptist snaps |
09/1/01 16:31 |
HLaS Seschatchewans |
09/1/01 16:30 |
BioPOT bovine spongiform fingers |
09/1/01 16:30 |
HLaS Belt Fed Sanders |
09/1/01 16:26 |
fnord courtesy of Soooz - Pringles little homedone highlights |
08/1/01 19:11 |
® Crispy RAM chips |
08/1/01 19:05 |
PWX PC Mishapes |
08/1/01 18:52 |
® before Eights |
08/1/01 18:47 |
PWX Yellow Scabs |
08/1/01 18:17 |
orm cream crackereds |
08/1/01 17:29 |
08/1/01 17:27 |
BioPOT er, a little from column A and a little from column B, Pwincess. Off to shops Bye all! |
08/1/01 17:26 |
orm Disappearing Latests |
08/1/01 17:26 |
PWX is that a cream or a crunch, biopooper? |
08/1/01 17:25 |
BioPOT I've just shat and made the most evil smell ever! |
08/1/01 17:25 |
PWX buggered royaly |
08/1/01 17:24 |
tree Peter Sutcliffes home grooming kit |
08/1/01 17:23 |
White Noise testes in denim |
08/1/01 17:23 |
PWX hot and bothereds |
08/1/01 17:21 |
fnord Yoghurt-coated parasites |
08/1/01 17:19 |
BioPOT chocolate smears |
08/1/01 17:13 |
orm Eight Aces |
08/1/01 17:13 |
White Noise flicked beans |
08/1/01 17:13 |
BioPOT A General Feeling of Well-being |
08/1/01 17:12 |
PWX 300!!!!!! Majestic Coughs |
08/1/01 17:12 |
orm Simon Rodgers |
08/1/01 17:12 |
fnord *pines for a packet of iced rings* |
08/1/01 17:12 |
fnord Pathetically Grateful Rings |
08/1/01 17:11 |
PWX Asthmatic Japes |
08/1/01 17:11 |
orm Cheesy Crustaceans |
08/1/01 17:11 |
fnord hooray! someones glad to see me! |
08/1/01 17:11 |
BioPOT No, I've just chuffed! |
08/1/01 17:11 |
PWX huuary! it's fnord! |
08/1/01 17:10 |
PWX Custard Arses |
08/1/01 17:10 |
fnord Autoerotic Fruit Snaps |
08/1/01 17:10 |
BioPOT Just Chuffed. |
08/1/01 17:10 |
PWX Millitant Uprisings |
08/1/01 17:10 |
BioPOT General Harmonies |
08/1/01 17:09 |
PWX Mandy's Whims |
08/1/01 17:09 |
BioPOT Jensen Chocolate Buttons |
08/1/01 17:09 |
BioPOT Aha! |
08/1/01 17:08 |
orm Morten Haarkets |
08/1/01 17:08 |
BioPOT Doctors Wedges |
08/1/01 17:07 |
PWX Piss Flaps |
08/1/01 17:07 |
orm Penn and Tellers |
08/1/01 17:06 |
BioPOT Lard and Oat flathings with brown |
08/1/01 17:06 |
BioPOT Lard and Wheat flathings |
08/1/01 17:04 |
PWX Liquid
Gold |
08/1/01 17:03 |
BioPOT Temporary Insolvencies |
08/1/01 17:03 |
orm Altar Boys |
08/1/01 17:03 |
PWX north
circulars |
08/1/01 17:02 |
BioPOT hahahaaaa |
08/1/01 17:02 |
BioPOT Jumpin Jesuits |
08/1/01 17:02 |
PWX Christs Body |
08/1/01 17:02 |
PWX parp inhalers |
08/1/01 17:02 |
BioPOT Suddenly Sacreds |
08/1/01 17:01 |
orm Paul Bracewells |
08/1/01 17:01 |
orm *suddenly scared* |
08/1/01 17:01 |
PWX Uir Geller's Law Suits |
08/1/01 17:00 |
orm Wild Things nice looking biscuits with a number of twists |
08/1/01 17:00 |
BioPOT I knew that, that's why I posted it. |
08/1/01 17:00 |
orm Biopot wrote: "Pride of Calais" Weird. I met my missus when we were both working on that ship. |
