Your Comments
There are a heap of great comments here at the moment - make sure you read them all!
Mail your comments HERE.
Well, Like most of you True Blue Roosters supporters I was shattered at today's result,
still I am very proud of our team. Congratulations goes to Gus and the team, considering the
injuries and the venues we have played at recently, I personally feel we gave it our best.
Thank you Team for a good year, where you entertained us with some fantastic football,
sure there were some off games, but as a whole...................You guy's were great !!
And thank you for a fantastic site, at the beginning of the year I had three Rooster sites on
my favourites list, you are the only one remaining. You guy's consistently update your site,
and keep all of us fans up to speed with the latest. Supplying all of us with travel details is
also fabulous, keep up the great work, you have won us.
Bruce, Keri, Shelby and Bradley
Thanks a lot for your support throughout the year to all fans that visit the site. Its been great.
Wishing all Sydney City fans the best of luck today.We shall be on the
sideline taking photographs and at the press conference after the the
game,will give you an update tomorrow what the coaches said.
Good Luck.
Gary Roberts
Rugby League Coaching Magazine
Something very special will happen over the next two weeks. That game against
Newcastle, the sheer guts and hunger (not to mention class)displayed by our
champions, made it a game I'll savour in my memory for many years to come. It
was the day this great football club came to terms with just how good it really
is. It was the day it really believed in itself. I really believe all the guys
have bonded together in a very special way during this semis series. They are
really playing for each other, and I really believe they're playing for their
fans.The scenes at the end of the Newcastle match when the players embraced with
fans were very special. As a football club we've really been drawn together over
the last few weeks. The adversity of having to play away games has provoked so
many associated with the club to be vocal about the way our club has been
treated. While the whole business of away games hasn't particularly helped our
cause, the positive to come out of it is that everyone associated with the club
has been brought closer together.
The fans are right behind the team, but you get the feeling that the team is
right behind the fans too. Come the 27th of September we'll all be together at
the club (after we've won the Grand Final), and we're gonna party till we drop.
GOOD LUCK TO THE BOYS AND TO GUS. It would mean so much to so many if you could
win the premiership this year.
Eric Louca
Just a note to say that the message from 'Adam' about norman's message
wasn't from me, Adam Gibson. Though I slightly agree with 'Adam's' comment,
I reckon Norman has made some good measured points over the season and he
has a point about Clark. Just wanted to make that clear, see ya.
Shane Edwards now is critising the judicary system that super league
(crap) made because Peter Ryan has been suspended for 3 weeks. Sorry
Shane but perhaps it was Peter Ryan's "great record" that resulted in
his suspension. Come on the Roosters!!! Adrian Lam and Matt Sing will
show the Broncos what true Queenslanders are made of.
You always seem to want to blame someone. For last years loss you blamed Garlick and this
year you are already blaming someone before the game has started. If we are good enough
to win we will. Don't blame the ref before the game even starts. You will give us Roosters
supporters a bad reputation as whingers. Try and be more positive about our great side.
Keep your negative thoughts to yourself.
Too right.
Hi Guys
Just a quick note to say thanks for all your hard work this year.
You a a credit to the team.
Sam G
To put a positive spin on the upcoming game against the Broncos, I am but one SE QLd
based fanatic who is tickled pink to be able to share and participate in what will be a
glorious win this Saturday. Don't forget that we are ALWAYS deprived of the Grand Final
and you Sydneysiders will have the honour of cheering the Red, White and Bluesters in the
biggest game of all!! We will do you all proud by showing up in droves for this game. It
seems to me that with all the griping going on, perhaps some of you feel that our season
ends this Saturday?! It is but a stepping stone, so relax, for the glory of a Grand Final berth
will be yours to experience! We are a far better team than Parramatta and if the Eels can do it
twice in one year at ANZ, so will we. Good luck inparticular to Adrian and Matt....QUEENSLANDERS!!!!
(on behalf of all Queensland based Roosters fans!)
Looks like the Roosters are doomed as Clark is the ref and he is
useless and favours S/league aligned clubs he was the ref that Gus had a
blue with Stone about after the game against Saints .Clark should never
have high profile games as he is so one eyed it is not funny.I have
given up hope now and unless there is a drastic change even with his bad
decisions against Newcastle he will be getting the ANZ game and just
about spells the end of The Roosters not because of their abilities but
bad referee bias against us.
I am not trying to be positive but with Clark I feel
dejected and frustrated and cannot be confident as I was before this
news in 15/9/98 Telegraph .Go the Roosters and wlll need a lot of luck
against Clark plus Broncos side that makes it 14 on their side.
Nothing will stop us this year. Not even the referees!
