.....Ball is put into play through service by the right back player placed within the service zone.
.....Each team is entitled to contact the ball three times (in addition to blocking).
.....If visibly a player contacts the ball more than once in succession (other than blocking), he/she commits a fault.
.....Ball remains in play until it touches the floor, walls, ceiling or any other object, or until a player commits a fault.
.....Only the team that wins the exchange of play initiated by its own service may score (except during rally point).
.....Upon side outs the team which has obtained the right to serve is required to rotate its players one clockwise position.
.....The team that scores 15 points or more with an advantage of two points wins the game.
.....There will be a 17 point cap.
.....The server must be in the service zone and is allowed one step into the court.
.....The server shall not put the ball into play until the opposing team is ready.
.....Serve is not good if it hits the net or lands out of bounds without anyone touching it first.
.....Screening: the players of the serving team must not through screening, prevent their opponents from watching the server or trajectory of the ball.
.....Ball may be contacted with any part of the body above the knee.
.....***The ball must be hit and not come to rest blatantly (lifted, pushed, carried or thrown).***
.....Except in service, a ball can be played off or hit the net, provided it doesnt hit the floor or is a fourth hit.
.....The ball is out when the ball touches anywhere outside the court boundary lines, any foreign object, e.g. basketball net, foreign person, or the ceiling.
.....With the exception of the feet it is forbidden for a player to contact any part of his/her body beyond the center line within opponents court, while in play. To touch opponents court with a foot or feet is allowed, providing that some part of the encroaching foot or feet remains in contact with or above the center line.
.....A penetration fault is committed when a player touches a ball in the opponents space before or during opponents attack hit.
.....It is legal to volley a serve but illegal to block or spike opponents serve.
.....Net height is that of mens regulation.
.....Rally point volleyball comes into effect upon fifteen minutes to the hour.
.....Set rotation system (rotate into back center position when team gains serve, with player exiting going to the end of the bench).
.....No additional substitutions allowed. One time out per match.
.....Players arriving late will be placed at the end of the bench or will have to wait until their spot in rotation comes along on the bench.
.....If there are six or more players present a team must have six players on the court. A minimum of five players are required to play a legitimate game. Rotation of players is up to teams discretion. There must always be two females in the rotation. (not necessarily on the court).
.....Teams unable to floor a team after 10 minutes forfeit the 1ST game, after an additional 5 minutes, the 2ND game, and after 5 more minutes, the 3RD game.
.....New members shall be assigned to teams experiencing attendance problems.
.....For the first game of a match the team lowest in the standings serves first or a coin toss if tied, thereafter losing team serves first.
.....There is a maximum of five consecutive serves and at that time both teams rotate with no change of possession.
.....Due to our parity goal, mid-season trades are not to be ruled out.
.....Court courtesy is expected of all, e.g. rolling ball under net on loss of serve.
.....London Volleys is not adopting the rules instituted in 1995 by the Olympic committee.
.....Due to confidentiality no phone numbers or addresses of players will be given out by any of the organizers (so please dont ask)
.....To qualify for league awards members must participate in 50% of the games, for playoff awards participants are required to play 2 out of the 3 nights.
.....Gym doors shall be closed at all times.
.....Our contract stipulates that we are to vacate premises by 10:00 p.m.
.....Spectators of participants are the players responsibility.
.....Black bottom soled running shoes are not allowed.
.....To protect the facilities and organizers from liability suits minors will not be allowed on the premises.
.....Appointed teams are responsible for supplying LINES PEOPLE, SCORING, SETTING UP AND PUTTING AWAY EQUIPMENT.
.....Teams not handling designated assignments properly shall be penalized.
.....Designated scorers are responsible for delivering completed score sheets to the official scorekeeper, and announcing score upon changes of possession.
Last match of night use discretion when calling rally point want to finish just before 10:00