08/1/01 17:00 |
PWX French Ticklers |
08/1/01 16:59 |
PWX fairy muffs |
08/1/01 16:59 |
BioPOT Uncertain Biguities |
08/1/01 16:59 |
tree evil little c.unts |
08/1/01 16:59 |
Soooz well, any port in a storm P *S* |
08/1/01 16:59 |
PWX Certain Umbiguities |
08/1/01 16:59 |
orm Daveed Ginolas - great outta packaging but disappointment regarding the filling. Available in grey or L'oreal |
08/1/01 16:58 |
PWX you like flabby, lank haired men, sooooz? |
08/1/01 16:58 |
orm Marshall Mathers |
08/1/01 16:58 |
BioPOT Bernie Taupins |
08/1/01 16:58 |
Soooz Daveed Ginolas - great outta packaging but disappointment regarding the filling. |
08/1/01 16:58 |
PWX Warp Drives |
08/1/01 16:58 |
orm Daniel Sons |
08/1/01 16:57 |
BioPOT Chocolate Metatarsals |
08/1/01 16:57 |
BioPOT Short Strokes |
08/1/01 16:56 |
tree dirty f*cking little bastards |
08/1/01 16:56 |
BioPOT They go down easy tho If you can find any near the box that is. |
08/1/01 16:56 |
orm Tottenham Hotspurs - okay if promptly eaten at home but take them on the road anywhere and they go a bit soggy. |
08/1/01 16:54 |
BioPOT Greenwich Peninsulars Isthmus of Panama (for those special private moments) |
08/1/01 16:53 |
fnord Millennium Domes - fantastic packaging and ad campaign, but not much inside and they don't satisfy like a biccy should. |
08/1/01 16:52 |
BioPOT Giant Shaven Clams |
08/1/01 16:50 |
orm Kevin Balls |
08/1/01 16:48 |
BioPOT The 1776 Declaration of Independance Celebrity XI Assortment. |
08/1/01 16:46 |
PWX Lawrenson Creams |
08/1/01 16:45 |
orm Cookie Colemans |
08/1/01 16:45 |
White Noise Chegwin's pygmie winkies |
08/1/01 16:44 |
PWX Fourth officials |
08/1/01 16:44 |
BioPOT or FA reps! |
08/1/01 16:44 |
PWX Bert Millichip Cookies |
08/1/01 16:44 |
orm Frosted Croziers |
08/1/01 16:43 |
PWX orm; stop naming refs! |
08/1/01 16:43 |
BioPOT That's a Ginger Tossa innit? |
08/1/01 16:43 |
PWX Astle Winkles |
08/1/01 16:43 |
orm Uriah Rennies |
08/1/01 16:43 |
orm Paul Durkins |
08/1/01 16:42 |
orm Jeff
Winters |
08/1/01 16:42 |
BioPOT Two and one-half pounds of Iced Gemma Cravens please! |
08/1/01 16:41 |
orm Jermaine MacSporrans |
08/1/01 16:41 |
White Noise Ginger Rogers |
08/1/01 16:41 |
orm Paulo Wanchopes |
08/1/01 16:40 |
PWX Incidental Charges |
08/1/01 16:40 |
BioPOT Scurrilous Rumours |
08/1/01 16:40 |
HLaS Flap Crops |
08/1/01 16:39 |
PWX Resounding Victories |
08/1/01 16:39 |
BioPOT Questions and Answers |
08/1/01 16:39 |
PWX Fantastic Wallops |
08/1/01 16:31 |
BioPOT farmyard badgers |
08/1/01 15:31 |
tree ? |
08/1/01 15:30 |
Soooz oops handbag..*S* |
08/1/01 15:30 |
Soooz woooo hoooo *holds up imaginary hadbag* *S* |
08/1/01 15:29 |
fnord (to tree) Sod off (to Soooooz) |
08/1/01 15:29 |
fnord thats more of a cake than a biscuit |
08/1/01 15:29 |
Soooz *chuckle* Palarse Puffs |
08/1/01 15:28 |
