Thank you for looking through my teaching portfolio, the culminating project for the 2001 University of Washington Teacher Education Program. I hope that by examining the entries I have written, you will be able to see my values and strengths as a teacher, as well as the enthusiastic and caring attitude I bring toward teaching. Please enjoy your portfolio tour!

Philosophy of Education

Entry Slip #1
Student Letters

Entry Slip #2
Classroom Management Plan
Problem Solving Form
Seating Chart
Class Meeting Reflections
Math Class Expectations and Procedures

Entry Slip #3
Lesson Plan
Video Transcript

Entry Slip #4
Prime Time Unit Plan

Entry Slip #5
Reflections On Student Meetings

Entry Slip #6
Mathematical Reflections
Student Conjectures

Entry Slip #7
Student Shadowing Paper

Entry Slip #8
Reflections On Homework

Program Goals & Learning Targets
