only pitstop on the net where you can find anything and everything related
to the man called Doomer.
need the following:
frames capable browser.***
an interest in one of mine.***
an IQ of above 5 may be needed.***
Above is the best working metal mp3 linkz around! No scam!
Added a Interactive section with a MP3 album
poll, and an MP3 page, go vote now!
I changed the midi today, I added a linkz page,
updated the E-wrestling Feuds page and ...uhh ...I'll do some more stuff
later. L8R!
Ok, is up (don't know for how
long) but tell all your friends. (heh) The animations section is updated
with all my SFPWXP animations, as is the E-wrestling section, so check
those out, sign the guestbook, and have a happy life!
Well, I am shipping the webpage to
in a few days, (THANKS ALEX!!!!) and hopefully that will work out,
and more than the daily 2 people can see the page :) I still only have
the midis, animations, and guestbook up, so go check them out, I'm working
on my e-wrestling page as we speak. Also, the 3d Animations section
has been updated. CYA!
Doomer doom efed ewrestling e-fed animations 3d poser video wrestling animation midi music midis limp biskit metallica rammstein sepultura pantera slayer doomsday guestbook webpage home hardcore extreme power domain wrestle DOOM 2000 D2 Horseme
All images, pages, and anything
else on this webspace is the property of Doomer (Brian Hahn) and may not
be used anywhere else, unless permission is attained. Just ask dudes!n