tree 'a vending machine tricked me into marrying it' |
08/1/01 15:28 |
HLaS Aunt Fanny's Craddocks |
08/1/01 15:27 |
Darryl_SE7 Charlton Crumbles *snigger* |
08/1/01 15:26 |
fnord Charlton Crumbles |
08/1/01 15:26 |
HLaS Intercontinental Balsamic Sessiles |
08/1/01 15:25 |
tree "got my banger caught in a mans bums" |
08/1/01 15:25 |
BioPOT Raspberry Ramjet Wankel Wafers |
08/1/01 15:24 |
Soooz coconut ringpieces |
08/1/01 15:24 |
HLaS Danny Invincenibbles |
08/1/01 15:24 |
BioPOT Conan Powells |
08/1/01 15:24 |
Darryl_SE7 Junior McDougals |
08/1/01 15:23 |
HLaS Frosted Chameleons |
08/1/01 15:23 |
BioPOT Caramel Cods |
08/1/01 15:23 |
08/1/01 15:21 |
tree 'zena badawies' |
08/1/01 15:21 |
BioPOT Shrew - you're just being rood! Rude Shrews |
08/1/01 15:20 |
BioPOT Jo Duries |
08/1/01 15:20 |
HLaS Arse Cherries |
08/1/01 15:19 |
Soooz cakewalker creams |
08/1/01 15:18 |
tree 'wombles in pain' |
08/1/01 15:17 |
fnord no way am I dunking that in my tea |
08/1/01 15:16 |
tree Michael Barrymores little cock |
08/1/01 15:14 |
fnord hehe*2 |
08/1/01 15:14 |
tree Whyhaveyoubeena Wafersolong hehehehe |
08/1/01 15:11 |
HLaS Mantwatts |
08/1/01 15:08 |
BioPOT Troy Tempests Marmalade Lunge Whyhaveyoubeena Wafersolong |
08/1/01 15:08 |
tree chocolate spinabiffida |
08/1/01 15:06 |
fnord gliadel wafers |
05/1/01 12:45 |
tree ooh great! seconds! |
05/1/01 10:56 |
Araneae you've got crumbs in your tach tree |
05/1/01 10:55 |
tree i just got dunked |
05/1/01 10:55 |
tree morning ara my wonderful friend! |
05/1/01 10:53 |
Araneae hehe *dunk* |
05/1/01 10:52 |
fnord Rich tree - specially for dunking in tea |
05/1/01 10:51 |
Araneae Morning Tree |
05/1/01 10:50 |
tree i just got felt up! |
05/1/01 10:47 |
fnord Peak Freans Living in a Box Deluxe Assortment |
05/1/01 10:45 |
PWX *leaves office, knowing i she gets invovled in this, she will end up living in a acardboard box* |
05/1/01 10:42 |
fnord Assorted CHADs (mixed box) |
05/1/01 10:41 |
PWX bing's cheeky peeks |
05/1/01 10:36 |
fnord Mint fondles |
05/1/01 10:35 |
Bing I deliberately took no notice of who actually wrote them, this was a fair ballot! *fondles tree anyway for the hell of it* |
05/1/01 10:23 |
PWX well, tree is king pleasure of the biscuit boys |
05/1/01 10:22 |
fnord I got two, and I suspect tree got loads. |
05/1/01 10:21 |
PWX i got 3 of bings faves!!!! whoooohohohohohohhh |
05/1/01 08:30 |
Bing Take a bow one and all, I've been giggling, guffawing, hooting, chuckling and a' chortlin' since I started to read this. Just as well the office is empty. On a personal note, I'd like to congratulate the creators of the following in particular: 'baked almond knicker sludge fancies' |
05/1/01 01:05 |
tree fanny feelers |
05/1/01 01:05 |
tree hehe, cookies! thats just ridiculous! actually, I just eat a packet of cookies. 33% extra free too. lot of biccies for just one cup of tea you might ask? not for me mate. |
