Crown Point Region Rage

Indiana AAU 14U Girls Basketball

[Swish Award Image] © 1996
Winner of the SWISH Award for        
Excellence in Covering Youth Basketball       

where the game should have been invented. 

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You are Basketball Enthusiast No.     to visit us since April 18, 1998.

Welcome... the home page of the Crown Point Region Rage 14U AAU Girls Basketball
web site.  Our team is a member of the Indiana Association AAU, the
association with the absolute
largest AAU girls basketball membership in the USA.

Our 1998 season concluded with the state tournament in June, but we will be
making some updates and changes as we progress toward the upcoming high school
season. Look for a complete overhaul before the 1999 AAU season begins next May.

Please visit all of our pages indexed below for a complete look at our team and a
look back at our 1998 schedule and game results/summaries.  After looking
us over, you might want to visit our links page for an extensive variety of sites about
Indiana girls (and boys) basketball, as well as other interesting basketball web sites.

If you're a regular visitor, check out our Updates & Special Features section below
for our latest new web site features, including changes and additions. During the high
school season, we will keep you updated about our players and how they
and their school teams are faring in high school play.

Lastly, PLEASE don't forget to sign our guest book before you leave to let us know that
you were here. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Player Roster & Profiles
  • Season Schedule
  • Game Summaries
  • Team Stats
  • MIT Report
  • Players to Watch
  • Message Board
  • Past Team Accomplishments
  • Sign Guestbook
  • View Guestbook
  • Links
  • E-Mail Us

    Region Rage Updates & Special Features
    thru August 6, 1998

    We are proud to announce our companion web site (drum roll, please), the Region Roundball Review, which will cover and promote Northwest Indiana high school girls basketball. The Review went public on August 5, 1998, and can be found at the entry page of this web site at There are a lot of features at this new site, including news, teams, players, games, interactive areas, links, and more. One of the more novel features is the Indiana Prep News Map, which has direct links to the sports sections of over 30 Indiana on-line newspapers. A great way to catch up on all of the stories the morning after the big games. Hope you'll come by and take a look. We think it's a keeper!

    We have posted Coach Cory Webster's 1998 AAU Season Summary with a recap of our season and Rage player performances. Here you will find Coach Webster's take on how we matched up with the competition and his opinion on how our players performed during the course of the recently-ended 1998 AAU season.

    Coach Webster has also ranked the Top 20 Players the Rage has faced over the course of the 1998 AAU season. Each player listed has a brief description of what Coach Webster feels are her special talents, and if known, which high school she will attend this fall so you can watch for our Top 20 opponents during the upcoming high school season.

      We recently revamped our Message Board Area to include a handy navigation bar for our visitors to join in on the discussion about a variety of basketball topics at everyone's favorite Indiana prep basketball forums. This is especially helpful for those Hoosier basketball nuts who have to get their daily fix of the latest scuttlebutt on the teams, players and coaches in Indiana. This seems to be a popular feature with our regular visitors because that area is getting some pretty consistent traffic. A GREAT bookmark to have on those days when you don't have much time at the computer!

      Our Region Rage Links Notebook was last updated on July 28, 1998, to include the most interesting basketball links we have found from Indiana and elsewhere. All links include a short description so you can target your visits to match your interests.

      We continue to be the host site of the official report on the Michigan Belles Memorial Invitational Tournament held at Michigan State University over the 1998 Memorial Day weekend. See the MIT Report, which includes playoff and pool play results, All-MIT Players selection, and information about this year's and next year's MIT.


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    [Team Stats] [Players to Watch] [Past Accomplishments] [Links Notebook]
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