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Dedicated to finding the most efficient and effective ways to prepare athletes for competition
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Fall 2000
The 2000 Motor City Strength & Conditioning Clinic was a huge success again, thanks to the support of our members. We had over 100 people show up to hear some of the finest strength coaches in the region speak about what they know best. If you were unable to attend, we video taped the entire clinic, and it should be ready very soon. The cost of the video will be $40, and you can get more information about it by e-mailing me at kielbaso@aol.com
Since the response has been so good, we are now in the planning stages
for the 2001 Motor City Strength & Conditioning Clinic. If you
have any suggestions for this year's clinic (speakers, topics, dates, etc.),
please let me know as soon as possible, so we can host the best event possible.
In an effort to provide all of you with quality information, I have
created a new web site called TotalCoaching.com
that is a source of information for all sport coaches and trainers.
The site contains numerous articles about training and coaching, and I'm
sure that all of you would find much of the information very interesting.
You may even want to contribute. So, if you are looking for more
information about strength & conditioning, please think of TotalCoaching.com
as an extension of this site.
Building this web site
While the process of building this site continues to progress, I am very interested in posting original articles written by professionals in the field. The content of the articles can be whatever interests you the most. Please submit articles or announcements to me at kielbaso@aol.com
I have received a few e-mails from various people interested in posting articles, so I expect this site to begin growing very soon. Please bookmark the site and check back often for new postings. If you have suggestions as to what you'd like to see here, please let me know.
I am also interested in posting
job announcements, clinic information, exam dates or anything related.
If you have information that you would like to post here, please contact