05/1/01 01:00 |
johnny cookies |
05/1/01 00:58 |
tree little pieces of shit |
04/1/01 16:36 |
BioPOT sparg rengins |
04/1/01 16:31 |
White Noise "Wee Jimmy Krankies" |
04/1/01 16:30 |
fnord Cheesy crankhandles |
04/1/01 16:27 |
BioPOT Old Maid's Rumbles |
04/1/01 16:27 |
BioPOT Sour Grapes |
04/1/01 16:26 |
PWX rum bush tittie winnits |
04/1/01 16:26 |
BioPOT Bums Rush |
04/1/01 16:26 |
Craigey "Willthiseverend Thins" |
04/1/01 16:18 |
PWX Odo's Buckets |
04/1/01 16:16 |
BioPOT Umlauts and Elipses |
04/1/01 16:15 |
fnord Assorted Dipthongs |
04/1/01 16:08 |
BioPOT Wax Cylinders |
04/1/01 16:08 |
BioPOT tree's moustaches |
04/1/01 16:02 |
BioPOT Getty Gobsmackers |
04/1/01 15:58 |
BioPOT Cascarino Flakes |
04/1/01 15:57 |
White Noise "Ramalamadingdongs" |
04/1/01 15:56 |
BioPOT Look out for that parked car CRUNCH |
04/1/01 15:52 |
PWX *wibbles, falls over, drools* |
04/1/01 15:51 |
fnord Willows Saucy Crackers specially for PWX |
04/1/01 15:51 |
PWX Mr Sheen's Remnanats |
04/1/01 15:51 |
Craigey "Cities Of Gold" |
04/1/01 15:49 |
Craigey "Clouds of Dust" |
04/1/01 15:47 |
fnord Chunky Oat Pustules |
04/1/01 15:38 |
BioPOT Pipe and Slippers |
04/1/01 15:36 |
BioPOT Twanky's Chocolate Rush |
04/1/01 15:36 |
Craigey "Piles of Air" |
04/1/01 15:34 |
PWX Double Baked Judds |
04/1/01 15:34 |
PWX Willows Cheeky Winks |
04/1/01 15:34 |
BioPOT Tinned Tosswipes |
04/1/01 15:33 |
BioPOT Ms Widdicombe's Misshapes |
04/1/01 15:33 |
PWX David |Mellors Dangleberry Surprises |
04/1/01 15:33 |
PWX Ned Sherrin Fancies |
04/1/01 15:32 |
PWX Oadby Droplets |
04/1/01 15:32 |
BioPOT Parson's Passions |
04/1/01 15:32 |
PWX Uncontrolable Urges |
04/1/01 15:29 |
BioPOT Fondant Ruddocks - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA |
04/1/01 15:29 |
tankgirl Rampant Buttocks |
04/1/01 15:29 |
Craigey "Woodrow's Wobblers" |
04/1/01 15:28 |
fnord Fondant Ruddocks |
04/1/01 15:28 |
tankgirl Minty Minge Melted Moments |
04/1/01 15:27 |
White Noise "Dimmocks" |
04/1/01 15:27 |
BioPOT Boss coming - best crack on delights. |
04/1/01 15:26 |
BioPOT "Dr Whos" |
04/1/01 15:24 |
White Noise "Rug Munchies" |
04/1/01 15:24 |
BioPOT "Fatal Discharge" |
04/1/01 15:24 |
BioPOT "In 1972, a crack team of US marines…" |
04/1/01 15:24 |
Craigey "Clemenceau's Pips" |
04/1/01 15:23 |
BioPOT Wolverhampton Wanderers |
04/1/01 15:23 |
BioPOT inclement surprise |
04/1/01 15:22 |
Craigey Strictly Limited Edition Fatkunts |
04/1/01 15:22 |
fnord for the kids: sugar coated chocolate expletiveers |
04/1/01 15:21 |
PWX drop one pearl one nibbles |
04/1/01 15:18 |
BioPOT Cardigan Buttonhole |
04/1/01 15:18 |
ormondroyd 40 percenters |
04/1/01 15:17 |
BioPOT Courtney Screams |
04/1/01 15:17 |
tree Old mans habits/Lionel Richteas/trees relish hehehe |
04/1/01 15:16 |