Even though It's a moot point, I'd like to say that having been a Roosters Fan for 25 years
and having spent close to a Quarter of Million dollars going to 95% of the games they've
had, I've seen every facet of the Roosters history from being on the verge of playing at
Snape Park in the late 80's and early 90's, when we could only get hasbeens like Paul Vautin
as Captain and the 'Dark' days under Mark Murray, when we were being beaten by Souths.
Now that we've got players like Ivan Cleary, Lammy and Brad Fittler and the real coach of
the year Phil Gould, the only team that seems able to beat us is the N.R.L. board.
Peter Robinson
We Rooster fans in Sydney haven't had one chance to see our team play. We
all know that. And now, with the game being confirmed to be played at ANZ on
Saturday, we're not even going to be able to watch the game live on TV in
Sydney !!!!!!!!!!!!! Channel nine is not broadcasting it live!!! What a
bloody rip-off. Surely they could broadcast it live in Sydney after all the
publicity about us not being able to watch the Roosters in action. I can't
believe it, how short-sighted and crap is that?!?!?
Adam Gibson
"The NRL's Email address is not on their website, along with anything
else you would like to
know about Rugby League. In fact it is one of the most useless websites
on the internet."
I couldn't have said it better myself. I will admit that besides being
an avid league follower (of the mighty Roosters of course) I also follow
the AFL (pity the Swans lost least the Roosters are still
there). The NRL could learn alot from the AFL in terms of running a
national sporting competition. I think a very simple comparison, yet one
which shows up the huge difference between the 2 organisations is their
respective offical websites ( and If you
haven't already, I strongly suggest you take a look at both and see the
difference for yourself. The NRL may as well not even bother having a
website if its going to look like it does right now. And that is just
the tip of the iceberg.
Hell, I could probably make a better website than the NRL one myself,
and I sure as hell know that if Rooster and Butts had the chance, they
could too. Keep up the great work guys....and GO THE MIGHTY ROOSTERS!!!
Mike Benjamin
We'd love to do the NRL website!
It appears like a case of the NRL catering totally to suit the Broncos, Well what about the Roosters !! They can try everything to help the Broncos out but if Melbourne doesn't smash Brisbane, the Roosters will. GO THE MIGHTY ROOSTERS !!!!!
Can anyone tell me where to find the email address on the NRL page. I can't
seem to find it. It seems to me that the NRL do not want to hear what
digruntled fans are thinking. It's not only chooks fans, anybody can see
how blantantly obvious the Bronco's bias is. I don't disagree that Brisbane
people deserve a semi, but it should be the semi that is set down for
Brisbane, ie Parramatta v Newcastle or Canterbury, (this may draw more than
the Bronco's last weekend). If Sydneysiders are asked to attend Melbourne v
Brisbane its not unreasonable for the good people of Brisbane to watch thr
Parra semi. If the NRL insist on swapping semi's, commonsense would have
had them swap the Melb v Bris game up there this week and Parra v Newc /
Cant to Sydney newt week.
I might be suspicious but the NRL would not want to upset Mr Ribot's
Melbourne side. Tell me, who do you think really won the war.
The NRL's Email address is not on their website, along with anything else you would like to know about Rugby League. In fact it is one of the most useless websites on the internet. But the address is
I am 46 yrs old and have followed the roosters since I was six and that win
against the knights was no doubt the greatest win I have witnessed, even
better than any win I had seen in Kevin Junee's or Artie's days, and that's
some wrap!!!!!!!! Congatulations guys, it really takes a lot of guts, not
to mention skill, to come from 15 points down and win so convincingly,
especially against a team like Newcastle at Newcastle. Congrats to Phil
Gould as well and keep up the great work all of you. I grew up in Bondi
(Tamarama) and played for the Bondi Sharks and watched your team for a one
paticular season in the sixties, when the Roosters didn't win one game, but
I still turned up week after week, so as you can see, our team means a lot
to me. You guys can and will do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have lived on the Sunshine Coast since 1972 and go to any game that you
are playing whether it be in Brisbane, Gold Coast or even at the Hiatt at
Coolum. I now take my son Jay (14) who unfortunatly follows the Brumbies
but it makes an interesting trip home, especially when you guys win.
If you do happen to be playing the Brumbies in Brisbane there will at least
be one avid supporter cheering you home.........Good luck Roosters, Your on
target and keep your focus.
Love watchin ya play
Ron "Roosta" Sorrell
To all my fellow ROOSTERS supporters.
What the hell is happening to rugby league ?
When you have idiots like BD BD BD BABBLING NEIL WHITAKER running
the game.
We should all get together and storm NRL headquarters like a
NWO HOLLYWOOD AMBUSH and voice our oppinion and disapointment
of the way they change the rules to suit the BRISBANE DRONGOS .
Never mind i will be at ANZ to watcth freddy and the boys
smash those
brisbane drongos.
