Welcome to the Bruce Yearian Home Page. Contents in this page will mainly deal withWeekly Hockey Association on the Internet. Also in this website will be information for the American Cyber Civil War, and wargaming in general. Enjoy the site when it becomes complete...and, please sign the guestbook!
I signed up on 04/13/98 21:36:49.
My interests are:
Wargaming, especially the American Civil War, and fantasy hockey.
I currently have several different projects going on. First, there is the Weekly Hockey Association, a fantasy hockey league that's been going on for 7 seasons. Second , a friend of mine, Dee Evans have been playing PanzerBlitz over e-mail, Third, I am working on a online wargame call War of the Royal Houses, this is based on Kingmaker and some house rules, and Fourth, coming in 2000, the Fanatsy Collegiate Football Association, a fantasy football league using NFL players and stats but, with a college feel.
In the WHA's 10th season, the Saskatchewan Roughriders won the WHA Championship, defeating the San Francisco Dragons in 6 gmaes.
The 2002-03 Season starts on October 9th
Email me at byearian@juno.com or byearian95@aol.com!
To visit the Homepage of the Weekly Hockey Assocaition, click Here
Links to other sites on the Web
WHA Homepage
Best Wargaming site on the net!
San Diego Seals Hockey Club
Trenches on the Web-World War I
My Family Photo Album
Check out my webpages and let me know. Send me an e-mail!!!
© 1997 byearian95@aol.com