BioPOT Madagascan Murmurs |
04/1/01 15:16 |
BioPOT Bobby Davro's Shit. |
04/1/01 15:15 |
BioPOT Cecil Rhodes' Idle Gossip |
04/1/01 15:15 |
PWX DannyBaker Bores |
04/1/01 15:15 |
PWX Donna's Square Bashers |
04/1/01 15:15 |
BioPOT Queen Mum's Blush |
04/1/01 15:14 |
White Noise One hundreds |
04/1/01 15:14 |
BioPOT Jammie Olivers |
04/1/01 15:14 |
BioPOT Donnas Wee Cupcakes |
04/1/01 15:14 |
PWX Blue Peter Magpie Biscuits |
04/1/01 15:14 |
BioPOT Oliver Twists |
04/1/01 15:14 |
PWX *goes to pee; back in a min* |
04/1/01 15:13 |
PWX Jim Bowen Fly Traps |
04/1/01 15:13 |
BioPOT "Current Eclairs" |
04/1/01 15:12 |
BioPOT "Whalebone Corsets" |
04/1/01 15:12 |
BioPOT FBR - hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa |
04/1/01 15:12 |
BioPOT "Bernard Bresslaw Iced Fancies" |
04/1/01 15:12 |
PWX Fern Britten Reprieves |
04/1/01 15:12 |
Craigey "Otis Spunkmeyer's Cum Covered Cookarinos" |
04/1/01 15:12 |
BioPOT "Trees Relish" |
04/1/01 15:11 |
BioPOT "Jemimah Khan's Stillborn Crunch" |
04/1/01 15:11 |
PWX surly cup cakes |
04/1/01 15:11 |
04/1/01 15:11 |
BioPOT "Robin Cook Wavecrest Fondant Cremes" |
04/1/01 15:10 |
BioPOT "Cardiff Millennium Stadium After Dinner Crunchies" |
04/1/01 15:10 |
PWX hahahah! billy daintie!! hehehehehe |
04/1/01 15:10 |
BioPOT "Pride of Calais" |
04/1/01 15:09 |
BioPOT "Billy Dainties" |
04/1/01 15:09 |
PWX Widdecome Crunchies, made with a glass and a half of full cream herion |
04/1/01 15:09 |
BioPOT "Old Man's Habit" |
04/1/01 15:09 |
BioPOT "Cavaliers Feather" |
04/1/01 15:09 |
BioPOT "Peak Freans Trotsky Assorted" |
04/1/01 15:08 |
benward84 "Dirty Buggers" |
04/1/01 15:08 |
Craigey "Fingernail Fancies" |
04/1/01 15:08 |
BioPOT "Lionel RichTeas" |
04/1/01 15:06 |
benward84 or
(for that last one) |
04/1/01 15:06 |
benward84 "Uncle Sam's old fashioned crackpots" |
04/1/01 15:04 |
JasonX tree - 14:37 - i think i saw that episode of start trek bilbo baggins bourbons |
04/1/01 15:04 |
Craigey "salted rascals" |
04/1/01 15:02 |
White Noise "Pig's Nipples" |
04/1/01 15:02 |
tree i want jasons bad kirk naughty kirk story! |
04/1/01 15:00 |
Craigey "farkin nutters" |
04/1/01 14:59 |
PWX this is a funny funny thread. Ginger Snatch Treats |
04/1/01 14:57 |
White Noise "Funky Cold Medina's" |
04/1/01 14:56 |
tree hehehe
craigey |
04/1/01 14:54 |
Craigey "low speed car chases" |
04/1/01 14:54 |
tree 'little zapatas' find one with a moustache and win a years supply |
04/1/01 14:53 |
tree 'marylands limited edition aids patient cookies' withdrawn from shelves after complaints |
04/1/01 14:53 |
White Noise "Hitler 'Taches" |
04/1/01 14:52 |
tree i like the sound of purple helmets and nut crunchers |
04/1/01 14:52 |
Craigey "gherkin dodgems" |
04/1/01 14:51 |
tankgirl "Nut Crunchers" |
04/1/01 14:51 |
White Noise "Purple Helmets" |
04/1/01 14:50 |
White Noise "Napalm Surprises" |
