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SITHOC Devils Swim Team

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The SITHOC Devils, National Champion Swim Team of the Dutch Antilles, is on track for another great season. With a large, strong team, overflowing with talent, we've been training hard, honing our skills to burst upon the international scene with unprecedented power.

Swimmer of the Month
Updated for November

The Devils are breaking new ground in training techniques with strength training, mental training, and good old fashioned swimming. The science, the art, and the spirit of swimming are combined in an ideal training environment which has already begun to show the results that make this such a promising season.

Team Roster and Swimmers Profiles
The Coaches
Fun Stuff
Schedule and Results
Team Executive and Contacts
On these pages, you can expect to find profiles of the swimmers and their coaches, as well as articles outlining the philosophies and techniques of their training. Some of the articles are written specifically for publication on this site, while others have been taken from the club newsletter, "Wet News". Other tidbits of information, including a little fun, has also found its way here.

Keep coming back as the site, and the team, grows to international stardom!!

Think you might be able to talk your team into a Training Camp in the sunny Caribbean? Click here!!


Thanks to IBM Computers of Curaçao for donating the computer this site was created on. Visit them here.

For more information e-mail sithoc@yahoo.com.

International Triathlon of Curaçao

Various pig graphics are found on our site. Where possible, we will credit the source of these graphics here by including links to the sites where they came from.

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