I want to welcome all you fans of the ladies man that makes them sore and keeps them coming back for more, I am the one ,the only, and the beautiful Mr. Big Stuff. I am currently one half of the Ultimate Championship Wrestling Tag Team Champions along with my partner The Latin Lover, who by the way has his very own website like myself. This site is still under construction so check back more often to see when it is open if you people have the sense to operate a computer. I will have features on this site like my appearance schedule so you people can come see greatness at its best as well as beauty, my bio, my past titles, pictures so you women can fantasize about me even more now, as well as other stuff but you people have to be patient. So let it be and let it come to past, quote the stuff evenmore.
Mr. Big Stuff's Insult-O-Matic (This is the only feature open right now so you fans can get insulted by one of the best mouths in the business, go check it out.)
Stuff's Place (Commentary)
Stuff's Links (want a link to this site send it to me or my webmaster).
Famous Stuff Quotes
This is a picture of me (I am the one in the pink and black trunks, you know the beautiful one) ,my partner The Latin Lover, and our manager Humphry J. DuPont IV!
Mr. Big Stuff
From every womans dream and every mans nightmare!
(NOTE: I want to thank Robert Royal personally for helping me out with this website. I owe you one, I just might start thinking about getting you a spot in Big and Beautiful.Ha, Ha, FAT chance but thank you for helping me out.)
NOTE: All of this is still under construction, I only have one thing up so far.
Here is a picture of me and my partner The Latin Lover beating the hell out of those sardine breath smelling pieces of human waste The Bushwhackers. We won of course because we are the greatest and you know why, Lover's big and I'm beautiful and your not. If you have a problem with that I will smack the ugliness off your face personally. Have a nice day.
The one, the only star,
Mr. Big Stuff
Links to other sites on the Web
Hypecentral Wrestling (Robert Royal and El Suicidio Nino's Homepage)
Sexsisto's Place (Home of my tag team partner The Latin Lover)
Ultimate Championship Wrestling
Anarchy Inc. (Riot and Carnage)
Whoo Wrestling
Neil Sharkey (Manager of Champions)
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