But first they have to beat the storm { I HOPE THEY SMASH THE
OF EACH OTHER} while we can sit back and relax and further more
does this
mean if the DRONGOS win and make it to the grand final {which
i doubt}
they will have the game in BRISBANE.
Any way all i can say is GO YOU MIGHTY ROOSTERS we have been
waiting a long time for this {but not as long as NORTH SYDNEY).
I`d just like to say What a disgrace
changing Matches to suit the Broncos.
what more do we have to do, play Arsenal in London
go you mighty Roosters
East to win
Dear Niel Whittaker.
I am sending you this message in the hope that we will be able to bring to
your attention some facts regarding the Sydney City Roosters Semi Finals
Run. As you are aware we have had to travel far in order to play our games.
We have not complain as we knew this was what was required of us by
finishing sixth. We have won both our games and know we understand that if
Brisbane win this weekend we will have to play in Brisbane at ANZ stadium.
It is unfair that we will still have to travel even though we are
undefeated in the Semi's. In AFL iIf the Swans had lost this weekend and
the West Coast Eagles won, the game would be play in Perth because Sydney
had lost the right to play at home. Looks like that's something else they
have got right, which we seemed to have missed.
As you can imagine i a a great follower of the Roosters, I am a season
ticket holder,& I am a member of the Leagues club.My first experience with
league was at the age of 5 ,when my my father who was an immigrant held me
aloft his shoulders in 1975 as we watched the triumphant roosters parade
down oxford street after winning back to back premierships & I defend both
my team and the great game of league, every time people from other codes
try to bring it down.
I have heard the arguments for and against, and by any normal standards it
is quite apparent that the Roosters Fans are being hard done buy.You said
this year was the year the game went back to the fans. The NRL slogan "I
LOVE MY FOOTY" does not sway with us, when we are told that Brisbane love
it more than we do. Graham Annesley said on the Continous Call that they
had a commitment to the second largest League City in Australia.I agree,
however why must this game involve the Broncos.Just like this weekend we
will watch three out of town teams play in Sydney, why cant the Brisbane
fans watch to Sydney teams play on ANZ Stadium? Then i ask, why must it be
played at ANZ stadium? Lang Park has always been the traditional home of
League in Brisbane. I think it is because that is the amount of influence a
Brisbane team has ove the NRL.
You tell us this is the year of unification and reconciliation, but the
hornets nest you have stirred up has split the the League world again.The
war is over you tell us,there were no winners you said, the game has
suffered you said, you may however forgive us for think we may have lost.
There are only so many times that the fans wiil get up after being knocked
down, and this could be one time to many.
As for the weekend, it seems ironic that Melbourne will meet Brisbane at
the SFS because I can tell you for sure that the whole of the surrounding
area, namely the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney will be cheering on the
Melbourne Storm, in some hope that we will get some justice on the field if
you are unwilling to help our plight.
Kindest Regards
Sam Guerrera
Rooster Fan & Friend
To Neil Whittaker,
Yes another one of these e-mails! This is just a quick note to support
Sydney City's General Manager Richard Fisk, who I believe recently wrote
you a letter to officially protest the manner in which the supporters are
being treated.
I did not go to Melbourne so I can not comment, however, I did make the
trip to Newcastle and honestly I was discussed. Firstly I was one of the
lucky Roosters fans who got one of the 500 tickets allocated through the
club, I made the phone call at 9.25 am on Tuesday morning, knowing full
well that the tickets would sell very quickly. Even then I was told that
there was only 100 left.
I arrived at Newcastle at 5.15 pm, in time to watch the President's cup
game, we found the area at the Southern End that had been allocated to us
and took up the best position that we could. I was surprised to see
fencing all around us and 6 security guards stationed at each end. About
45 minutes before the first grade game we starting getting a lot of verbal
abuse from the Newcastle crowd, some of the younger male fans stood
directly above us and were very rode, only after several complaints were
made were they moved on. 30 minutes before the game started our caged area
became full, but there were still 40 or so more ticket holders to fit in,
everyone squeezed up, but there was no way everyone was going to fit. Some
of the younger fans sat on the concrete steps, but some of the older fans
(some in there 60's, & 70's) refused, and I believe at least 3 fans turned
round and went back to Sydney.
The area behind us was cleared just before the game started, because the
abuse had become very personal. It got to the stage were my friend who is
here from the UK suggested we should leave before things became ugly. I
refused saying "don't worry this is Australia, not the UK!" Well it did
not end there, once the game got started it stared to rain, but it was not
raining; as well as spit they through empty beer cans, boxes of hot chips
and worst of all a smoke bomb. The two idiots who through the bomb were
apprehended and escorted from the ground. Once the second half kicked off
things did turn around. Firstly we started to make a lot of noise and the
26,000 Newcastle crowd started to go very quiet. The boys showed the crowd
who was in control and we had no more major problems.