04/1/01 14:50 |
tree 'the fuzz' these come with mini policemans helmets on them |
04/1/01 14:50 |
tree 'tampon crunchies' - used and dried in the mediterranean sun |
04/1/01 14:49 |
tree 'pork me Ricahrd Madeley!' |
04/1/01 14:48 |
White Noise "Vaginal Croutons" - more of a savoury snack |
04/1/01 14:48 |
tree 'Ray Parker junior and Burt Reynolds incident' |
04/1/01 14:46 |
BioPOT 'Gravy Scrapings' |
04/1/01 14:46 |
Craigey "pink oboes" |
04/1/01 14:46 |
BioPOT hahahahaha |
04/1/01 14:46 |
BioPOT 'Agent Oranges' |
04/1/01 14:46 |
tree 'baked almond knicker sludge fancies' |
04/1/01 14:45 |
BioPOT 'beria munchenbiscuits' |
04/1/01 14:45 |
tree lol - cannonballrun |
04/1/01 14:45 |
BioPOT 'Posh Thins' |
04/1/01 14:45 |
tree 'andy grays' |
04/1/01 14:45 |
White Noise "Hippetyhopyoudon'tstops" |
04/1/01 14:44 |
BioPOT 'Cannonball
Run' |
04/1/01 14:44 |
BioPOT 'This is not my office' |
04/1/01 14:44 |
tree 'duncan tells a joke in poor taste' |
04/1/01 14:44 |
BioPOT 'shit-stabbers' |
04/1/01 14:43 |
White Noise "Marshmallow Pillows" |
04/1/01 14:43 |
tree 'shitheads in the queue at the post office' |
04/1/01 14:42 |
Pieguts heh heh Alv |
04/1/01 14:42 |
tree haha biopot |
04/1/01 14:42 |
White Noise "Athlete's Feet" |
04/1/01 14:42 |
tree 'f*cking wafer bastards' |
04/1/01 14:42 |
BioPOT 'Theme from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly' |
04/1/01 14:41 |
tree 'higgins from magnum' |
04/1/01 14:41 |
BioPOT 'Bath-chair Surprise' |
04/1/01 14:41 |
Alvin ...pronounced leece... |
04/1/01 14:41 |
fnord BioPOTties |
04/1/01 14:40 |
Alvin Lice. |
04/1/01 14:40 |
tree 'polish your nans ornaments'' |
04/1/01 14:40 |
BioPOT 'Woodsy's Winkles' |
04/1/01 14:39 |
BioPOT 'fnords crackers' |
04/1/01 14:39 |
tree 'this thread has got legs' |
04/1/01 14:39 |
tree jason 14:37 please elaborate! |
04/1/01 14:39 |
fnord chocolate mingers |
04/1/01 14:38 |
BioPOT 'Jason Xcreme' |
04/1/01 14:38 |
JasonX bobbins bufties |
04/1/01 14:37 |
BioPOT 'Clovis Dainties' |
04/1/01 14:37 |
JasonX >> bad kirk! naughty kirk! << *long buried memories stirred by this phrase* |
04/1/01 14:37 |
BioPOT 'Salted Clovis' |
04/1/01 14:37 |
® nice one bio |
04/1/01 14:37 |
tree hehehe, biohead |
04/1/01 14:36 |
BioPOT 'Uncles Finger' |
04/1/01 14:36 |
BioPOT 'Devils Own' |
04/1/01 14:35 |
tree 'fast cars' |
04/1/01 14:35 |
® 'Prostate Creams' |
04/1/01 14:34 |
White Noise hehe! That's made my afternoon, Tree! |
04/1/01 14:34 |
tree 'rugby balls' 'bob carolgees little mates' 'orphan murder' |
04/1/01 14:32 |
® *send fnord free tampax sample* |
04/1/01 14:30 |
fnord I'd pay good money for a pack of fannyjammers |
04/1/01 14:28 |
tree 'little thieves' 'naughty boys' 'bastards' 'jammy cocks' 'Mark Richards' 'amityvilles' 'fannyjammers' 'sausages' (these need explicit instructions on the wrapper) 'bad kirk! naughty kirk!'