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WELCOME (Russian) WELCOME (English)

I'm Yuri from Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine Welcome to Ukraine . (from country of ...). If you have no idea where is that, it's one of the many countries from the former USSR, the capital is Kiev (to say truth, it's a wonderful city to visit). :-) Well, I'm 37 y.o., but this is no big deal. I'm very happy to see you on my page. I want to say "thanks a lot" to my dear friend Larry for the help in the correction of this page. I'm Sagittarius, because I was born in December. I work at a bank now as an economist and don't want to say anything about my job, and if you are really interesting, you can look at my resume page. So, let me say a little about myself with some questions. And if you would like to know me better, feel free to check out my other pages that are represented as the links at the left from these words.

Height : 5'11'' (179 cm)
Weight : 165 lbs (75 kg)
Marital Status : single
Favourite clothes : jeans and shirt
Favourite colour : gray
Favourite book : War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
Favourite movie : Dumb & Dumber with Jim Carrey In Association with In Association with
Favourite Food : condensed milk
Favourite drinks : orange juice, vodka
Sports :
soccer, basketball, Table Tennis ...

...and I like sports, jazz and rock music, reading  and hanging out with friends. Oh sorry, I've forgotten to say about computers. Of course, I like them a lot, because it's a wonderful chance for me to see you here and to chat with very nice people from all over the world through mIRC (it's an Internet Relay Chat Client). You can check out the latest versin of this great software at , but it's only for a PC-based platform.

LifeAnd finally, if you want to understand me better, take a look at one of my projects. I hope you'll understand what I wanted to say there... I've made it with Corel Photo-Paint 8. To say truth, I like Corel's software so much...and when I was making this image I was listening to great Deep Forest's CD "Boheme". Hope you will like it.... :-)

Heat devilsBefore I advise you to check Amazon, I want to tell you that I have a really good friend in the USA, Daniel Puckett. He's written a remarkable novel named Heat Devils Perfect style, remarkable plot... I've read it already. Maybe it will be much more interesting for you to read the novel, not published yet and not accessible to all. I hope you'll like it. And... pass to him the best regards from Yuri. :-)

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