Kips Bay Basketball


The Sports United Benevolent Officials Association (SUBOA) is a not-for-profit organization, not affiliated with any basketball governing body, that has been preparing men and women to enter the vocation of basketball officiating for over thirty years. Current members and past graduates officiate on the NBA, NCAA, JUCO and High School levels. It is considered by many to be the number one coed referee development and training program in the country.

The SUBOA New Applicants Program (SNAP) is designed specifically to train men and women as basketball officials. SNAP is comprised of three distinct parts, beginning in September and running through June of the following year. The class runs for approximately 35 weeks.

The next class begins Saturday, September 12, 1998
Registration - 9 AM
Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club
1930 Randall Avenue & White Plains Road
(718) 893-8254 x229
Enrollment Limited - Registration closes 9/26/98


SNAP is a nine month coed program that includes

Part One

The first part focuses on the rules, language and definitions of basketball, using High School Federation Basketball Rules, in preparation for the IAABO written Rules Examination given the last Monday of November. Part One is classroom lecture with oral and visual presentations, weekly quizzes, and a final examination formatted in the same style as the IAABO Exam.

Part Two

The second part of the course covers Federation/IAABO Table and Floor mechanics and all SNAP participants are required to be in full uniform for the classes. Sessions are scheduled before the classroom session and are designed to integrate floor skills with classroom knowledge. This is a highly interactive component held which allows SNAP participants to work on the court.
SUBOA also provides SNAP applicants pre-instruction in preparation for this class beginning two to three weeks after the start of rules instruction (Part One). Attendance is voluntary for pre-instruction and mandatory for Part Two Floor instruction.

Part Three

In the third session, or practical component, students will officiate basketball games. This session begins in January/February and all participants are videotaped and evaluated immediately after floor work.


Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club Dunlevy Milbank Center
1930 Randall Avenue 14-32 W. 118th Street
Bronx, NY 10473 New York, NY
(718) 893-8254 x229 (212) 996-1716
September 12, 1998 - January 1999 February 1999 - June 1999
Saturdays, 9 AM - 2 PM Saturdays, 10:30 AM - 6 PM

Both sites have activities available for children

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Contact: Charles I. Lloyd
69-30 186 Lane Apt. 3C
Fresh Meadows, New York 11365
(800) 282- 2331

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Last Updated September 16, 1998

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