Fumi - 08/29/00 12:42:36
My URL:http://marron.sguc.ac.jp/~max/

Bonjour! fumichin desu! Je suis Japonaise. genki? mata HP wo up load shita node asobi ni kite ne!!^^ Fumichin yori.

Frances - 11/27/99 08:36:48
My URL:/Area51/Quadrant/6828
My Email:hippo_pj@yahoo.com
ICQ # (if applicable): 43140558

Nice site! Please visit mine =) I live in Vancouver too!! Maybe we can chat sometime... Laters.

Trent T - 11/27/99 01:26:48
My URL:http://trentthomson.cjb.net
My Email:thomsont@student.jpc.qld.edu.au

I thought this site was good, but I would like it if you could post Pokemon Red, Blue and Pikachu editions on to this site. Also, where is the No$GMB Emulator?

H. Claborn - 03/25/99 18:26:17
My Email:wclaborn@yahoo.com


kevin graham - 03/14/99 12:39:45
My Email:grahamk @sprintca.com


jim w - 02/20/99 18:58:18
My Email:gostridr55

just checking out the ufo sites been enterested all my life behind the seen for some resone it burnt in my mind

jim w - 02/20/99 18:55:19


James - 02/19/99 06:26:02
My Email:halfpipe75@hotmail.com
ICQ # (if applicable): 6416605

Cool Page man!

Pekkle623 - 02/06/99 07:54:49
My Email:macy21hello@gtemail.net

cool page! chat ya L8R sk8R! :)

jon - 11/20/98 09:51:23
My Email:jonathancruz50@hotmail.com

nice page justin i found it finally

James Haggerty - 09/11/98 02:09:24
My URL:http://wwp.mirabilis.com/4894817
My Email:haggy@marktwain.net
ICQ # (if applicable): 4894817


- 07/18/98 12:23:56


Just so u know. - 06/24/98 22:24:27

That Y2K thing u have on your site. Well it only applies to computers runing Microsoft Operating Systems (OS) Other OS's such as SunOS, BeOS, and MacOS are uneffected by the 2000 "bug". Please feel free to provide this info so as not all ppl think there e fected. Good day! =)

Zigs *©®Ãz¥ Gï®L** - 06/15/98 07:22:50
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/t/h/a/thamesz.html
My Email:ziggy198@juno.com
ICQ # (if applicable): N/A

Hey there Bud! *grinz* Well I like your page...its the one place I know I can get info bout just about any sport I'm curious about! *smiles* Keep up the good work! :)

Acid in Wonderland (Kels) - 05/18/98 21:57:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/1redhead/1redhead.html
My Email:kspence@compu2000.com

Hey XTREME! *huggggers* See, I told ya I'd be here! Cool page you've set up here, I like it...seen mine yet? *L* Anyway, take good care and keep in touch, hun! :O)

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