Ryan Klesko, Will You Marry Me?

Hi everyone! I started a new job about the same time that I created this page and I haven't had as much time to devote to it (you don't believe me?) as I'd like. I hope to make improvements and add more things as the year goes along. I also want to say that I'm tickled at the wonderful response this page has received. I've had a great time making it and as a result, meeting other fans. And really, guys, I'm NOT obsessed. I'd also like to thank "Choptalk" for including this page in one of their recent issues. :) Anyway, on to the page.....

Well, for crying out loud! A girl thinks things are going her way and in ONE moment it all changes! They traded him! THEY TRADED HIM! How upset am I? Does a bear....well, wait--that's not quite right.... Anyway, *deep sigh* I guess it won't be TOO hard to start watching the *hard swallow* Padres when the Braves aren't playing. Or hey, let's just pretend this never happened. I think I'll simply refuse to change the background and just pretend it NEVER happened. So there!

Ok, so I have a teeny tiny obsession with Ryan Klesko. What can I say? I simply adore him and would probably sell my soul for one minute...no wait, five, FIVE minutes alone with him. I know he's got a girlfriend but I live in a little state called Denial; maybe you've heard of it? :)

I love baseball and I've been a Braves fan all of my life (yes, even through the rough years). Come to think of it, it may be against the law here in Georgia not to like them. Imagine my delight when they signed Ryan. *dreamy sigh* Imagine my disdain when they traded him!

Anyway, this is going to be the place where I let my obses...um, love and adoration loose. If you're a sports fanatic and you thought you were getting a statistics page you were wrong. :o) Kidding, I plan on covering all the bases. ;o) This page is still new and I'm adding things every week, hang in there with me while I develop it. Welcome in!

Click Here For Photos of Me & Ryan

Reasons Why Ryan Should Be With Me

Serious Links For Braves Fans

Ryan's Stats

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Some of you people are just so mean! This page was made to create smiles only, just a silly little site that I made in my spare time. I've no intention of hunting Ryan down. I never thought when I made this page that I would actually have to say this, but OF COURSE the pictures are fake! I can't believe how many people have bothered to tell me that they can "tell" the photos are fake. Whiners. And for everyone else, thank you. I'm glad this page made you laugh. That was the intention in the first place. Oh, one more thing: all you silly girls need to quit signing my book telling me how much you love him, blah, blah, blah. He's MINE. :)

DISCLAIMER (of sorts): I'm sorry if anyone "important" is offended by the hacking job of the photos. I tried to find the original owners. If you own any of the pictures and would like them removed I will gladly *grumble* do so. AND, on the slim chance that Ryan or anyone associated with him is bothered by the page I'll remove it.

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