Intro |
Best Of moderator (yeah, right)
Hello. We're 40% Football. And here's the best of the site, and its All Talk predecessor. Some editing has taken place for cosmetic reasons. The date is when the thread started.
17/12/97 |
greg's opinion is like his arsehole, he's got one and he's fascinated by it. Discuss
29/1/98 |
Our top ten reasons for hating Arsenal.
5/2/98 |
My subjectleicester
13/2/98 |
tree's own WOLVES topic
19/5/98 |
Zoe Bloody Ball
20/8/98 |
Fish/Film Titles
27/8/98 |
All Talk - the novel
7/10/98 |
Midfield battle
29/4/99 |
So, who do you give the blanket to? (Army recruitment advert)
14/6/99 |
Two big balloons floating over London
28/6/99 |
is it dirty for gooner to try it on with a 17-year-old, even if she's really nice?
6/7/99 |
old man bobbins health journal
7/7/99 |
strange secrets about yourself that you just made up
15/7/99 |
29/7/99 |
What was the name of the Egyptian Sun God?
29/7/99 |
right you bastards, here it is. do your worst! (gooner's poem)
4/8/99 |
let's have a fight
23/8/99 |
gooner - how was the poem received?
22/9/99 |
40% school disco
1/10/99 |
box off (bobbins up all night)
22/10/99 |
29/11/99 |
Single Bar
19/12/99 |
Gutted (goonerette)
1/3/00 |
STOP PRESS...STOP PRESS...STOP PRESS... (Reading's biscuit museum)
31/3/00 |
Godzilla v. Mothra
22/6/00 |
thread to cry over your first thrush
13/7/00 |
Money people - e.g. bobbins or markie
18/8/00 |
Queen Mother dies - finally (she hadn't, but Satch and bat found each other)
4/1/01 |
More invented names for biscuits
8/1/01 |
Giant Shaven Clam - the Pure version (genitals discussion)
1/4/01 |
Killer Meerkats: They're all a bunch of cnuts!
7/12/01 |
what's the filthiest thing you've ever done sexually?
7/12/01 |
the only chap I'd canoodle with willingly is Cliff Thorburn, don't know why (yes, buckland)
11/12/01 |
Dial (he's been shagging around, apparently. Everyone else can only dream.
12/12/01 |
16/5/02 |
Oh dear lord just spotted this on the side of the Kenco coffee jar
11/7/02 |
terrible stuff you did as a kid
12/8/02 |
A very funny story about hotel soap...
5/9/02 |
short poems about football players thread
9/10/02 |
Hubba Huuba (pins admires men)
25/10/02 |
fighty thread
30/10/02 |
Can someone write me a very funny (poems about dwarves)
21/11/02 |
Tax on the stupid? (the lottery)
3/12/02 |
Just for a laugh and a bit of light relief... (black_b's adventures with prison women)
22/1/03 |
I was the victim of a drive by egging on Saturday - its not funny
23/2/03 |
Bleues contre Rouges (Birmingham v Liverpool. In French.)
27/2/03 |
I like men's bums
17/3/03 |
My friend visited this weekend and brought me... (Henderson's. That's HENDERSON'S)
21/5/03 |
40% poll #14415: "Who would win in a fight between...?" (cross-channel badgers)
25/7/03 |
Those unlikely professional lookalikes in 'full'
3/10/03 |
Mardy, Tony J, Zorba, - check this out for stupidity
12/11/03 |
i've not been to a hairdressers in 12 years
25/2/04 |
Strings of Association
24/3/04 |
Filth thread - strangest/most perverted thing that has ever aroused you - even involuntarily!
1/4/04 |
If voles could talk.....
17/6/04 |
I can't believe I'm starting this thread, but... (Big Brother fight)