As a Roosters fan I am discussed at the way we have been treated through
out the finals series. I do not mind travelling to away games, but I do
like to get a seat where we can see a little of the game and were our lives
are not being threatened.
You say in your article in the Big League that Brisbane deserves a finals
match, that you have given a 4-1 ratio in favour of Sydney. Well I am not
sure if you have noticed, but Sydney has many more teams and many more
supporters. You gave Brisbane two State of Origin matches; you have also
given them the only test match to be played in Australia. That works out
to be a 3-1 advantage to Brisbane in representative games!!! In two years
time when NZ will again get two test matches and we get one, I wonder who
will get the test match. Will Brisbane also get two out of the three State
of Origin games?
At the NRL it is your job to sell the game of Rugby League – it is up to
the fans of Rugby League to buy the product. So far you are failing
miserably– if I were your employer I would be looking for someone who was a
much better sales person!
Yours truly,
Brenda McDonough
Fellow Roosters,
Sure, it's bitterly disappointing that we are having to play our third straight final away from
Sydney. But no matter who we play on that Sunday we will kick ass. I have no fear of
Brisbane. We will be the premiers this year and we will show the NRL that nothing they do
will take this premiership away from its rightful owners, 'THE MIGHTY ROOSTERS'.
The one thing that nobody's mentioned that this idiotic home and away semi final bullshit is
that the crowds are way down, at the SFS its always nearly full .Which proves once and for
all that Murdock lead cronies Ribot,Moore,Johns, Daley,Neil,so called vision to spread the
game was lead by a blind man. Sydney is the capital of league -end of story.These people
should be ousted before they do any more damage including all NRL staff, get the old heads
back in there to fix it upI.Six of my close friends have sworn never to watch another league
game again .Thanks a lot NRL.
I'm a diehard roosters fan and although it seems unfair to play the brocos game at the ANZ
spare a thought for us rooster fans who live here. I would love to see the roosters game on
the 19th in Qld.
Well, I'm sorry to say that that is about the only positive point in playing the game at ANZ.
I think this is the foremost Rugby League site on the web... (Who cares
that there is only one true team). A little observation though, some of
the photos are really big files that take ages to load. If you would
like I can help you get them to be the same quality but smaller size. I
hope you don't mind!!!
Peter Ross
Ok. We'll see what we can do.
I have vented my anger and written on Newsgroup heading NRL (NO RULE
JOKERS) all Roosters fans should flood it and say we want games played
as scheduled on Sunday at SFS not swapped to suit Broncos at ANZ.
Norman Bwa
Too right.
Hi my name is Alan Ryan and I am a keen supporter of Rugby League in
England. My home town team is Workington Town and without any doubt the
best front row forward I have ever seen at Derwent Park was the big man
himself James Pickering. I have followed his career in Australia as best
I could Via the Rugby League Express and the Ausie games we sometimes
see on Sky TV. The thing is I haven't heared anything of Big Jim for a
while and I was wondering what he is up to these days. I am hoping he
hasn't picked up yet another bad injury and would be grateful if you
could give me any information about Jim. There are a lot of people in
Workington who would like to hear an update from Jim and if nothing else
we would like to send our best wishes.
Best of luck for the future James and good luck to the Roosters.
ps. Did I hear right that you've just beaten The Knights in the play
offs. If so well done Roosters.
Well, James joined the Roosters this year from the Canterbury Bulldogs, since then he has played some first grade and reserve grade for the Roosters and has been going along quite well.
this site is heaos good just like the roosters!!! you all need to really look
deep inside you and see whether it's going to be do or die! you need to get
the crowds up ,so everyone thats not getting out there behind the roosters get
out there, it's no use sitting watching the game at home the NRL board doesn't
know that you care about their survival if you don't get out there...i know
that easts aren't the biggest merger topic but you need to look out for the
future...who will your kids support???
Great Win!Fletch and Freddy are the best!!!!!!
Martin Fisher
Thanks NRL..... and I actually thought that the game might be run fairly
and professionally... three semi's and it looks like I won't get the
chance to view a roosters game first hand. Furthermore they have put
another stumbling block in our way to a grand final. Brisbane don't
deserve another game, they lost and they lost in front of a poor
game... No wonder people are going to watch the swans. Even if the
Roosters get up against Brisbane (the logical winners next week), what
are my chances of getting a grand final ticket? Bugger all as the
number of tickets given to corporations and season ticket holders is so
large. But who am I to complain, I've only been going to roosters games
for the last 25 years supporting the club and the league... Come on
Roosters fans, get angry!
Remember - Ring the NRL (02) 9339 8500. The Roosters club are doing their best, you do yours. Ring up and complain.
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