Mighty Oaks
Mighty Oaks
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William Lee
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Attach Music
No Music
Marriage of Figaro (Mozart)
Beetlejuice Theme
Bohemian Rapsody (Queen)
Circus March
Classic Dixieland
Don't worry, be happy! (B. McFerrin)
God Father Theme (N.Rota)
Golden Eye Theme
Good, Bad and Ugly (E.Morricone)
Hotel California (Eagles)
Hound Dog (Elvis)
James Bond 007 Theme
Kind of Magic (Queen)
Lullaby of Birdland
Moon River (H.Mancini)
Muppets Title Theme
New York, New York
Only You
Pink Panther Theme (H.Mancini)
Pretty Woman
Roll Over Beethoven (Ch. Berry)
Show must go on (Queen)
Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
US folk medley
We are the Champions (Queen)
We are the World (S. Wonder)
Wiener Waltz (J. Strauss)
Wedding March (Mendelson)
X-files Theme (M.Snow)
Yesterday (Beatles)
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