Muhammad Ali. a page about the greatest MUHAMMAD ALI if you dont know who Muhammad Ali is then its time you found out Ali was the badest muhammad Ali boxer to ever grace the boxing world muhammad ali was and always will be Muhammad ali the greatest. boxing owes muhammad a lot Ali walked with his head high. muhammad Ali is the heavyweight champion of boxing. boxers like Sonny liston, joe frazier all tried to dominate Muhammad Ali but Ali was to fast ad muhammad Ali showed them all about the boxing ring the greatest muhammad Ali people like mike tyson will never be the Muhammad ali of the ring evander holyfield is a good example of what muhammad ali wants boxers to be like

Open since July 1998. I am not Muhammad Ali and I dont know how to reach him

Looking for some of the badest boxing Photos on the web? Then you have come to the right place man. Check out the Photo section and punch your way through round after round of Ali pics. After you're done with that don't forget to read the champs pro record and find out which suckers got whooped by the greatest boxer ever. We have put together a links page that offers some of the hottest boxing/Ali related sights on the net so if you up to the challenge go for it! We will be adding more pics and an Essay page about the importance of Muhammad Ali so be sure and book mark this page as it will be updated regularly. Also this page is under some construction so if you feel you have some input about some aspect of Ali that we are neglecting, e-mail us and we'll get right on it.

The Boxing Ring <>This Boxing Ring site is owned by Erik Gonzalas.
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cassius clay boxing Ali heavyweight and heavyweights Muhammad Ali was a boxer from a Nation of Islam boxers love muhammad ali because he was cassius clay befor he was muhammad ali fights and muhammad ali can make boxers likesonny liston and Joe Frazier cant stop Muhammad Ali boxing needs people ike muhammad Ali to box in the boxing ring cassius clay became muhammad ali with the x it was a muhammad ali story and title