Chelsea Football Club - The best football club in the world!!!

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Welcome to my Chelsea hompage where you can find everything you need
to know about Chelsea F. C. You can find Club-info, pictures, movies,
Transfers since May 1996, Links to other footballpages and Chelsea's
fixtures and results. As a new thing you can vote for the best Chelsea player.

List of contents: The Chelsea after winning the F.A. Cup 1997


Chelsea History

Movies (Chelsea goals)

Links to other football pages

Transfers since May 1996

The 1998 Coca-Cola Cup

Player profiles of each Chelsea player

Chelsea fixtures and results

Vote for your favorite Chelsea Player

I'm a very big Chelsea fan and I would be very happy if you mailed me your
comments, suggestions to improvements or just want to talk about Chelsea.
My e-mail address is:

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This Chelsea Football & Friends Webringsite is owned by
Sune Frandsen.

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