Dedicated to the Oak Ridge Boys

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Open House is just a couple of days away check back for a special section after June 19th



The first new Gospel in 25 years -- From the Heart CD now available

Click here to order the CD online or hear clips

If you don't have yours run don't walk to your nearest store to get your copy -- 

AWESOME doesn't begin to describe this CD.


Last updated June 07, 2001 08:53 PM



I wanted to create a page to honor the greatest quartet to ever step up to a microphone. I have been a Fan of the Oak Ridge Boys for most of my life. I loved them as a gospel group long before Elvira and Bobbie Sue hit the airwaves.

This page is just a small way to say thank you to them for all the love and happiness that they spread every time they step on a stage.

I am sure that all you ladies out there will agree that they are without question the four sexiest Grandpa's we will ever have the pleasure of watching.

To the "Boys" thanks and God Bless. We Love YOU!!!!







Click on Picture to go to Biography Page

Joe Bonsall Duane Allen William Lee Golden

Richard Sterban










February 3, 2001 was a day we had been looking forward to for months. For me it was the first time to get to see The Oak Ridge Boys in concert for almost ten years.

Excitement was in the air when we arrived at Silver Springs on Saturday morning. Unfortunately that isn't all that was in the air. Rain was threatening on the horizon. About 20 minutes before time for them to hit the stage it started to drizzle. But even that couldn't dampen the enthusiasm to get to see them again. Thanks for a great show guys!!!




A Shot from the back of the crowd (according to the sponsoring Radio Station -- over 9000 strong) there to support our Oak Ridge Boys On Stage At Silver Springs





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Terri Anderson Webmaster

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